Who is this? Хто це?
Who is this? Хто це?
Who is this? Хто це?
Переклади речення: У мене одна голова
Переклади: Phil has got four legs and one tail.
Переклади: I have got two eyes
Вибрати правильний варіант: I have got ... hands.
Вибрати правильний варіант: I have got ... fingers.
Вибрати правильний варіант: I have got ... nose.
Choose the correct picture to the word (Вибери вірну картинку до слова):
An ear
Choose the correct picture to the word (Вибери вірну картинку до слова):
a tail
How many feet have you got?
Fill in Доповни
It's an ele_ _ant.
Fill in Доповни
It's a gira_ _e.
Fill in Доповни
It's a c_ _. Its name is Milka.
Fill in Доповни
It's my family's _ _ oto.
Fill in Доповни
It's a little grey m_ _se.
Choose what animal can fly (2 variants!) Вибери 2 тварини які вміють 'fly'
Choose what is about Zebra. Вибери що правдиве про зебру. 4 варіанти
This animal is big and long. It has got a big mouth and big teeth. It has got four short legs and a long tail. It is green. And it is very dangerous. What animal is this?
This animal is big. It has got two eyes, two ears, a big mouth and big teeth. It has got four legs and a long tail. It has got long hair on its head. It's dangerous. What animal is this?
This monster has got two arms and two hands. It has got six fingers. It has got two legs and two feet. It has got one tooth and big eyes. It is blue. What monster is this?
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