Grade 9 Reading Professional skills.

Додано: 1 грудня 2024
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
10 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text

 What skills and character traits does every job require? Do you need to be reliable to work as a doctor? Do you need to be bossy to work as a head of the company? Read what people are talking about their jobs.

Nurse: Hello! My name is Anna. I have just started working as a nurse. I don’t have a lot of experience. My job requires a lot of skills. You have to be patient, reliable, friendly and easy-going. I like working with people. I can say that I’m a people person. A lot of my patients feel like I’m their friend. I’m really sympathetic. It means that I always listen to them and show that I care about their problems. I love my job! Sometimes it can be really stressful. But I know that I help a lot of people, and that’s what makes me happy!

Teacher: My name is Sam. I am a Maths teacher. I am quite talkative. Surely, I like to talk a lot, especially about algorithms and equations. I think I could talk about maths all day long! Of course, sometimes I am really bossy with my students. My job is to motivate them and keep a track of their results. I like it when they are hard-working and think logically. The most important thing in teaching is to give feedback for their work. Feedback is comments on their results: what they do well and what they can do better.

Choose the correct option.

1. To work as a nurse, you need to be … .

варіанти відповідей

bossy, talkative, reliable;

patient, reliable and friendly;

experienced, patient and friendly. 

Запитання 2

Read the text

 What skills and character traits does every job require? Do you need to be reliable to work as a doctor? Do you need to be bossy to work as a head of the company? Read what people are talking about their jobs.

Nurse: Hello! My name is Anna. I have just started working as a nurse. I don’t have a lot of experience. My job requires a lot of skills. You have to be patient, reliable, friendly and easy-going. I like working with people. I can say that I’m a people person. A lot of my patients feel like I’m their friend. I’m really sympathetic. It means that I always listen to them and show that I care about their problems. I love my job! Sometimes it can be really stressful. But I know that I help a lot of people, and that’s what makes me happy!

Teacher: My name is Sam. I am a Maths teacher. I am quite talkative. Surely, I like to talk a lot, especially about algorithms and equations. I think I could talk about maths all day long! Of course, sometimes I am really bossy with my students. My job is to motivate them and keep a track of their results. I like it when they are hard-working and think logically. The most important thing in teaching is to give feedback for their work. Feedback is comments on their results: what they do well and what they can do better.

Choose the correct option.

Anna says that she’s a people person. It means that she … .

варіанти відповідей

is really popular;

likes working with people;

is friendly with her patients.

Запитання 3

Read the text

 What skills and character traits does every job require? Do you need to be reliable to work as a doctor? Do you need to be bossy to work as a head of the company? Read what people are talking about their jobs.

Nurse: Hello! My name is Anna. I have just started working as a nurse. I don’t have a lot of experience. My job requires a lot of skills. You have to be patient, reliable, friendly and easy-going. I like working with people. I can say that I’m a people person. A lot of my patients feel like I’m their friend. I’m really sympathetic. It means that I always listen to them and show that I care about their problems. I love my job! Sometimes it can be really stressful. But I know that I help a lot of people, and that’s what makes me happy!

Teacher: My name is Sam. I am a Maths teacher. I am quite talkative. Surely, I like to talk a lot, especially about algorithms and equations. I think I could talk about maths all day long! Of course, sometimes I am really bossy with my students. My job is to motivate them and keep a track of their results. I like it when they are hard-working and think logically. The most important thing in teaching is to give feedback for their work. Feedback is comments on their results: what they do well and what they can do better.

Choose the correct option

What could Sam talk about all day long?

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 4

Read the text

 What skills and character traits does every job require? Do you need to be reliable to work as a doctor? Do you need to be bossy to work as a head of the company? Read what people are talking about their jobs.

Nurse: Hello! My name is Anna. I have just started working as a nurse. I don’t have a lot of experience. My job requires a lot of skills. You have to be patient, reliable, friendly and easy-going. I like working with people. I can say that I’m a people person. A lot of my patients feel like I’m their friend. I’m really sympathetic. It means that I always listen to them and show that I care about their problems. I love my job! Sometimes it can be really stressful. But I know that I help a lot of people, and that’s what makes me happy!

Teacher: My name is Sam. I am a Maths teacher. I am quite talkative. Surely, I like to talk a lot, especially about algorithms and equations. I think I could talk about maths all day long! Of course, sometimes I am really bossy with my students. My job is to motivate them and keep a track of their results. I like it when they are hard-working and think logically. The most important thing in teaching is to give feedback for their work. Feedback is comments on their results: what they do well and what they can do better.

Choose the correct option

Sam likes it when the students are… .

a) talkative; b) bossy; c) hard-working. 

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 5

Read the text

 What skills and character traits does every job require? Do you need to be reliable to work as a doctor? Do you need to be bossy to work as a head of the company? Read what people are talking about their jobs.

Nurse: Hello! My name is Anna. I have just started working as a nurse. I don’t have a lot of experience. My job requires a lot of skills. You have to be patient, reliable, friendly and easy-going. I like working with people. I can say that I’m a people person. A lot of my patients feel like I’m their friend. I’m really sympathetic. It means that I always listen to them and show that I care about their problems. I love my job! Sometimes it can be really stressful. But I know that I help a lot of people, and that’s what makes me happy!

Teacher: My name is Sam. I am a Maths teacher. I am quite talkative. Surely, I like to talk a lot, especially about algorithms and equations. I think I could talk about maths all day long! Of course, sometimes I am really bossy with my students. My job is to motivate them and keep a track of their results. I like it when they are hard-working and think logically. The most important thing in teaching is to give feedback for their work. Feedback is comments on their results: what they do well and what they can do better.

Choose the correct option

Feedback is …

варіанти відповідей

comments on your result: what was done good and what could be done better

only negative comments;

good news.

Запитання 6

Jason is the most ... guy in the world. He speaks to everyone in the class.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 7

Mary studies all the time, helps her parents and volunteers at different projects. She is really ... 

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 8

He is listening to loud music while everyone is sleeping. He is so ...

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 9

Sam is very ... - if he says he’ll do something, he’ll do it.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 10

My ... are: creativity and patience, my ... are: procrastination and laziness.

варіанти відповідей

strengths, weaknesses

weaknesses, strengths

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