My family and friends

Додано: 6 листопада 2024
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
6 запитань
Запитання 1

What does your friend do in her free time?

варіанти відповідей

She is really into playing the guitar.

She is fond of cooking and watching video recipes.

She usually rides her bike or plays outdoors.

She loves listening to music.

Запитання 2

Does your friend have any pets?

варіанти відповідей

He's got a parrot which can speak!

He doesn't have a pet at the moment but he plans to get a kitten or a puppy.

He's got a cat and a lovely dog.

He's got a turtle.

Запитання 3

Where does Emma come from?

варіанти відповідей

As I know, she's from London.

Her family comes from the Caribbean.

She's from Italy.

Emma is from the USA.

Запитання 4

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My name is John. I ’m 12 years old and I ’m in Year 6. My favourite subjects are English and Drama. I ’ve got two brothers and a sister. We live with my mum and dad in London. I love travelling. My parents were born in Edinburgh, so we’ve got lots of relatives in Scotland. We go there once or twice a year to stay with my aunt and uncle.

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Запитання 5

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Мy sister’s name is Eva. I think she is my best friend. I like her because she is a helpful person. She always helps me with my homework. Besides, she is a good listener too. She always listens to my school stories. She gives me advice on how to solve my problems. Eva is a good cook. When I am hungry, she always cooks some delicious food. Not only that, my sister is a kind person. Sometimes she makes me laugh at her jokes. That’s why I love her very much.

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Запитання 6

Обери 1 малюнок, який відповідає змісту тексту.

I like my aunt Liudmyla the most. She has thick straight brown hair and dark brown eyes. She’s got a nice smile. She’s very helpful. I can always ask her for advice. My aunt likes reading, gardening and she often takes long walks. She is a very active person. She is very kind-hearted. She doesn’t like it when people do not agree with her.

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