Icaak Ньютон та Чарльз Дарвін

Додано: 15 лютого 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 29 разів
24 запитання
Запитання 1

In Which sphere of science Isaak Newton wasn't an expert ?

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Запитання 2

What was Newton's father's occupation?

варіанти відповідей

He was a physician

He was a farmer

He was a mathematician

Запитання 3

What did young Isaak Newton created in his early age?

варіанти відповідей

a sandclock

a sun-dial

an electronic clock

Запитання 4

Why did his mother take him from school at the age of 14?

варіанти відповідей

To babysit his siblings

To help her on the farm

To have home education and specialise in maths and physics

Запитання 5

Newton returned to Cambridge in 1667 and was elected a minor fellow. He constructed the first a/___________ in 1668, and the following year he received his Master of Arts degree and took over as Cambridge’s Lucasian Professor of Mathematics. Asked to give a demonstration of his invention to the Royal Society of London in 1671, he was elected to the Royal Society the following year and published his notes on optics for his peers.

варіанти відповідей

reflecting telescope

optic lenses

electronic clock

Запитання 6

Which university did he connect his whole life with?

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Запитання 7

Isaac Newton invented

варіанти відповідей

the method of evolution of people

the method of treating people with penicillin

the method of decomposition of light and the law of gravity

the method of reorganization of human society

Запитання 8

Isaac Newton became

варіанти відповідей

Professor of the Law Department in Cambridge

Master of the Mint

An outstanding scientist in the sphere of Physics, Biology, Mathematics, and Chemistry

Запитання 9

What was the middle name of the famous English naturalist Charles Darvin

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Запитання 10

Why did his family give him a nickname Gas?

варіанти відповідей

He liked to drink sparkling water

He invented one of the gases

He liked to make all the gases

Запитання 11

What science did his family send him to study at Edinburgh university?

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Запитання 12

What led Darvin to his theory of evolution?

варіанти відповідей

His profound study of biology at university

His round-the world voyage

His study at Cambridge

Запитання 13

Which book provoked a great scandal and attack on Charles Darvin?

варіанти відповідей

the Descent of Men

the Structure of distribution of Coral Reefs

the origin of Species by Means of Natural selection

Запитання 14

After delays, the voyage began on 27 December 1831; it lasted almost five years. As FitzRoy had intended, Darwin spent most of that time on land investigating geology and making natural history collections, while HMS Beagle surveyed and charted coasts.[18][46] He kept careful notes of his observations and theoretical speculations, and at intervals during the voyage ________________________________________________.[47] He had some expertise in geology, beetle collecting and dissecting marine invertebrates, but in all other areas was a novice and ably collected specimens for expert appraisal

варіанти відповідей

his conclusions were sent to Cambridge together with letters including a copy of his journal for his family

his specimens were sent to Cambridge together with letters including a copy of his journal for his family

his notes on the weather changes and reaction of animals were sent to Cambridge together with letters including a copy of his journal for his family

his notes on the marine environment and sea bottom were sent to Cambridge together with letters including a copy of his journal for his family

Запитання 15

In Cape Town, South Africa, Darwin and FitzRoy met John Herschel, who had recently written to Lyell praising his uniformitarianism as opening bold speculation on "that mystery of mysteries, the replacement of extinct species by others" as "a natural in contradistinction to a miraculous process".[72] When organising his notes as the ship sailed home, Darwin wrote that, if his growing suspicions about the mockingbirds, the tortoises and the Falkland Islands fox were correct, "such facts undermine the stability of Species", then cautiously added_____________________ before "undermine".[73] He later wrote that such facts "seemed to me to throw some light on the origin of species".[74]

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Запитання 16

Queen Anne of England visited Trinity College, Cambridge on 17 April 1705. It was then that the Queen Knighted Isaac Newton.

It is claimed that the knighthood had nothing to do with scientific accomplishments but it was rather _____________________

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Запитання 17

In the opening sentence of On the Origin of Species, Darwin affirmed that his observations when on board HMS Beagle had played a vital part in the development of his theories. However, the idea that he was struck by

Make a choice and continue the sentence

варіанти відповідей

a blinding flash of fright upon first landing in Galapagos and seeing the finches that came to bear his name is far from the truth.

a blind flash of nervousness upon first landing in Galapagos and seeing the finches that came to bear his name is far from the truth.

a blinding flash of inspiration upon first landing in Galapagos and seeing the finches that came to bear his name is far from the truth.

Запитання 18

Fill in the ngap

It is clear from his notes that he continued for some nine months after visiting Galapagos to believe in the fixity of species and his earliest doubts about the _____________________of this doctrine, written around 1 July 1836 on the last leg of the journey, were based on the mockingbirds that he had collected, not the finches.

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Запитання 19

It then became clear that Darwin had ___________ some of his specimens and had not recorded with his usual care exactly where all of them had been collected, so that he was obliged to seek help from those of his shipmates who had also shot some finches.

варіанти відповідей

mixed up



Запитання 20

Fill in the gap

Within 10 years the tortoises ________________ on Floreana Island, partly because of heavy depredations by visiting ships and partly because the tortoises were losing out through competition with the goats that had been introduced and the destruction of their eggs and young by dogs and rats.

варіанти відповідей

were described

were extinct

were seen

Запитання 21

No work of science has drawn more attention from philosophers than Newton's Principia. The reasons for this, however, and consequently the focus of the attention have changed significantly from one century to the next. During the 20th Century philosophers have viewed the Principia in the context of Einstein's new theory of gravity in his theory of general relativity.

Fill in the gap here


During most of the 18th Century, by contrast, Newton's theory of gravity remained under dispute, especially because of the absence of a mechanism — in particular, a contact mechanism — producing gravitational forces.

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The main issues have concerned the relation between Newton's theory of gravity and Darvin's theory of Evolution what the need to replace the former with the latter says about the nature, scope, and limits of scientific knowledge.

The main issues have concerned the relation between Newton's and Einstein's theories of gravity and what the need to replace the former with the latter says about the nature, scope, and limits of scientific knowledge.

The main issues have concerned the relation between Newton's theory of gravity and Francis Bacon's theory of classification of natural scientists what the need to replace the former with the latter says about the nature, scope, and limits of scientific knowledge.

Запитання 22

Fill in the gap

By the 1790s Newton's theory of gravity had become established among those engaged in research in orbital mechanics and physical geodesy, leading to the Principia becoming the exemplar of science at its most successful. Philosophic interest in the Principia during the 19th Century __________________came to focus on how Newton had achieved this success, in part to characterize the knowledge that had been achieved and in part to pursue comparable knowledge in other areas of research

варіанти відповідей

in spite of



Запитання 23

Which of the following is true about Francis Bacon

варіанти відповідей

He was an essayist

He was a physicist

He was a biologist

Запитання 24

What did Francis Bacon want to reorganise?

варіанти відповідей

Science of Physics

Science of Linguistics

Science of human knowledge

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