Chose the correct word:
… send out reporters and photographers to interview people.
Chose the correct word:
A piece of writing in a paper or a magazine is ….
Chose the correct word:
Creative worker who professionally collects, receives, creates and prepares information for the mass media – it’s ….
Chose the correct word:
Newspapers published once in seven days are called ...
Chose the correct word:
Newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, the Internet are ...
Chose the correct word:
A title of a newspaper report is called ...
Chose the correct word:
A description of an event is ….
Chose the correct word:
An... is a text, picture or short film which tries to sell you something.
Chose the correct word:
An ... is something important that happens. It can be good or bad.
Find the correct variant
- Mass media :
This is a funny programme with jokes
This is a show in which people play games in order to win prizes
This is a programme in which people telephone in order to give their opinions.
This is a programme in which designers decorate somebody's house.
Choose the correct definition to the word "а newspaper".
Choose the correct definition to the word "information". Вибери правильне визначення слова "information"
Choose the correct variant. Вибери правильний варіант
.......... is a show broadcast early in the morning, which includes news and conversations with famous people
Choose the correct variant. Вибери правильний варіант
......... is a short programme that tells you what the weather will be like.
What are the characteristics of the Quality newspapers?
What are the characteristics of the Tabloid ?
It is a programme that gives you facts and information about a serious subject, such as history, science, or social problems.
A programme which informs you about up-to-date trends in fashion industry, modern clothing items and shoes and gives the actual news from the fashion weeks all over the world.
A programme that shows real people in different situations and which does not use professional actors and actresses.
A programme in which professional designers decorate someone's room, house, flat or change their garden, so that it looks completely different.
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