In relation to somebody

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Додано: 15 листопада 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 61 раз
7 запитань
Запитання 1

A relationship is a two way street. In an ideal world, it would work like this:one person enjoys being another person and the second person enjoys being with the first person. Both try their best to keep together

1.Relationship is....

варіанти відповідей

1.a two sides mutual understanding and spending time together

2. a one side feelings and understanding

3. a deep concern about the other person

Запитання 2

It is important to understand te difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships. Healthy relationships are ones that bring out the best of you.Even though no relationships are perfect, healthy relationship make you feel good almost all of the time and generally bring you up and not down. People trust each other and communicate openly. People are always there and support each other when needed.

2.Healthy relationships......

варіанти відповідей

1. make you feel good

2.bring you up

3.bring you down

Запитання 3

But it doesn't work like that.Relationship involves efforts from both sides. And that's where this perfect analogy falls apart.


варіанти відповідей

1.mean efforts from both sides

2.are one sided communication

3.are friendly meetings

Запитання 4

It can’t be up to one person to keep up the relationship, it needs both people to thrive. One person can only do so much before everything is ruined. Some people are like that. They try their best to keep a relationship going for as long as possible. They try their best to stay in contact with the other person. But how much is enough? When do you eventually say “I’m done, I can’t do this anymore.” and move on? At that point, the blame falls on the other person. There’s no more mutual responsibility. They tried their best to keep it going but failed.

4.People ...

варіанти відповідей

1.try to keep relationship as long as possible

2.try to keep in contacts with the the other persons

3.try to blame each other

Запитання 5

Why does the other person stop? There’s no exact science or reason: it just happens. And while the relationship is falling to pieces, that first person is left confused. “Why is this happening?” “Did I do something wrong?” It’s an extremely weird feeling not knowing what or why it is happening. And at that point, it’s too late to find out.

5.Sometimes. when relationships fail....

варіанти відповідей

1. it's time to find out

2. it's too late to find out'just the reason to find out

Запитання 6

Unhealthy relationship can start when a pattern of certain behaviours, like maintaining power and control, takes place. Sometimes it is difficult to see when we are in an unhealthy one. When friends or partners, or even parents or children don’t want to spend time with one another; if people are overly dependent on each other, or vice versa do not respect mutual privacy; if a person is secretive or lies, pressures a partner, or simply only focuses on oneself, one’s interests, feelings and ignores their partner’s, then it is a bad sign. Here people may feel anxious, confused, unconfident, and even unsafe.

6.Unhealthy relationship can.start..when...

варіанти відповідей

1.bad behavour take place

2.persons don't want to spend time together

3.people depend on each other

4 people enjoy each other company

Запитання 7

Healthy relationships are important and if you or your friend, parents, or any other person knows of some sort of abuse, it is never too late to get or give help. Whatever you give you will get back; always treat people with care, love, and respect. Don’t take anything for granted. Treat them the way they need to be treated and share with them how you want to be treated in return.

7.Healthy relationships are when....

варіанти відповідей

1.people care about each other

2. people support each other

3.when people argue very often

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