Контроль читання 3 клас

Додано: 12 листопада 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 3 клас
Тест виконано: 938 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

1.   Read the text and do the following tasks.

My cousin’s name is Artur. He is from England. He is eight. He goes to school in London. He usually gets up at 7 o’clock. Then he cleans his teeth, washes and dresses. At 7:30 he has his breakfast and goes to school. He always has 4 or 5 lessons a day. He usually has lunch at school. He comes home at 2 o’clock and does homework. When his parents come home they have dinner . He likes to play games with his friends. He doesn’t like to play computer games, but he likes to read books.

 My friend’s name is Artur.

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Запитання 2

1.   Read the text and do the following tasks.

My cousin’s name is Artur. He is from England. He is eight. He goes to school in London. He usually gets up at 7 o’clock. Then he cleans his teeth, washes and dresses. At 7:30 he has his breakfast and goes to school. He always has 4 or 5 lessons a day. He usually has lunch at school. He comes home at 2 o’clock and does homework. When his parents come home they have dinner . He likes to play games with his friends. He doesn’t like to play computer games, but he likes to read books.

He goes to school in London.

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Запитання 3

Read the text and do the following tasks.

My cousin’s name is Artur. He is from England. He is eight. He goes to school in London. He usually gets up at 7 o’clock. Then he cleans his teeth, washes and dresses. At 7:30 he has his breakfast and goes to school. He always has 4 or 5 lessons a day. He usually has lunch at school. He comes home at 2 o’clock and does homework. When his parents come home they have dinner . He likes to play games with his friends. He doesn’t like to play computer games, but he likes to read books.

He doesn’t like to read books.

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Запитання 4

My cousin’s name is Artur. He is from England. He is eight. He goes to school in London. He usually gets up at 7 o’clock. Then he cleans his teeth, washes and dresses. At 7:30 he has his breakfast and goes to school. He always has 4 or 5 lessons a day. He usually has lunch at school. He comes home at 2 o’clock and does homework. When his parents come home they have dinner . He likes to play games with his friends. He doesn’t like to play computer games, but he likes to read books.

He usually gets up at 7:30 o’clock.

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Запитання 5

 Read the text and do the following tasks.

My cousin’s name is Artur. He is from England. He is eight. He goes to school in London. He usually gets up at 7 o’clock. Then he cleans his teeth, washes and dresses. At 7:30 he has his breakfast and goes to school. He always has 4 or 5 lessons a day. He usually has lunch at school. He comes home at 2 o’clock and does homework. When his parents come home they have dinner . He likes to play games with his friends. He doesn’t like to play computer games, but he likes to read books.

He likes to play games with his friends. 

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Запитання 6

Read the text and do the following tasks.

My cousin’s name is Artur. He is from England. He is eight. He goes to school in London. He usually gets up at 7 o’clock. Then he cleans his teeth, washes and dresses. At 7:30 he has his breakfast and goes to school. He always has 4 or 5 lessons a day. He usually has lunch at school. He comes home at 2 o’clock and does homework. When his parents come home they have dinner . He likes to play games with his friends. He doesn’t like to play computer games, but he likes to read books.

He doesn’t like to play computer games.

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Запитання 7

Read the text and do the following tasks.

My cousin’s name is Artur. He is from England. He is eight. He goes to school in London. He usually gets up at 7 o’clock. Then he cleans his teeth, washes and dresses. At 7:30 he has his breakfast and goes to school. He always has 4 or 5 lessons a day. He usually has lunch at school. He comes home at 2 o’clock and does homework. When his parents come home they have dinner . He likes to play games with his friends. He doesn’t like to play computer games, but he likes to read books.

1)   My cousin is from… 

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Запитання 8

 Read the text and do the following tasks.

My cousin’s name is Artur. He is from England. He is eight. He goes to school in London. He usually gets up at 7 o’clock. Then he cleans his teeth, washes and dresses. At 7:30 he has his breakfast and goes to school. He always has 4 or 5 lessons a day. He usually has lunch at school. He comes home at 2 o’clock and does homework. When his parents come home they have dinner . He likes to play games with his friends. He doesn’t like to play computer games, but he likes to read books.

He has his breakfast at… o’clock.

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Запитання 9

Read the text and do the following tasks.

My cousin’s name is Artur. He is from England. He is eight. He goes to school in London. He usually gets up at 7 o’clock. Then he cleans his teeth, washes and dresses. At 7:30 he has his breakfast and goes to school. He always has 4 or 5 lessons a day. He usually has lunch at school. He comes home at 2 o’clock and does homework. When his parents come home they have dinner . He likes to play games with his friends. He doesn’t like to play computer games, but he likes to read books.

He comes home at… o’clock.

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Запитання 10

Read the text and do the following tasks.

My cousin’s name is Artur. He is from England. He is eight. He goes to school in London. He usually gets up at 7 o’clock. Then he cleans his teeth, washes and dresses. At 7:30 he has his breakfast and goes to school. He always has 4 or 5 lessons a day. He usually has lunch at school. He comes home at 2 o’clock and does homework. When his parents come home they have dinner . He likes to play games with his friends. He doesn’t like to play computer games, but he likes to read books.

He likes to…

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read books 

play computer games

ride a bike

Запитання 11

Read the text and do the following tasks.

My cousin’s name is Artur. He is from England. He is eight. He goes to school in London. He usually gets up at 7 o’clock. Then he cleans his teeth, washes and dresses. At 7:30 he has his breakfast and goes to school. He always has 4 or 5 lessons a day. He usually has lunch at school. He comes home at 2 o’clock and does homework. When his parents come home they have dinner . He likes to play games with his friends. He doesn’t like to play computer games, but he likes to read books.

Artur is ...

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Запитання 12

Read the text and do the following tasks.

My cousin’s name is Artur. He is from England. He is eight. He goes to school in London. He usually gets up at 7 o’clock. Then he cleans his teeth, washes and dresses. At 7:30 he has his breakfast and goes to school. He always has 4 or 5 lessons a day. He usually has lunch at school. He comes home at 2 o’clock and does homework. When his parents come home they have dinner . He likes to play games with his friends. He doesn’t like to play computer games, but he likes to read books.

He goes to school in ....

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