Lexical and grammatical test on the topic "Ukraine. English-speaking country" Form-10

Додано: 6 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 43 рази
7 запитань
Запитання 1

Task 1. Match words with their translate

1. an anthem                                                  

2. a law      

3. to declare

4. to elect

5. to proclaim

6. supreme

a) закон

b) проголосити

c) декларувати

d) верховний

e) обирати

f) гімн

варіанти відповідей

1 - d

2 - b

3 - e

4 - c

5 - a

6 - f

1 - b

2 - e

3 - c

4 - a

5 - f

6 -d

1 - f

2 - a

3 - c

4 - e

5 - b

6 - d

1 - c

2 - d

3 - e

4 - c

5 - b

6 - a

Запитання 2

Task 2. Choose the correct tense form. (Past Simple, Past Continuous,

Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous)

1. It had been raining all day and the roads ................ very


варіанти відповідей

had been


Запитання 3

Task 2. Choose the correct tense form. (Past Simple, Past Continuous,

Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous)

2. When ................. to take a course in


варіанти відповідей

did she choose

has she chosen

Запитання 4

Task 2. Choose the correct tense form. (Past Simple, Past Continuous,

Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous)

3. Tom ................. about his answer during the

lunch break.

варіанти відповідей

had been thinking


Запитання 5

Task 2. Choose the correct tense form. (Past Simple, Past Continuous,

Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous)

4. Dan was angry. He .............. for Linda

for two hours.

варіанти відповідей

had been waiting

was waiting

Запитання 6

Task 2. Choose the correct tense form. (Past Simple, Past Continuous,

Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous)

5. Students .......... their books and did the


варіанти відповідей


had opened

Запитання 7

Task 2. Choose the correct tense form. (Past Simple, Past Continuous,

Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous)

6. The teacher ............. as he was reading

Kate’s essay.

варіанти відповідей

had smiled

was smiling

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