Контрольна робота Unit 1

Додано: 25 вересня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
10 запитань
Запитання 1

Дати синонім до слова Communicate

I like to communicate with my friends.

варіанти відповідей

to speak

to hangout

to socialize

Запитання 2

I adore my Windy for his fondness for me.

Заміни слово fondness на його синонім

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 3

Поясни значення слова

to hangout

варіанти відповідей

to spend time idly or in relaxing or socializing

To relax with friends

To have a good time together

Запитання 4

Поясни що таке the ponytail

варіанти відповідей

the way to follow the fashion

a hairstyle in which the hair is pulled together and banded usually at the back of the head so as to resemble the tail of a pony.

a type of hair

Запитання 5

Дайте правільну відповідь що входить до Teenager’s World

варіанти відповідей

to be brave

to communicate with relatives

concerned about appearance and clothes

to read more

Запитання 6

Дайте правильний переклад цієї фрази

Я спілкуюсь з моїми друзями кожну неділю

варіанти відповідей

I am socializing with my friends at the end of the week

I socialize with my friends on Sundays

I socialized with my friends on Tuesday

Запитання 7

Що за час використовується в цьому реченні?

The teens really care about the way they look.

варіанти відповідей

Present Continuous

Present Simple

Past Simple

Present Perfect

Запитання 8

Read the article and answer the following questions.


People love gadgets. In today’s modern world, it seems like there is a gadget for everything. Gadgets are getting smaller and smaller and you can control almost everything you need right from your hand. The following are a couple of the most popular gadgets that people are crazy about.


The Amazon Kindle is an electronic reading device created by amazon.com in 2007. The Kindle is about the same size of a small paperback, but the big difference is that, instead of having only one book with you, in this gadget you can store around 1500 or 3500 books, depending on which model you have. Users can purchase the ‘book’, or file of the book’s text from Amazon’s website for a small fee. You download the file and load it on youdigital titles ar Kindle. At first, there were only around 80,000 vailable titles for downloading but today, there are over 300,000. Users can also subscribe to magazines and newspapers for a monthly fee, some as low as 0.92 euros per month. The Kindle has got web capabilities, so users can surf the Net while reading, as well as listen to MP3s. Today, many authors are promoting the Kindle by releasing chapters of their novels or entire novels for free to download for a Kindle device. In this way, the Kindle online store is becoming a lot like the iTunes store, with its special promotions and features.


The Flip Video is a very small digital camcorder made by Pure Digital Technologies. The earliest model of the Flip Video came out in 2006, but the Flip Ultra, released in 2007, is much more well-known. The Flip Ultra is popular because it is so small and light which makes it extremely easy to carry. The camera also comes in a variety of colours and has got many accessories, including an underwater case (for shooting underwater video), a tripod and even a bicycle helmet attachment for those who want to shoot a video while cycling. Some models come in High Definition format and use recyclable batteries, while other models use regular AA batteries. Each camera has a hidden USB stick that pops out to connect it with a computer easily, eliminating the need for any cables or wires. Depending on which model you choose, you can have a storage space of up to 8 gigabytes, which allows for several hours of video footage. Flip Videos are popular because they are so easy to use and are compatible with many online networking sites and video-sharing sites like YouTube. Gadgets like these show us that the wave of the future will be controlled right from our hands.

1 What is The Flip Video ?

варіанти відповідей

a tripod

a hidden USB stick that pops out to connect it with a computer easily

Gadgets like these show us that the wave of the future

is a very small digital camcorder made by Pure Digital Technologies

Запитання 9


People love gadgets. In today’s modern world, it seems like there is a gadget for everything. Gadgets are getting smaller and smaller and you can control almost everything you need right from your hand. The following are a couple of the most popular gadgets that people are crazy about.


The Amazon Kindle is an electronic reading device created by amazon.com in 2007. The Kindle is about the same size of a small paperback, but the big difference is that, instead of having only one book with you, in this gadget you can store around 1500 or 3500 books, depending on which model you have. Users can purchase the ‘book’, or file of the book’s text from Amazon’s website for a small fee. You download the file and load it on your Kindle. At first, there were only around 80,000 digital titles available for downloading but today, there are over 300,000. Users can also subscribe to magazines and newspapers for a monthly fee, some as low as 0.92 euros per month. The Kindle has got web capabilities, so users can surf the Net while reading, as well as listen to MP3s. Today, many authors are promoting the Kindle by releasing chapters of their novels or entire novels for free to download for a Kindle device. In this way, the Kindle online store is becoming a lot like the iTunes store, with its special promotions and features.


The Flip Video is a very small digital camcorder made by Pure Digital Technologies. The earliest model of the Flip Video came out in 2006, but the Flip Ultra, released in 2007, is much more well-known. The Flip Ultra is popular because it is so small and light which makes it extremely easy to carry. The camera also comes in a variety of colours and has got many accessories, including an underwater case (for shooting underwater video), a tripod and even a bicycle helmet attachment for those who want to shoot a video while cycling. Some models come in High Definition format and use recyclable batteries, while other models use regular AA batteries. Each camera has a hidden USB stick that pops out to connect it with a computer easily, eliminating the need for any cables or wires. Depending on which model you choose, you can have a storage space of up to 8 gigabytes, which allows for several hours of video footage. Flip Videos are popular because they are so easy to use and are compatible with many online networking sites and video-sharing sites like YouTube. Gadgets like these show us that the wave of the future will be controlled right from our hands.

Which of the sentences is true about the Amazon Kindle?

варіанти відповідей

Users download books using the Amazon Kindle.

The Amazon Kindle comes in various models.

Users can store up to 1,500 books in the Amazon Kindle.

Запитання 10


People love gadgets. In today’s modern world, it seems like there is a gadget for everything. Gadgets are getting smaller and smaller and you can control almost everything you need right from your hand. The following are a couple of the most popular gadgets that people are crazy about.


The Amazon Kindle is an electronic reading device created by amazon.com in 2007. The Kindle is about the same size of a small paperback, but the big difference is that, instead of having only one book with you, in this gadget you can store around 1500 or 3500 books, depending on which model you have. Users can purchase the ‘book’, or file of the book’s text from Amazon’s website for a small fee. You download the file and load it on your Kindle. At first, there were only around 80,000 digital titles available for downloading but today, there are over 300,000. Users can also subscribe to magazines and newspapers for a monthly fee, some as low as 0.92 euros per month. The Kindle has got web capabilities, so users can surf the Net while reading, as well as listen to MP3s. Today, many authors are promoting the Kindle by releasing chapters of their novels or entire novels for free to download for a Kindle device. In this way, the Kindle online store is becoming a lot like the iTunes store, with its special promotions and features.


The Flip Video is a very small digital camcorder made by Pure Digital Technologies. The earliest model of the Flip Video came out in 2006, but the Flip Ultra, released in 2007, is much more well-known. The Flip Ultra is popular because it is so small and light which makes it extremely easy to carry. The camera also comes in a variety of colours and has got many accessories, including an underwater case (for shooting underwater video), a tripod and even a bicycle helmet attachment for those who want to shoot a video while cycling. Some models come in High Definition format and use recyclable batteries, while other models use regular AA batteries. Each camera has a hidden USB stick that pops out to connect it with a computer easily, eliminating the need for any cables or wires. Depending on which model you choose, you can have a storage space of up to 8 gigabytes, which allows for several hours of video footage. Flip Videos are popular because they are so easy to use and are compatible with many online networking sites and video-sharing sites like YouTube. Gadgets like these show us that the wave of the future will be controlled right from our hands.

Why is the Flip Ultra more well-known than other models of Flip Video?

варіанти відповідей

Because the rest of the models are tiny

Because the Flip Ultra has got a digital camera.

Because the Flip Ultra has got more accessories.

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