Module 7 (New Destinations A2) Vocabulary

Додано: 3 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 156 разів
22 запитання
Запитання 1

The machine swallowed my card yesterday when I went to _____ money.

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Запитання 2

The company organised a beautiful _____ for the staff in the Scottish countryside.

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Запитання 3

Adam has a new _____. He works as a cashier in a bank.

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Запитання 4

I didn’t _____ the lesson because no one had told me about it.

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Запитання 5

Mum, look at my _____! I managed to finish the course after all.

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Запитання 6

My brother is applying _____ the position of chef.

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Запитання 7

Are you _____ charge of this area?

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Запитання 8

I am so tired. I’ll take the day _____ tomorrow.

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Запитання 9

My boss is fluent _____ three languages.

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Запитання 10

They didn’t inform me _____ the meeting so I went there late.

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Запитання 11

It took me a while to find a suitable job but I think I have found what I was looking for. I saw an ad in yesterday’s newspaper. There is this (1)_____ that is looking for a(n) (2)_____ manager. I think I have the necessary skills for this position and I have decided to (3)_____ for it. I am computer (4)_____ and I’m (5)_____ in two languages. I have arranged an appointment with the manager on Monday and all I need to have with me is my (6)_____ and some letters of (7)_____ . The only problem is that I haven’t got much previous work (8)_____ , but I have a good feeling about this interview. 

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curriculum vitae


Запитання 12

It took me a while to find a suitable job but I think I have found what I was looking for. I saw an ad in yesterday’s newspaper. There is this (1)_____ that is looking for a(n) (2)_____ manager. I think I have the necessary skills for this position and I have decided to (3)_____ for it. I am computer (4)_____ and I’m (5)_____ in two languages. I have arranged an appointment with the manager on Monday and all I need to have with me is my (6)_____ and some letters of (7)_____ . The only problem is that I haven’t got much previous work (8)_____ , but I have a good feeling about this interview. 

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curriculum vitae

Запитання 13

It took me a while to find a suitable job but I think I have found what I was looking for. I saw an ad in yesterday’s newspaper. There is this (1)_____ that is looking for a(n) (2)_____ manager. I think I have the necessary skills for this position and I have decided to (3)_____ for it. I am computer (4)_____ and I’m (5)_____ in two languages. I have arranged an appointment with the manager on Monday and all I need to have with me is my (6)_____ and some letters of (7)_____ . The only problem is that I haven’t got much previous work (8)_____ , but I have a good feeling about this interview. 

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Запитання 14

It took me a while to find a suitable job but I think I have found what I was looking for. I saw an ad in yesterday’s newspaper. There is this (1)_____ that is looking for a(n) (2)_____ manager. I think I have the necessary skills for this position and I have decided to (3)_____ for it. I am computer (4)_____ and I’m (5)_____ in two languages. I have arranged an appointment with the manager on Monday and all I need to have with me is my (6)_____ and some letters of (7)_____ . The only problem is that I haven’t got much previous work (8)_____ , but I have a good feeling about this interview. 

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curriculum vitae 

Запитання 15

It took me a while to find a suitable job but I think I have found what I was looking for. I saw an ad in yesterday’s newspaper. There is this (1)_____ that is looking for a(n) (2)_____ manager. I think I have the necessary skills for this position and I have decided to (3)_____ for it. I am computer (4)_____ and I’m (5)_____ in two languages. I have arranged an appointment with the manager on Monday and all I need to have with me is my (6)_____ and some letters of (7)_____ . The only problem is that I haven’t got much previous work (8)_____ , but I have a good feeling about this interview. 

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Запитання 16

It took me a while to find a suitable job but I think I have found what I was looking for. I saw an ad in yesterday’s newspaper. There is this (1)_____ that is looking for a(n) (2)_____ manager. I think I have the necessary skills for this position and I have decided to (3)_____ for it. I am computer (4)_____ and I’m (5)_____ in two languages. I have arranged an appointment with the manager on Monday and all I need to have with me is my (6)_____ and some letters of (7)_____ . The only problem is that I haven’t got much previous work (8)_____ , but I have a good feeling about this interview. 

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curriculum vitae


Запитання 17

It took me a while to find a suitable job but I think I have found what I was looking for. I saw an ad in yesterday’s newspaper. There is this (1)_____ that is looking for a(n) (2)_____ manager. I think I have the necessary skills for this position and I have decided to (3)_____ for it. I am computer (4)_____ and I’m (5)_____ in two languages. I have arranged an appointment with the manager on Monday and all I need to have with me is my (6)_____ and some letters of (7)_____ . The only problem is that I haven’t got much previous work (8)_____ , but I have a good feeling about this interview. 

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Запитання 18

It took me a while to find a suitable job but I think I have found what I was looking for. I saw an ad in yesterday’s newspaper. There is this (1)_____ that is looking for a(n) (2)_____ manager. I think I have the necessary skills for this position and I have decided to (3)_____ for it. I am computer (4)_____ and I’m (5)_____ in two languages. I have arranged an appointment with the manager on Monday and all I need to have with me is my (6)_____ and some letters of (7)_____ . The only problem is that I haven’t got much previous work (8)_____ , but I have a good feeling about this interview. 

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Запитання 19

Adam: James! You’re finally here! (1)_____ I’ve been waiting here for hours.

James: Sorry, mate. I had arranged a job interview for today.

Adam: A job interview? Why didn’t you call me?

James: (2)_____

Adam: Don’t worry about it. So, how did it go?

James: (3)_____

Adam: What do you mean? (4)_____

James: It was awful! I don’t want to talk about it.

Adam: OK, then. Let’s go have a cup of coffee.

James: Great idea!

варіанти відповідей

What an experience, man!

I was so stressed that I forgot our appointment.

You called her, didn’t you?

Didn’t it go as you expected?

What took you so long?

Запитання 20

Adam: James! You’re finally here! (1)_____ I’ve been waiting here for hours.

James: Sorry, mate. I had arranged a job interview for today.

Adam: A job interview? Why didn’t you call me?

James: (2)_____

Adam: Don’t worry about it. So, how did it go?

James: (3)_____

Adam: What do you mean? (4)_____

James: It was awful! I don’t want to talk about it.

Adam: OK, then. Let’s go have a cup of coffee.

James: Great idea!

варіанти відповідей

What an experience, man!

I was so stressed that I forgot our appointment.

You called her, didn’t you?

Didn’t it go as you expected?

What took you so long?

Запитання 21

Adam: James! You’re finally here! (1)_____ I’ve been waiting here for hours.

James: Sorry, mate. I had arranged a job interview for today.

Adam: A job interview? Why didn’t you call me?

James: (2)_____

Adam: Don’t worry about it. So, how did it go?

James: (3)_____

Adam: What do you mean? (4)_____

James: It was awful! I don’t want to talk about it.

Adam: OK, then. Let’s go have a cup of coffee.

James: Great idea!

варіанти відповідей

What an experience, man!

I was so stressed that I forgot our appointment.

You called her, didn’t you?

Didn’t it go as you expected?

What took you so long?

Запитання 22

Adam: James! You’re finally here! (1)_____ I’ve been waiting here for hours.

James: Sorry, mate. I had arranged a job interview for today.

Adam: A job interview? Why didn’t you call me?

James: (2)_____

Adam: Don’t worry about it. So, how did it go?

James: (3)_____

Adam: What do you mean? (4)_____

James: It was awful! I don’t want to talk about it.

Adam: OK, then. Let’s go have a cup of coffee.

James: Great idea!

варіанти відповідей

What an experience, man!

I was so stressed that I forgot our appointment.

You called her, didn’t you?

Didn’t it go as you expected?

What took you so long?

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