Контрольна робота за 1 семестр Full Blast 2

Додано: 27 листопада 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Choose a, b, c or d

1. Angela______ to join the tennis club because she loves playing tennis.

2. __________, the old man died before the ambulance got there.

3. Karen was really ________ when she saw the shark.

4. Let me________ you my new painting.

варіанти відповідей

a.1 decided, 2 Unfortunately, 3 frightened, 4 show

b.1 frightened, 2 Unfortunately, 3 show, 4 decided

c.1 show, 2 frightened, 3 decided, 4 Unfortunately

d. 1 decided, 2 Unfortunately, 3 show, 4 frightened

Запитання 2

Choose a, b or c

1. The bus was very _______ this morning.

2. When we arrived at the campsite, we put up the ___________.

3. We were driving to the beach, when we got a______ tyre.

варіанти відповідей

a. 1 tent, 2 flat, 3 crowded

b. 1 crowded, 2 tent, 3 flat

c. 1 flat, 2 tent, 3 crowded

Запитання 3

Complete the sentences with the prepositions:

1. I hang______ with my friends at the weekend.

2. I’m looking______ my keys but I can’t find them.

3. Hilda crashed_______ a bus stop while she was riding her bike last Tuesday.

варіанти відповідей

a. 1 for, 2 into, 3 out

b. 1 into, 2 out, 3 for

c. 1 out, 2 for, 3 into

Запитання 4

Complete the sentences with the prepositions:

1. OK, can everyone stand_____ the middle of the room, please?

2. My cousin learnt to play the piano______ the age of seven.

3. Hang________ a minute. I want to get a hot dog. I’m hungry.

варіанти відповідей

a. 1at, 2 in, 3 on

b. 1 in, 2 at, 3 on

c. 1 on, 2 at, 3 in

Запитання 5

Choose a, b or c.

1. How often do you go to the youth club?

2. What do you think of my new jacket?

3. What does he look like?

варіанти відповідей

a. 1 He’s tall and slim. 2 Once or twice a week. 3 It looks good.

b. 1 It looks good. 2 He’s tall and slim. 3 Once or twice a week.

c. 1 Once or twice a week. 2 It looks good. 3 He’s tall and slim.

Запитання 6

Choose a, b or c.

1.Need some help?

2. Is my MP3 player at your house?

3. How long did you stay in Spain?

варіанти відповідей

a. 1 No thanks. 2 Let me check. 3 .For three months

b. 1 Let me check. 2 No thanks. 3 For three months.

c. 1 For three months. 2 Let me check. 3 No thanks.

Запитання 7

Complete with the Present Simple or the Present Progressive of the verbs:

1. Mark _______ playing basketball.

2. A: Hi, Rob. What you _______?

B: I _________.

3. Kate and Mike _______to buy new posters for their room because they ______ the old ones.

4. A: Why Beth _______?

B: Because she’s late for school.

5. Lots of people ______ the underground every day.

варіанти відповідей

a.1 use, 2 want/don`t like, 3 are...doing/am studing,4 is...running, 5 enjoys

b. 1 enjoys, 2 is...running, 3 are...doing/am studing, 4 want/don`t like, 5 use

c.1 enjoys, 2 are...doing/am studying, 3 want/don`t like, 4 is...running, 5 use

Запитання 8

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives:

1. Exercise B is _______ than exercise D.

2. My room isn’t as ________as my sister’s.

3. Which is the _______means of transport?

4. Bruce is the _________player in our team.

варіанти відповідей

a.1 easier, 2 cleanest, 3 cheaper, 4 best

b.1 easy, 2 cleaner, 3 cheapest, 4 best

c.1 easier, 2 clean, 3 cheapest, 4 best

Запитання 9

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives:

1. Motorbikes are _______ than bikes.

2. I think the roller coaster was the _______ ride at the funfair.

3. I haven’t got as _______skirts as you have.

варіанти відповідей

a.1 most dangerous, 2 most exciting, 3 many

b.1 more dangerous, 2 most exciting, 3 many

c.1 dangerous, 2 more exciting, 3 more

Запитання 10

Choose a, b or c.

1. I usually go to the gym ____ Fridays.

2. The museum is ______to the library.

3. Walk ______ King Street and turn right ____the traffic lights.

варіанти відповідей

a.1 on, 2 next, 3 down/at

b.1 at, 2 next, 3 down/at

c.1 in, 2 opposite, 3 through/in

Запитання 11

Choose a, b or c.

1. What’s _______that tree?

2. When Sandy came _______ the room, she was really angry.

3. My family and I usually have lunch _____ one o’clock ______the weekend.

варіанти відповідей

a.1 between, 2 of, 3 on/untill

b.1 behind, 2 from, 3 at/on

c.1 behind, 2 of, 3 at/at

Запитання 12

Choose a, b or c.

1. Keith can’t stand_______ the car. It’s really boring!

2. I love______ skirts in the summer.

3. My parents want _______ to a concert on Friday.

4. I enjoy ____windows. It’s great fun!

варіанти відповідей

a.1 washing, 2 wearing, 3 to go, 4 cleaning

b.1 to wash, 2 to wear, 3 going, 4 to clean

c.1 wasing, 2 to wear, 3 to go, 4 cleaning

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