Контрольна робота конкурсу захисту МАН

Додано: 6 листопада 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 36 разів
21 запитання
Запитання 1

LEVEL 1 (8 points)

 Choose the correct answer

A newborn kitten can’t take care of…..

варіанти відповідей

 a) him;  

b) it;  

c) itself;  

d) hers.

Запитання 2

 Choose the correct answer

The old man has two sons, one is a doctor, …. is a teacher

варіанти відповідей

 a) the other;

b) another;

c) other one;

d) an other

Запитання 3

 Choose the correct answer

The boy ran….the bridge to be the first to meet his parents

варіанти відповідей

a) through;

 b) above;

 c) over; 


Запитання 4

 Choose the correct answer

He entered the school…… the front door

варіанти відповідей

a) over; 

b) across; 


 d) through

Запитання 5

Choose the correct answer

Smith,…. Man you met yesterday, is…. honest person.

варіанти відповідей

a)the, a; 

b) a, a; 

c)a, an;

 d) the, an.

Запитання 6

 Choose the correct answer

It is better to tell…. Truth than to tell….lies

варіанти відповідей

a) - ,-;

b) the, the;

c) the, -;

 d) - ,the.

Запитання 7

Choose the correct answer

I…. this book three times. I first read it at 18. Then I took it a couple of years ago. Last year I read it again.

варіанти відповідей

a) have been reading;

b) would read;

c) have read;

 d) was reading.

Запитання 8

Choose the correct answer

My boss used….his letters by himself but now he doesn’t.

варіанти відповідей

a) to write

b) writing; 

c)for writing; 

d) to writing.

Запитання 9

LEVEL 2 (12 points)

Look at the text. What does it say? Then look through the variants and try to choose the appropriate answer

1. Samir,

John rang to say tickets are still available for the Helix concert- you aren’t too late! He’s able to get you a ticket. Let him know today if you’re interested


What must Samir do?

варіанти відповідей

a) Find out if John is interested in going to the concert;

b) Let John know if tickets are available for the concert;

c) Contact John if he wants to go to the concert.

Запитання 10

Look at the text. What does it say? Then look through the variants and try to choose the appropriate answer

Before Leaving Train You Must Check You Have All Your Luggage.

варіанти відповідей

 a) Passengers mustn’t put any luggage near the train door;

b) Passengers should remember to take all their bags with them;

c) Passengers With large suitcases may leave them between the seats

Запитання 11

Look at the text. What does it say? Then look through the variants and try to choose the appropriate answer

To:        Gina

   From:   Andrea

Sorry to hear your knee is so painful you are not able to play tennis with me. Why don’t we meet in town on Friday or Saturday instead? Which is better?

 The main purpose of the e- mail is to….

варіанти відповідей

 a) Suggest something;

b) Apologize for something;

c) Recommend something

Запитання 12

Look at the text. What does it say? Then look through the variants and try to choose the appropriate answer

Make sure you have enough money with you before filling your car with petrol.

варіанти відповідей

a) You must check you have chosen the right petrol before filling your car;

b) You can pay with cash or credit card after filling your car with petrol;

c) You shouldn’t put petrol in your car without checking you are able to pay.

Запитання 13

Look at the text. What does it say? Then look through the variants and try to choose the appropriate answer


You are coming to Sonia’s party tonight, aren’t you? You needn’t worry about food- there’ll be plenty there. Why not bring your new CDs though? Ring me, I ‘ll pick you up.


варіанти відповідей

a) Mary wants Jake to give her a lift to Sonia’s party;

b) Mary thinks Jake should take some music to Sonia’s party;

c) Mary would like Jake to bring something to eat to Sonia’s party.

Запитання 14

Look at the text. What does it say? Then look through the variants and try to choose the appropriate answer

You may use this area for quiet study. You must return all books to shelves after use.

варіанти відповідей

a) You must return your books to the library by the date shown;

b) It’s essential that you put everything back when you have finished;

c) You should ask for help if you can’t find the book on the shelves.

Запитання 15

Read the text below. For questions (7–12) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D)

The History of Chupa Chups Lollipops

The Chupa Chups company started as an idea of a Spanish citizen named Enric Bernat in 1958. Mr. Bernat started his career at an apple jam factory. He approached investors about a lollipop business but he failed to get support. He took over the company himself and built the first production machines with his own hands. He also decided that the new creation would be called Chupa Chups, after the Spanish verb chupar, which translates into to suck.

Enric Bernat knew that the bon-bons on a wooden stick would be an instant hit. Previously candy had been marketed as a luxury and kept away from children. However, he knew that if he could get the candy into the view of children he would sell many more lollipops. Five years after he first introduced the idea, Chupa Chups were being sold at over 300,000 stores across Europe.

The original Chupa Chups sales force was over 600 sales agents for 300,000 locations.

This amazing sales force sped across Europe to bring the good news and delicious taste of the Chupa Chups lollipops to the masses. Without their dedication and excitement, there would be no way the company could have grown to the massive size that it is today.

Sadly, the traditional wooden stick that was associated with Chupa Chups had to be discontinued and replaced with a plastic one due to the lack of wood available in Spain. The stick has remained plastic ever since. Chupa Chups were originally going to be called GOL but the name did not stick.

An advertising firm came up with the idea to name them Chupa and the delightful lollipops were born. Salvador Dali, the famous painter, created the new Chupa Chups logo, which remains on the wrapper on all of the lollipops to this day.

The Chupa Chups business went international beginning with Asia and Australia in the 1970’s. It soon followed to North America and the rest of Europe. The amazing results led to a high point for the company, with the production of over 4 billion Chupa Chups lollipops during the 2003 calendar year.

Which of the following is stated in the text about Enric Bernat?

варіанти відповідей

a He inherited the family business.

b He borrowed money from a bank.

c He devoted his life to jam production.

d He made the factory equipment himself.

Запитання 16

The History of Chupa Chups Lollipops

The Chupa Chups company started as an idea of a Spanish citizen named Enric Bernat in 1958. Mr. Bernat started his career at an apple jam factory. He approached investors about a lollipop business but he failed to get support. He took over the company himself and built the first production machines with his own hands. He also decided that the new creation would be called Chupa Chups, after the Spanish verb chupar, which translates into to suck.

Enric Bernat knew that the bon-bons on a wooden stick would be an instant hit. Previously candy had been marketed as a luxury and kept away from children. However, he knew that if he could get the candy into the view of children he would sell many more lollipops. Five years after he first introduced the idea, Chupa Chups were being sold at over 300,000 stores across Europe.

The original Chupa Chups sales force was over 600 sales agents for 300,000 locations.

This amazing sales force sped across Europe to bring the good news and delicious taste of the Chupa Chups lollipops to the masses. Without their dedication and excitement, there would be no way the company could have grown to the massive size that it is today.

Sadly, the traditional wooden stick that was associated with Chupa Chups had to be discontinued and replaced with a plastic one due to the lack of wood available in Spain. The stick has remained plastic ever since. Chupa Chups were originally going to be called GOL but the name did not stick.

An advertising firm came up with the idea to name them Chupa and the delightful lollipops were born. Salvador Dali, the famous painter, created the new Chupa Chups logo, which remains on the wrapper on all of the lollipops to this day.

The Chupa Chups business went international beginning with Asia and Australia in the 1970’s. It soon followed to North America and the rest of Europe. The amazing results led to a high point for the company, with the production of over 4 billion Chupa Chups lollipops during the 2003 calendar year.

What is TRUE about the Chupa Chups logo?

варіанти відповідей

a It was designed by a great artist.

b It made the lollipop more popular.

c It has changed three times by now.

d It varies from country to country.

Запитання 17

The History of Chupa Chups Lollipops

The Chupa Chups company started as an idea of a Spanish citizen named Enric Bernat in 1958. Mr. Bernat started his career at an apple jam factory. He approached investors about a lollipop business but he failed to get support. He took over the company himself and built the first production machines with his own hands. He also decided that the new creation would be called Chupa Chups, after the Spanish verb chupar, which translates into to suck.

Enric Bernat knew that the bon-bons on a wooden stick would be an instant hit. Previously candy had been marketed as a luxury and kept away from children. However, he knew that if he could get the candy into the view of children he would sell many more lollipops. Five years after he first introduced the idea, Chupa Chups were being sold at over 300,000 stores across Europe.

The original Chupa Chups sales force was over 600 sales agents for 300,000 locations.

This amazing sales force sped across Europe to bring the good news and delicious taste of the Chupa Chups lollipops to the masses. Without their dedication and excitement, there would be no way the company could have grown to the massive size that it is today.

Sadly, the traditional wooden stick that was associated with Chupa Chups had to be discontinued and replaced with a plastic one due to the lack of wood available in Spain. The stick has remained plastic ever since. Chupa Chups were originally going to be called GOL but the name did not stick.

An advertising firm came up with the idea to name them Chupa and the delightful lollipops were born. Salvador Dali, the famous painter, created the new Chupa Chups logo, which remains on the wrapper on all of the lollipops to this day.

The Chupa Chups business went international beginning with Asia and Australia in the 1970’s. It soon followed to North America and the rest of Europe. The amazing results led to a high point for the company, with the production of over 4 billion Chupa Chups lollipops during the 2003 calendar year.

Where was the Chupa Chups business originally concentrated?

варіанти відповідей

a In Asia

b In Europe

c In Australia

d In America

Запитання 18

The History of Chupa Chups Lollipops

The Chupa Chups company started as an idea of a Spanish citizen named Enric Bernat in 1958. Mr. Bernat started his career at an apple jam factory. He approached investors about a lollipop business but he failed to get support. He took over the company himself and built the first production machines with his own hands. He also decided that the new creation would be called Chupa Chups, after the Spanish verb chupar, which translates into to suck.

Enric Bernat knew that the bon-bons on a wooden stick would be an instant hit. Previously candy had been marketed as a luxury and kept away from children. However, he knew that if he could get the candy into the view of children he would sell many more lollipops. Five years after he first introduced the idea, Chupa Chups were being sold at over 300,000 stores across Europe.

The original Chupa Chups sales force was over 600 sales agents for 300,000 locations.

This amazing sales force sped across Europe to bring the good news and delicious taste of the Chupa Chups lollipops to the masses. Without their dedication and excitement, there would be no way the company could have grown to the massive size that it is today.

Sadly, the traditional wooden stick that was associated with Chupa Chups had to be discontinued and replaced with a plastic one due to the lack of wood available in Spain. The stick has remained plastic ever since. Chupa Chups were originally going to be called GOL but the name did not stick.

An advertising firm came up with the idea to name them Chupa and the delightful lollipops were born. Salvador Dali, the famous painter, created the new Chupa Chups logo, which remains on the wrapper on all of the lollipops to this day.

The Chupa Chups business went international beginning with Asia and Australia in the 1970’s. It soon followed to North America and the rest of Europe. The amazing results led to a high point for the company, with the production of over 4 billion Chupa Chups lollipops during the 2003 calendar year.

According to the text, what helped the company to become a big success?

варіанти відповідей

a The product’s unusual name

b The variety of lollipop tastes

c The candy’s attractive wrapping

d The sales staff’s enthusiasm

Запитання 19

The History of Chupa Chups Lollipops

The Chupa Chups company started as an idea of a Spanish citizen named Enric Bernat in 1958. Mr. Bernat started his career at an apple jam factory. He approached investors about a lollipop business but he failed to get support. He took over the company himself and built the first production machines with his own hands. He also decided that the new creation would be called Chupa Chups, after the Spanish verb chupar, which translates into to suck.

Enric Bernat knew that the bon-bons on a wooden stick would be an instant hit. Previously candy had been marketed as a luxury and kept away from children. However, he knew that if he could get the candy into the view of children he would sell many more lollipops. Five years after he first introduced the idea, Chupa Chups were being sold at over 300,000 stores across Europe.

The original Chupa Chups sales force was over 600 sales agents for 300,000 locations.

This amazing sales force sped across Europe to bring the good news and delicious taste of the Chupa Chups lollipops to the masses. Without their dedication and excitement, there would be no way the company could have grown to the massive size that it is today.

Sadly, the traditional wooden stick that was associated with Chupa Chups had to be discontinued and replaced with a plastic one due to the lack of wood available in Spain. The stick has remained plastic ever since. Chupa Chups were originally going to be called GOL but the name did not stick.

An advertising firm came up with the idea to name them Chupa and the delightful lollipops were born. Salvador Dali, the famous painter, created the new Chupa Chups logo, which remains on the wrapper on all of the lollipops to this day.

The Chupa Chups business went international beginning with Asia and Australia in the 1970’s. It soon followed to North America and the rest of Europe. The amazing results led to a high point for the company, with the production of over 4 billion Chupa Chups lollipops during the 2003 calendar year.

Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the text?

варіанти відповідей

a Candies used to be an expensive treat.

b The name Chupa Chups means bon-bons.

c Chupa Chups originally had wooden sticks.

d Bernat’s product was meant mainly for children.

Запитання 20

The History of Chupa Chups Lollipops

The Chupa Chups company started as an idea of a Spanish citizen named Enric Bernat in 1958. Mr. Bernat started his career at an apple jam factory. He approached investors about a lollipop business but he failed to get support. He took over the company himself and built the first production machines with his own hands. He also decided that the new creation would be called Chupa Chups, after the Spanish verb chupar, which translates into to suck.

Enric Bernat knew that the bon-bons on a wooden stick would be an instant hit. Previously candy had been marketed as a luxury and kept away from children. However, he knew that if he could get the candy into the view of children he would sell many more lollipops. Five years after he first introduced the idea, Chupa Chups were being sold at over 300,000 stores across Europe.

The original Chupa Chups sales force was over 600 sales agents for 300,000 locations.

This amazing sales force sped across Europe to bring the good news and delicious taste of the Chupa Chups lollipops to the masses. Without their dedication and excitement, there would be no way the company could have grown to the massive size that it is today.

Sadly, the traditional wooden stick that was associated with Chupa Chups had to be discontinued and replaced with a plastic one due to the lack of wood available in Spain. The stick has remained plastic ever since. Chupa Chups were originally going to be called GOL but the name did not stick.

An advertising firm came up with the idea to name them Chupa and the delightful lollipops were born. Salvador Dali, the famous painter, created the new Chupa Chups logo, which remains on the wrapper on all of the lollipops to this day.

The Chupa Chups business went international beginning with Asia and Australia in the 1970’s. It soon followed to North America and the rest of Europe. The amazing results led to a high point for the company, with the production of over 4 billion Chupa Chups lollipops during the 2003 calendar year.

Why did company have to change the material the sticks were made of?

варіанти відповідей

a They were low quality

b The we too expensive

c The were harmful for kids’ health

d They changed the material to make Chupa Chups more attractive for those who buy them.

Запитання 21


 Put the missing words into the necessary place.


Mark Twain 1)… once by a friend to go to the opera. The friend was very rich. He and his wife had their own box at the opera.2) … the performance, the friend's wife talked 3)… the time. She also talked 4)… loudly. She talked 5) … much that it was often difficult 6)… Mark Twain to listen to the opera.7) … the end of the performance she turned to Mark Twain and said, "Oh, my dear Mark Twain, I do want you to be 8)… us again next Friday night. I'm sure you 9) … it - the opera will be "Carmen". "Thank you very much," said Mark Twain. " That will be fine. I 10)… never you in "Carmen"."

What is missing word in gap 1?

варіанти відповідей


have heard 


‘ll like 




was  invited

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