History of art

Додано: 25 лютого 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 2 рази
9 запитань
Запитання 1

What is the early period in painting referred to?

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Запитання 2

Who had baptised the state?

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Prince Volodymyr

Taras Shevchenko

The President of Ukraine

Запитання 3

What is a masterpiece that belongs to the period of the Old-

Rus State the Halychyna-Volyn’?

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Christ, the Virgin

The icon The Virgin of Volyn’

A Cossack of the Zaporozhean


Запитання 4

When portrait painting as a separate genre appeared?

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During the Renaissance

During the Romatism

During the Realism

Запитання 5

Who was considered the father of modern Ukrainian painting?

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T. Shevchenko

D. Levytskyi

V. Borovykovskyi

Запитання 6

When a landscape painting appeared as a separate genre?

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During the 19th century

During the 20th century

During the 18th century

Запитання 7

Who was an original phenomenon of the early 20th century?

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Kazimir Malevich

Yurii Mykhailiv

Mykhailo Boichuk

Запитання 8

Who represented Ukrainian painting art of the Soviet period?

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Mikhail Vrubel, Vasilii Vasnitsov

and Illia Repin

A. Petrytskyi and V. Yermylov. O. Ekster

T. Yablonska, Y. Bokchai, O. Shovkunenko, R. Selskyi,

S. Shyshko, V. Zaretskyi and many others

Запитання 9

What style did Academy of Arts in St Petersburg cultivate?

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modern style

classicist style

landscape painting

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