- Can you help me?
- Sure, no problem!
- I want to make some healthy food. Is pizza healthy food?
- No, it isn't. It is unhealthy food.
- Is salad healthy food?
- ________________.
- Ok, I can make it for dinner.
- I want to buy some healthy food. Is ___________ healthy food?
- No, it isn't. It's unhealthy food.
- Is____________ healthy food?
- Yes, it's healthy food.
- Is ___________healthy food?
- No, it isn't. It's unhealthy food.
- Is ____________ healthy food?
- Yes, it's healthy food.
- Is ___________ healthy food?
- No, it isn't. It's unhealthy food.
- Is ___________ healthy food?
- Yes, it's healthy food.
- Is ___________ healthy food?
- Yes, it is. It's healthy food.
- Does she like strawberries?
-______________. Strawberries are healthy food.
- Does he like fish?
- ____________. Fish is healthy food.
- I like ____________. Are they healthy?
- No, they are not. They are unhealthy.
- Does she like chicken?
- ________________.
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