3 клас Діагностична контрольна робота ЧИТАННЯ 2 семестр

Додано: 6 травня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 3 клас
Тест виконано: 35 разів
8 запитань
Запитання 1

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Hi Dan,

How are you? I'm having a fantastic time in Barcelona! The weather here is great! It's very hot and sunny.

We went to the amusement park yesterday. I went on all the rides! It was brilliant!

This afternoon, we're going to visit the aquarium. There are lots of amazing sea creatures there. I can't wait to see the sharks! My sister is scared of sharks. She wants to see the penguins. Later, we're going to visit Barcelona Zoo and we're going to watch a dolphin show. I love dolphins!

We're going to have dinner in a restaurant tonight. I want to try seafood!

We're going to visit Montjuïc Castle tomorrow. Then we're going to the beach. My sister wants to windsurf and I want to swim in the sea.

We're going to fly home next week. I'm going to have lots more cool photos to show you!

See you soon.

Best wishes, William

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Запитання 2

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William is going to visit the amusement park this afternoon

Hi Dan,

How are you? I'm having a fantastic time in Barcelona! The weather here is great! It's very hot and sunny.

We went to the amusement park yesterday. I went on all the rides! It was brilliant!

This afternoon, we're going to visit the aquarium. There are lots of amazing sea creatures there. I can't wait to see the sharks! My sister is scared of sharks. She wants to see the penguins. Later, we're going to visit Barcelona Zoo and we're going to watch a dolphin show. I love dolphins!

We're going to have dinner in a restaurant tonight. I want to try seafood!

We're going to visit Montjuïc Castle tomorrow. Then we're going to the beach. My sister wants to windsurf and I want to swim in the sea.

We're going to fly home next week. I'm going to have lots more cool photos to show you!

See you soon.

Best wishes, William

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Запитання 3

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William wants to swim in the sea tomorrow

Hi Dan,

How are you? I'm having a fantastic time in Barcelona! The weather here is great! It's very hot and sunny.

We went to the amusement park yesterday. I went on all the rides! It was brilliant!

This afternoon, we're going to visit the aquarium. There are lots of amazing sea creatures there. I can't wait to see the sharks! My sister is scared of sharks. She wants to see the penguins. Later, we're going to visit Barcelona Zoo and we're going to watch a dolphin show. I love dolphins!

We're going to have dinner in a restaurant tonight. I want to try seafood!

We're going to visit Montjuïc Castle tomorrow. Then we're going to the beach. My sister wants to windsurf and I want to swim in the sea.

We're going to fly home next week. I'm going to have lots more cool photos to show you!

See you soon.

Best wishes, William

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Запитання 4

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William is going to watch dolphins this afternoon

Hi Dan,

How are you? I'm having a fantastic time in Barcelona! The weather here is great! It's very hot and sunny.

We went to the amusement park yesterday. I went on all the rides! It was brilliant!

This afternoon, we're going to visit the aquarium. There are lots of amazing sea creatures there. I can't wait to see the sharks! My sister is scared of sharks. She wants to see the penguins. Later, we're going to visit Barcelona Zoo and we're going to watch a dolphin show. I love dolphins!

We're going to have dinner in a restaurant tonight. I want to try seafood!

We're going to visit Montjuïc Castle tomorrow. Then we're going to the beach. My sister wants to windsurf and I want to swim in the sea.

We're going to fly home next week. I'm going to have lots more cool photos to show you!

See you soon.

Best wishes, William

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Запитання 5

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William's sister wants to see the sharks 

Hi Dan,

How are you? I'm having a fantastic time in Barcelona! The weather here is great! It's very hot and sunny.

We went to the amusement park yesterday. I went on all the rides! It was brilliant!

This afternoon, we're going to visit the aquarium. There are lots of amazing sea creatures there. I can't wait to see the sharks! My sister is scared of sharks. She wants to see the penguins. Later, we're going to visit Barcelona Zoo and we're going to watch a dolphin show. I love dolphins!

We're going to have dinner in a restaurant tonight. I want to try seafood!

We're going to visit Montjuïc Castle tomorrow. Then we're going to the beach. My sister wants to windsurf and I want to swim in the sea.

We're going to fly home next week. I'm going to have lots more cool photos to show you!

See you soon.

Best wishes, William

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Запитання 6

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William's family are going to fly home next week

Hi Dan,

How are you? I'm having a fantastic time in Barcelona! The weather here is great! It's very hot and sunny.

We went to the amusement park yesterday. I went on all the rides! It was brilliant!

This afternoon, we're going to visit the aquarium. There are lots of amazing sea creatures there. I can't wait to see the sharks! My sister is scared of sharks. She wants to see the penguins. Later, we're going to visit Barcelona Zoo and we're going to watch a dolphin show. I love dolphins!

We're going to have dinner in a restaurant tonight. I want to try seafood!

We're going to visit Montjuïc Castle tomorrow. Then we're going to the beach. My sister wants to windsurf and I want to swim in the sea.

We're going to fly home next week. I'm going to have lots more cool photos to show you!

See you soon.

Best wishes, William

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Запитання 7

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The weather is cold and sunny

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Запитання 8

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William's sister is scared of sharks

Hi Dan,

How are you? I'm having a fantastic time in Barcelona! The weather here is great! It's very hot and sunny.

We went to the amusement park yesterday. I went on all the rides! It was brilliant!

This afternoon, we're going to visit the aquarium. There are lots of amazing sea creatures there. I can't wait to see the sharks! My sister is scared of sharks. She wants to see the penguins. Later, we're going to visit Barcelona Zoo and we're going to watch a dolphin show. I love dolphins!

We're going to have dinner in a restaurant tonight. I want to try seafood!

We're going to visit Montjuïc Castle tomorrow. Then we're going to the beach. My sister wants to windsurf and I want to swim in the sea.

We're going to fly home next week. I'm going to have lots more cool photos to show you!

See you soon.

Best wishes, William

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