Контроль читання 6 клас І семестр

A Sad Story

        Three American students came for their holidays to New York. They stayed at a hotel, in a room on the 54-th floor. They spent the whole day in the city, they visited some museums, saw some films in the cinema in Broadway. Late at night they came back to the hotel. The clerk in the hall said to them: “Dear boys, I’m sorry but the lifts don’t work now. Will you wait till the lifts begin to work or will you go on foot upstairs?”

        “That’s all right,” said one of them, “we’ll go on foot. It will take us much time but we’ll have a short rest, one of us will sing a song when we come to the 15th floor. As soon as we come to the 30th floor one of us will tell a funny story. As soon as we come to the 45th floor we’ll take a long rest and one of us will tell a long sad story.” So they started.

        On the 15th floor John sang a funny song and the young men gaily continued their way.

        On the 30th floor Tom told his friends a funny story, they laughed and continued their way.

        On the 45th floor the young men were tired, they wanted to take a long rest. All of them looked at Jack, it was his turn to tell his long sad story.

        “Well, boys,” said he, “my story won’t be long, but it will be really sad. The key to our room is downstairs in the hall. When we came to the hotel we forgot to take it.”

Додано: 10 грудня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 804 рази
16 запитань
Запитання 1

Three American students came for their vocations to New York.

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Запитання 2

They stayed at a hotel, in a room on the 45-th floor.

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Запитання 3

They spent three days in the city, they visited some museums, saw some films in the cinema in Broadway.

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Запитання 4

The clerk in the hall said to them: “Dear girls, I’m sorry but the lifts don’t work now.

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Запитання 5

Will you wait till the lifts begin to work or will you go on foot downstairs?”

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Запитання 6

On the 15th floor John sang a funny song and the young men went on going.

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Запитання 7

On the 54th floor the young men were tired, they wanted to take a long rest. 

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Запитання 8

It was Jack’s turn to tell his long unhappy story.

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Запитання 9

Late at night students returned to …

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the room       


the hotel

Запитання 10

The clerk in the hall …

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was happy to see students   

went upstairs with students

Запитання 11

The students decided to go upstairs …

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with the clerk        

by the lift              

on foot

Запитання 12

John sang a funny song and the young men … continued their way.

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Запитання 13

Tom told his friends a(n) … story, they laughed and continued their way.

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Запитання 14

On the 45th floor students decided …

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to tell a funny story        

to relax     

to sing a funny song

Запитання 15

Jack said, “My story will be …”

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Запитання 16

Jack said, “The key to our room is…”.

варіанти відповідей

on the ground floor     

downstairs in the hall

in the room

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