Student's book p94 №5
Listen to four texts and answer the guestions. Choose the correct answer(A-D)
1 Where would you hear this announcement?
Student's book p94 №5
Listen to four texts and answer the guestions. Choose the correct answer(A-D)
2 Who is the announcement for?
Student's book p94 №5
Listen to four texts and answer the guestions. Choose the correct answer(A-D)
3 What does Lucy do to save money?
Student's book p94 №5
Listen to four texts and answer the guestions. Choose the correct answer(A-D)
4 What is Jake going to do?
Student's book p107 №4
Listen to the text. Are the sentenses true or false?
1 Galileo invented the telescope.
Student's book p107 №4
Listen to the text. Are the sentenses true or false?
2 Galileo immediately used the telescope to study space.
Student's book p107 №4
Listen to the text. Are the sentenses true or false?
3 The United States sent the first person into space.
Student's book p107 №4
Listen to the text. Are the sentenses true or false?
4 There was an actronaut in Vostok 1
Student's book p107 №4
Listen to the text. Are the sentenses true or false?
5 A woman explored space before men landed on the Moon.
Student's book p107 №4
Listen to the text. Are the sentenses true or false?
6 Most spacecraft have successfully landed on Mars.
Student's book p107 №4
Listen to the text. Are the sentenses true or false?
7 The speaker thinks it's useful to land on Mars
Student's book p107 №4
Listen to the text. Are the sentenses true or false?
8 The speaker is mainly describing the advantages of space exploration
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