Listening Test

Додано: 25 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 2779 разів
14 запитань
Запитання 1

Listen to the text [Track 15] (прослухати текст ви можете у вайбер-групі).

[Track 15] Listen to five people talking about watching videos online. Match statements A–G with speakers 1–5. There are two extra letters.

Speaker 1 ______

варіанти відповідей

A. The speaker is surprised by the quality of online videos.

B. The speaker saves time by watching online videos.

C. The speaker thinks that the quality of online videos is improving.

D. The speaker needs to watch online videos for their job.

E. The speaker wishes he/she didn’t watch so many online videos.

F. The speaker comments on other people’s online behaviour.

G. The speaker admits that they sometimes steal ideas from online videos.

Запитання 2

Listen to the text [Track 15] (прослухати текст ви можете у вайбер-групі).

[Track 15] Listen to five people talking about watching videos online. Match statements A–G with speakers 1–5. There are two extra letters.

Speaker 2 ______

варіанти відповідей

A. The speaker is surprised by the quality of online videos.

B. The speaker saves time by watching online videos.

C. The speaker thinks that the quality of online videos is improving.

D. The speaker needs to watch online videos for their job.

E. The speaker wishes he/she didn’t watch so many online videos.

F. The speaker comments on other people’s online behaviour.

G. The speaker admits that they sometimes steal ideas from online videos. 

Запитання 3

[Track 15] Listen to five people talking about watching videos online. Match statements A–G with speakers 1–5. There are two extra letters.

Speaker 3 ______

варіанти відповідей

A. The speaker is surprised by the quality of online videos.

B. The speaker saves time by watching online videos.

C. The speaker thinks that the quality of online videos is improving.

D. The speaker needs to watch online videos for their job.

E. The speaker wishes he/she didn’t watch so many online videos.

F. The speaker comments on other people’s online behaviour.

G. The speaker admits that they sometimes steal ideas from online videos. 

Запитання 4

[Track 15] Listen to five people talking about watching videos online. Match statements A–G with speakers 1–5. There are two extra letters.

Speaker 4 ______

варіанти відповідей

A. The speaker is surprised by the quality of online videos.

B. The speaker saves time by watching online videos.

C. The speaker thinks that the quality of online videos is improving

D. The speaker needs to watch online videos for their job.

E. The speaker wishes he/she didn’t watch so many online videos.

Запитання 5

[Track 15] Listen to five people talking about watching videos online. Match statements A–G with speakers 1–5. There are two extra letters.

Speaker 5 ______

варіанти відповідей

A. The speaker is surprised by the quality of online videos.

B. The speaker saves time by watching online videos.

C. The speaker thinks that the quality of online videos is improving.

D. The speaker needs to watch online videos for their job.

E. The speaker wishes he/she didn’t watch so many online videos.

F. The speaker comments on other people’s online behaviour.

G. The speaker admits that they sometimes steal ideas from online videos.

Запитання 6

2 [Track 19] You will hear an interview with a police detective. For questions 1–5, choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.

1 Emma decided to become a police officer because.

варіанти відповідей

A. she wanted her father to be proud of her.

B. she wanted to set a good example for other girls.

C. it was the job her father did.

D. her parents wanted her to work for the police.

Запитання 7

[Track 19]

2 Emma believes more young people are interested in joining the police because

варіанти відповідей

A they want to use new techniques and strategies for solving crimes.

B they believe they can solve the old crimes they see on TV.

C they only hear about success stories and don’t realise the hard work it takes to solve a crime.

D they think they will earn a lot of money.

Запитання 8

[Track 19]

3 What type of cases does Emma enjoy solving the most?

варіанти відповідей

A Catching killers

B The most serious crimes

C Cases that require her to think differently

D Cases that are difficult to solve

Запитання 9

4 Emma

варіанти відповідей

A often knows from the beginning of an investigation who committed the crime.

B regularly needs months to put someone in prison.

C is often surprised at how intelligent criminals are.

D is studying psychology to help understand the criminals she catches

Запитання 10

5 To become a police detective you have to

варіанти відповідей

A pass a written exam and a physical test before working as a police officer.

B first work successfully as a police officer.

C get a specific university qualification.

D spend a lot of money on training courses.

Запитання 11

6 What quality is important to be a police detective?

варіанти відповідей

A Being prepared to break the rules

B Understanding other people’s feelings

C Being interested in many different topics

D Being relaxed

Запитання 12

Listening B1: Chatting about a series

Match the words with the explanations.

like a chapter in a book, but for a television series

варіанти відповідей

a key

an episode

a plot

a gig

Запитання 13

Listening B1: Chatting about a series

Match the words with the explanations.

computer graphics or other ways of making amazing scenes for film and television

варіанти відповідей

soap operas

be streamed

news bulletin

special effects

Запитання 14

Listening B1: Chatting about a series

Match the words with the explanations.

easy to guess what will happen

варіанти відповідей

to reckon

to make it



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