Контроль читання - 9 клас

Додано: 11 грудня 2024
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
18 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text. Then choose "next". Прочитай текст, потім натисни "далі"

Some people say: “It’s useful to dream”. So, Peter often imagines the city, where he would like to live.

It could be quite a big city with not very high buildings, which have large roofs, and systems of stores. The streets of the city of his dream would be straight and trees would make shadows for people.

There must not be any rubbish. All litter would be recycled. People, who work for such recycling companies, would walk up and down the streets to look for some rubbish for recycling. All energy would come from the sun and the Earth. All large roofs have batteries for collecting solar energy. Solar energy could light the houses and be power for cars. Earth energy would make houses warm in winter. People could use the energy of Earth because it was for inside.

Schools must be the houses of happy childhood. Students would study subjects only in real situations on practice. There wouldn’t be any homework, no learning by heart. But there must be some intellectual clubs for listening to poems and literary works.

Hospital would be half-empty because all people would have very nice health. People would be kind and polite as they had few problems. They would have a rest after their work. It must not be any additional work. But they could develop their creativity: painting, singing, acting, handmade.

Peter understands his dreams are too optimistic and it may seem they are far from reality, But he prefers repeating “All dreams may come true”. Early or late.

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read again


Запитання 2

Some people advice to dream.

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Запитання 3

Peter often imagines his desirable place of living.

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Запитання 4

The city of his dream has very high buildings.

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Запитання 5

In his dream city all trees must grows in the parks.

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Запитання 6

There would be only one very big store in the city.

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Запитання 7

People would use only solar energy.

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Запитання 8

But all the same people would use petrol for their cars.

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Запитання 9

All people would bring rubbish to recycling companies.

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Запитання 10

All students would like to go to school.

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Запитання 11

Students would study subjects only in real situations on practice.

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Запитання 12

All people would be rude and positive.

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Запитання 13

Peter hopes there will be such a city in the future one day.

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Запитання 14

Read the text again. Then choose "next". Прочитай текст знову, потім натисни "далі"

Some people say: “It’s useful to dream”. So, Peter often imagines the city, where he would like to live.

It could be quite a big city with not very high buildings, which have large roofs, and systems of stores. The streets of the city of his dream would be straight and trees would make shadows for people.

There must not be any rubbish. All litter would be recycled. People, who work for such recycling companies, would walk up and down the streets to look for some rubbish for recycling. All energy would come from the sun and the Earth. All large roofs have batteries for collecting solar energy. Solar energy could light the houses and be power for cars. Earth energy would make houses warm in winter. People could use the energy of Earth because it was for inside.

Schools must be the houses of happy childhood. Students would study subjects only in real situations on practice. There wouldn’t be any homework, no learning by heart. But there must be some intellectual clubs for listening to poems and literary works.

Hospital would be half-empty because all people would have very nice health. People would be kind and polite as they had few problems. They would have a rest after their work. It must not be any additional work. But they could develop their creativity: painting, singing, acting, handmade.

Peter understands his dreams are too optimistic and it may seem they are far from reality, But he prefers repeating “All dreams may come true”. Early or late.

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Запитання 15

What streets would be in Peter's city of dream?

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straight without trees

straight with trees

straight with shadow from the houses

Запитання 16

How much rubbih would there be in the wastebins?

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very little

only in wastebins

no rubbish

Запитання 17

Why would all streets be very clean?

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They;d clean all the streets in the morning.

All rubbish would be recycled.

They'd dig all rubbish in the ground.

Запитання 18

What kind of homework would be given kids at school?

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all homework - at school

no homework

very little homework

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