Read the text and choose the correct variant.
An Address Without a Letter
Before 1840 there were no stamps. In those days people usually paid a lot of money for a letter when they received it. That is why people who were very poor did not write to one another. But when they sent or received a letter, it was a very important thing for them.
There is a story about a letter to a poor woman. One day the postman came to her house to bring her a letter. He told the woman to pay a lot of money, which she did not have.
She looked at the letter, and gave it back to the postman. “I cannot pay for it,” she said.
Just at that moment a man heard the conversation between the postman and the woman.
He came up to the woman and said, “Let me pay for the letter. I have money and I want to help you.” Then he gave the postman the money.
“I thank you very much,” said the woman, “but you must not pay for the letter. It is from my brother. He sends me one letter every three months. He does not write about himself and his family, he writes only my address. Then I know that he is well, and as I cannot pay for the letter, I give it back to the postman.”
1.1) There were no stamps:
An Address Without a Letter
Before 1840 there were no stamps. In those days people usually paid a lot of money for a letter when they received it. That is why people who were very poor did not write to one another. But when they sent or received a letter, it was a very important thing for them.
There is a story about a letter to a poor woman. One day the postman came to her house to bring her a letter. He told the woman to pay a lot of money, which she did not have.
She looked at the letter, and gave it back to the postman. “I cannot pay for it,” she said.
Just at that moment a man heard the conversation between the postman and the woman.
He came up to the woman and said, “Let me pay for the letter. I have money and I want to help you.” Then he gave the postman the money.
“I thank you very much,” said the woman, “but you must not pay for the letter. It is from my brother. He sends me one letter every three months. He does not write about himself and his family, he writes only my address. Then I know that he is well, and as I cannot pay for the letter, I give it back to the postman.”
2.People usually paid:
An Address Without a Letter
Before 1840 there were no stamps. In those days people usually paid a lot of money for a letter when they received it. That is why people who were very poor did not write to one another. But when they sent or received a letter, it was a very important thing for them.
There is a story about a letter to a poor woman. One day the postman came to her house to bring her a letter. He told the woman to pay a lot of money, which she did not have.
She looked at the letter, and gave it back to the postman. “I cannot pay for it,” she said.
Just at that moment a man heard the conversation between the postman and the woman.
He came up to the woman and said, “Let me pay for the letter. I have money and I want to help you.” Then he gave the postman the money.
“I thank you very much,” said the woman, “but you must not pay for the letter. It is from my brother. He sends me one letter every three months. He does not write about himself and his family, he writes only my address. Then I know that he is well, and as I cannot pay for the letter, I give it back to the postman.”
3.One day the postman brought a letter:
An Address Without a Letter
Before 1840 there were no stamps. In those days people usually paid a lot of money for a letter when they received it. That is why people who were very poor did not write to one another. But when they sent or received a letter, it was a very important thing for them.
There is a story about a letter to a poor woman. One day the postman came to her house to bring her a letter. He told the woman to pay a lot of money, which she did not have.
She looked at the letter, and gave it back to the postman. “I cannot pay for it,” she said.
Just at that moment a man heard the conversation between the postman and the woman.
He came up to the woman and said, “Let me pay for the letter. I have money and I want to help you.” Then he gave the postman the money.
“I thank you very much,” said the woman, “but you must not pay for the letter. It is from my brother. He sends me one letter every three months. He does not write about himself and his family, he writes only my address. Then I know that he is well, and as I cannot pay for the letter, I give it back to the postman.”
3.The woman looked at the letter and
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in Past Simple or Past Progressive.
1.I ____________ to school at the age of 6.
2.Johnny ____________ tennis at three o’clock yesterday.
3.My relatives ____________ us last summer.
Choose the correct answer.
A: Did ______ see you? B: ______ saw me.
A: Do you have ______ jokes to tell us? B: Yes, ______.
What do you see in the picture?
What emotion is expressed in the photo?
Answer the question:
What happened to the boy?
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