Choose the correct reflexive pronouns:
Ivan took this photo __
Choose the correct reflexive pronouns:
Nina did the homework __
Choose the correct reflexive pronouns:
I wrote this novel __.
Choose the correct reflexive pronouns:
The tiger can defend __
Choose the correct reflexive pronouns:
Vera, did you paint __?
Choose the correct reflexive pronouns:
We helped __ to some cake at the party
Вибери правильне слово:
The Simths always ... at the Christmas dinner table.
Вибери правильну відповідь:
A: Mummy, can you ... on the cake?
B: Yes, darling, now close your eyes and ...?
Вибери правильну відповідь:
We`re going to ... for my brother`s birthday. It`ll be a surprise.
Вибери правильну відповідь:
November 5th is Bonfire Night in the UK. Some people ... in their gardens. All over Britain, people ... .
pretty and charming
an organised event in which people try to be better than other people and win prizes
The .... was full of flowers.
Choose the correct answer.
She is ___ clever ___ her sister.
Choose the correct answer.
John is ___ strong ___ Mike.
Chocolate ______ healthy ______ fruit salad.
His jumper is quite dirty, but his T-shirt is very dirty.
His jumper ___________ dirty ______ his T-shirts.
Вона така ж гарна, як її мати.
I do not play tennis as often as you.
Tom works as hard as his father.
a very big, controlled fire
something to make something explode
We enjoyed_in the party.
I can ask him_.
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