The Ghost appears to Hamlet, claiming indeed to be the ghost of his father. He tells Hamlet about how Claudius, the current King and Hamlet's uncle, murdered him, and Hamlet swears vengeance for his father. Hamlet decides _______________ while he tests the truth of the Ghost's allegations (always a good idea in such situations).
He rejects Ophelia, while _______________, the royal and his councellor, spy on him.
Hamlet writes a play which includes scenes that_a/___________ of Hamlet's father. During rehearsal, Hamlet and the actors plot to present Hamlet's play before b/ ___________________
The play provokes Claudius, and he a/___________the action by b/____________________. He immediately resolves c/ ____________
Which of the following characters does not die by the end of the play?
Hamlet is sent____________________, supposedly as an ambassador, just as King Fortinbras of Norway crosses Denmark with an army to attack Poland.
During his journey, Hamlet discovers Claudius has a plan
a/ _______________________________________________
He returns to Denmark alone,
Rejected by Hamlet, Ophelia is now desolate at the loss of her father. As a result____________________________________
'What dreams may come when we have ______________________ this mortal coil, must give us pause'
On the way back to Denmark, Hamlet meets Horatio in the graveyard (along with a gravedigger), where they talk of the chances of life and death. Ophelia's funeral procession arrives at the very same graveyard (what luck!). Hamlet confronts ___________________
A duel is arranged between Hamlet and Laertes. During the match,_____________________ to kill Hamlet. They plan that Hamlet will die either on a poisoned rapier or with poisoned wine.
The plans ________________ ____________________________________________________ Then both Laertes and Hamlet are wounded by the poisoned blade, and Laertes dies.
Complete the following famous line from Hamlet: Something is rotten in the state of...
Which of the following characters does not appear in Hamlet?
Where was Hamlet studying before he returned to Denmark?
How are Polonius and Laertes related?
What is the name of the playlet Hamlet stages for Claudius?
Who does Polonius send to spy on Laertes in Paris?
Who is the first person to die during the play?
What poison does Claudius pour into the ear of Hamlet's father, causing his death?
What does the Ghost of King Hamlet tell Hamlet during their conversation?
What do Polonius and Laertes warn Ophelia about ?
9What's the meaning of Hamlet's words "The play's the thing/ Wherein I'll catch the conscience of a king"?
Why doesn’t Hamlet kill Claudius while he’s praying?
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