Listening 9th form. Italian food at Easter

Додано: 6 квітня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 238 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Easter is the holiday when people can be with their family and enjoy holiday food

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Запитання 2

All people in the US celebrate Easter with the same kind of food

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Запитання 3

There is an Italian market in Wahington D.C. that has traditional Italian Easter foods.

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Запитання 4

In the middle of the Via Umbria shop there is a large chocolate cake.

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Запитання 5

"Buona Pasqua" meanss "Happy Easter" in Italian

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Запитання 6

The Via Umbria shop has a lot of different kinds of Easter eggs

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Запитання 7

What do doves usually represent in many cultures?

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Запитання 8

How much does the Colomba cake need to rise?

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Half an hour

Thirty hours

Thirteen hours

Запитання 9

What meat does the shop sell?

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Beef and pork

Pork and veal

Lamb and pork

Запитання 10

What does an Italian man say about the shop?

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There are a lot of presents that you can buy for Easter there.

That he often comes to the shop from Italy.

That their chocolate eggs are his favourite.

Запитання 11

What can people, who do not like to cook, do in the shop?

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They can have an Easter breakfast there.

They can eat an Eater meal at the shop

They can learn to cook Easter dishes.

Запитання 12

What is the Italian tradition connected to the ring-shaped cake?

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It is baked by young women who do not want to marry.

It is baked by old women on Easter Sunday.

Young women bake it for the person they love.

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