Контроль читання 3 клас 2 семестр

Додано: 9 травня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 3 клас
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Прочитай текст і вибери потрібне слово:

Hi James,

My favourite days of the week are Saturday and Sunday.On Saturday my mum takes takes me and my brother to the swimming pool in the morning. We go every week and we have lots of fun.After, we go to the cafe next to the swimming pool for our lunch. I have a sandwich and my brother has a pizza.

On Sundays we go to the park behind our house and we play football and sometimes we go to the cinema in town. It isn't a big cinema, but it shows films for children on Sunday morning. My favourite films are about animals. Has your town got a swimming pool? What's your favourite day of the week?


1. Freddie.....the weekend

варіанти відповідей


doesn't like

Запитання 2

Прочитай текст і вибери потрібне слово:

Hi James,

My favourite days of the week are Saturday and Sunday.On Saturday my mum takes takes me and my brother to the swimming pool in the morning. We go every week and we have lots of fun.After, we go to the cafe next to the swimming pool for our lunch. I have a sandwich and my brother has a pizza.

On Sundays we go to the park behind our house and we play football and sometimes we go to the cinema in town. It isn't a big cinema, but it shows films for children on Sunday morning. My favourite films are about animals. Has your town got a swimming pool? What's your favourite day of the week?


2. Freddie goes to ..... in the morning.

варіанти відповідей

the swimming pool

the cinema

Запитання 3

Прочитай текст і вибери потрібне слово:

Hi James,

My favourite days of the week are Saturday and Sunday.On Saturday my mum takes takes me and my brother to the swimming pool in the morning. We go every week and we have lots of fun.After, we go to the cafe next to the swimming pool for our lunch. I have a sandwich and my brother has a pizza.

On Sundays we go to the park behind our house and we play football and sometimes we go to the cinema in town. It isn't a big cinema, but it shows films for children on Sunday morning. My favourite films are about animals. Has your town got a swimming pool? What's your favourite day of the week?


3. He eats .......for lunch.

варіанти відповідей


a sandwich

Запитання 4

Прочитай текст і вибери потрібне слово:

Hi James,

My favourite days of the week are Saturday and Sunday.On Saturday my mum takes takes me and my brother to the swimming pool in the morning. We go every week and we have lots of fun.After, we go to the cafe next to the swimming pool for our lunch. I have a sandwich and my brother has a pizza.

On Sundays we go to the park behind our house and we play football and sometimes we go to the cinema in town. It isn't a big cinema, but it shows films for children on Sunday morning. My favourite films are about animals. Has your town got a swimming pool? What's your favourite day of the week?


4. The park is behind ....

варіанти відповідей

the cinema

his house

Запитання 5

Прочитай текст і вибери потрібне слово:

Hi James,

My favourite days of the week are Saturday and Sunday.On Saturday my mum takes takes me and my brother to the swimming pool in the morning. We go every week and we have lots of fun.After, we go to the cafe next to the swimming pool for our lunch. I have a sandwich and my brother has a pizza.

On Sundays we go to the park behind our house and we play football and sometimes we go to the cinema in town. It isn't a big cinema, but it shows films for children on Sunday morning. My favourite films are about animals. Has your town got a swimming pool? What's your favourite day of the week?


5. The cinema .... small.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 6

Прочитай текст і вибери потрібне слово:

Hi James,

My favourite days of the week are Saturday and Sunday.On Saturday my mum takes takes me and my brother to the swimming pool in the morning. We go every week and we have lots of fun.After, we go to the cafe next to the swimming pool for our lunch. I have a sandwich and my brother has a pizza.

On Sundays we go to the park behind our house and we play football and sometimes we go to the cinema in town. It isn't a big cinema, but it shows films for children on Sunday morning. My favourite films are about animals. Has your town got a swimming pool? What's your favourite day of the week?


6. Freddie______ films about animals.

варіанти відповідей


doesn't like

Запитання 7

Прочитай текст і напиши, ТАК, чи НІ/ Yes or No:

Hi James,

My favourite days of the week are Saturday and Sunday.On Saturday my mum takes takes me and my brother to the swimming pool in the morning. We go every week and we have lots of fun.After, we go to the cafe next to the swimming pool for our lunch. I have a sandwich and my brother has a pizza.

On Sundays we go to the park behind our house and we play football and sometimes we go to the cinema in town. It isn't a big cinema, but it shows films for children on Sunday morning. My favourite films are about animals. Has your town got a swimming pool? What's your favourite day of the week?


7.Fredie has got a brother.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 8

Прочитай текст і напиши, ТАК, чи НІ/ Yes or No:

Hi James,

My favourite days of the week are Saturday and Sunday.On Saturday my mum takes takes me and my brother to the swimming pool in the morning. We go every week and we have lots of fun.After, we go to the cafe next to the swimming pool for our lunch. I have a sandwich and my brother has a pizza.

On Sundays we go to the park behind our house and we play football and sometimes we go to the cinema in town. It isn't a big cinema, but it shows films for children on Sunday morning. My favourite films are about animals. Has your town got a swimming pool? What's your favourite day of the week?


8. Freddie goes to a cafe on Sundays.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 9

Прочитай текст і напиши, ТАК, чи НІ/ Yes or No:

Hi James,

My favourite days of the week are Saturday and Sunday.On Saturday my mum takes takes me and my brother to the swimming pool in the morning. We go every week and we have lots of fun.After, we go to the cafe next to the swimming pool for our lunch. I have a sandwich and my brother has a pizza.

On Sundays we go to the park behind our house and we play football and sometimes we go to the cinema in town. It isn't a big cinema, but it shows films for children on Sunday morning. My favourite films are about animals. Has your town got a swimming pool? What's your favourite day of the week?


9. There is a cinema in the town.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 10

Прочитай текст і напиши, ТАК, чи НІ/ Yes or No:

Hi James,

My favourite days of the week are Saturday and Sunday.On Saturday my mum takes takes me and my brother to the swimming pool in the morning. We go every week and we have lots of fun.After, we go to the cafe next to the swimming pool for our lunch. I have a sandwich and my brother has a pizza.

On Sundays we go to the park behind our house and we play football and sometimes we go to the cinema in town. It isn't a big cinema, but it shows films for children on Sunday morning. My favourite films are about animals. Has your town got a swimming pool? What's your favourite day of the week?


10. The cinema shows films for children in the morning.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 11

Hi James,

My favourite days of the week are Saturday and Sunday.On Saturday my mum takes takes me and my brother to the swimming pool in the morning. We go every week and we have lots of fun.After, we go to the cafe next to the swimming pool for our lunch. I have a sandwich and my brother has a pizza.

On Sundays we go to the park behind our house and we play football and sometimes we go to the cinema in town. It isn't a big cinema, but it shows films for children on Sunday morning. My favourite films are about animals. Has your town got a swimming pool? What's your favourite day of the week?


12. James and Freddie are penfriends.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 12

Прочитай текст і вибери потрібне слово:

Hi James,

My favourite days of the week are Saturday and Sunday.On Saturday my mum takes takes me and my brother to the swimming pool in the morning. We go every week and we have lots of fun.After, we go to the cafe next to the swimming pool for our lunch. I have a sandwich and my brother has a pizza.

On Sundays we go to the park behind our house and we play football and sometimes we go to the cinema in town. It isn't a big cinema, but it shows films for children on Sunday morning. My favourite films are about animals. Has your town got a swimming pool? What's your favourite day of the week?


Where is the cafe?

варіанти відповідей

in front of the swimming pool

next to the swimming pool

near the cinema

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