Hobbies and interests of young people. Speaking

Додано: 16 листопада 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 49 разів
10 запитань
Запитання 1

I don’t like all the mess that watercolour and oils make, so I found how to avoid it with ___. 

варіанти відповідей

digital painting


drone racing

Запитання 2

 If you enjoy stretching and relaxation, you can try ______ classes in our sport centre. 

варіанти відповідей

digital painting



Запитання 3

 I didn’t know you are into photography and video making. – I am not. – Then why did you buy the drone? – I want to take part in a____________.  

варіанти відповідей

online computer games


 drone racing

Запитання 4

James is crazy about the idea of becoming a famous blogger, but he thinks the only thing he should know for it is how to _____________________.

варіанти відповідей


 record and edit TikTok videos

digital painting

Запитання 5

My parents have always thought that playing ___________________ is a waste of time, until my team won in one international championship. 

варіанти відповідей

digital painting


 online computer games

Запитання 6

Most people think that _______ is only for anime fans, but the characters can be from computer games, movies and even books. 

варіанти відповідей

digital painting



Запитання 7

 Read the dialogue of two friends and answer the questions

Kate: Hello, Emma! I know that you are interested in different activities and I want to try something new. Can you help me and tell me more about your hobbies? Emma: Sure! What I really enjoy is music. I listen to all genres and my friends think that I know every song in the world. One day I thought that I want not only to listen to music, but also to create it. That is why I started playing ukulele. Once a week I train with a teacher who teaches me different chords, but mostly I learn individually by watching videos on YouTube. I really like playing the instrument, because it is convenient to take it anywhere. This skill also helps me to meet new friends. Every time I start playing in some place, people gather around and start singing with me. This is an unbelievable atmosphere! Now I am sure that I want to learn to play more and more instruments. Besides, I am into make-up. I made my first tries when I performed with my dance team and it was really funny. But now make-up is like an art for me, every time I try something new. Mostly I experiment on my face, but my friends like my work, so they ask to put makeup on them. Everyone knows that I am obsessed with cosmetics, that’s why every holiday I get new eyeshadows, mascara or lipstick. My sister thinks I am good at it, she advised me to have an Instagram page where I share my make-ups and tutorials. Will you follow me?

Kate: Of course! Wow, you are really talented. I guess I might visit some make-up workshops too. 

1) Can Emma play more than 1 instrument? 

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 8

Read the dialogue of two friends and answer the questions

Kate: Hello, Emma! I know that you are interested in different activities and I want to try something new. Can you help me and tell me more about your hobbies? 

Emma: Sure! What I really enjoy is music. I listen to all genres and my friends think that I know every song in the world. One day I thought that I want not only to listen to music, but also to create it. That is why I started playing ukulele. Once a week I train with a teacher who teaches me different chords, but mostly I learn individually by watching videos on YouTube. I really like playing the instrument, because it is convenient to take it anywhere. This skill also helps me to meet new friends. Every time I start playing in some place, people gather around and start singing with me. This is an unbelievable atmosphere! Now I am sure that I want to learn to play more and more instruments. Besides, I am into make-up. I made my first tries when I performed with my dance team and it was really funny. But now make-up is like an art for me, every time I try something new. Mostly I experiment on my face, but my friends like my work, so they ask to put makeup on them. Everyone knows that I am obsessed with cosmetics, that’s why every holiday I get new eyeshadows, mascara or lipstick. My sister thinks I am good at it, she advised me to have an Instagram page where I share my make-ups and tutorials. Will you follow me?

Kate: Of course! Wow, you are really talented. I guess I might visit some make-up workshops too. 

2) She started playing ukulele because…

варіанти відповідей

she likes music 

her friends think she is talented 

wanted to create music 

Запитання 9

Read the dialogue of two friends and answer the questions

Kate: Hello, Emma! I know that you are interested in different activities and I want to try something new. Can you help me and tell me more about your hobbies? Emma: Sure! What I really enjoy is music. I listen to all genres and my friends think that I know every song in the world. One day I thought that I want not only to listen to music, but also to create it. That is why I started playing ukulele. Once a week I train with a teacher who teaches me different chords, but mostly I learn individually by watching videos on YouTube. I really like playing the instrument, because it is convenient to take it anywhere. This skill also helps me to meet new friends. Every time I start playing in some place, people gather around and start singing with me. This is an unbelievable atmosphere! Now I am sure that I want to learn to play more and more instruments. Besides, I am into make-up. I made my first tries when I performed with my dance team and it was really funny. But now make-up is like an art for me, every time I try something new. Mostly I experiment on my face, but my friends like my work, so they ask to put makeup on them. Everyone knows that I am obsessed with cosmetics, that’s why every holiday I get new eyeshadows, mascara or lipstick. My sister thinks I am good at it, she advised me to have an Instagram page where I share my make-ups and tutorials. Will you follow me?

Kate: Of course! Wow, you are really talented. I guess I might visit some make-up workshops too. 

3) Does anyone help Emma to learn how to play the instrument? 

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 10

Read the dialogue of two friends and answer the questions

Kate: Hello, Emma! I know that you are interested in different activities and I want to try something new. Can you help me and tell me more about your hobbies? Emma: Sure! What I really enjoy is music. I listen to all genres and my friends think that I know every song in the world. One day I thought that I want not only to listen to music, but also to create it. That is why I started playing ukulele. Once a week I train with a teacher who teaches me different chords, but mostly I learn individually by watching videos on YouTube. I really like playing the instrument, because it is convenient to take it anywhere. This skill also helps me to meet new friends. Every time I start playing in some place, people gather around and start singing with me. This is an unbelievable atmosphere! Now I am sure that I want to learn to play more and more instruments. Besides, I am into make-up. I made my first tries when I performed with my dance team and it was really funny. But now make-up is like an art for me, every time I try something new. Mostly I experiment on my face, but my friends like my work, so they ask to put makeup on them. Everyone knows that I am obsessed with cosmetics, that’s why every holiday I get new eyeshadows, mascara or lipstick. My sister thinks I am good at it, she advised me to have an Instagram page where I share my make-ups and tutorials. Will you follow me?

Kate: Of course! Wow, you are really talented. I guess I might visit some make-up workshops too. 

4) Why does everyone give Emma cosmetics on every holiday?

варіанти відповідей

Because she has an Instagram page about make-up 

Because she is crazy about it 

Because she asks

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