1.When the supplies are low, an ingenious homemaker....
2. Borsch can be made a day in advance and reheated....
3. … eats an animal which is cut up into pieces while still alive?
4. You need to fry the pasta in a big pan.
5.Don’t forget to .... after you have finished eating.
6.Stress-free full English breakfast consists of...
7.Match the unusual food with the country -The Philippines
8. You have to be careful to ______________ the tentacles fully, to make sure they don’t stick in your throat and ______________ you.
9. The true old country style borsch is....
10.How long does it take to finish ... here?
11.We have lots of slang words and abbreviations (short forms) of food that you’ll see and hear. Find the correct word to this one: sandwich
12. ''grub'' is ...
13. Second conditional
I'd give you her number if I ... it.
14. Second conditional
If everybody in the world ... one dollar, we'd finish the world's problems.
15. Second conditional
You ... to spend so much time tidying your house if you didn't have so much stuff.
16. Second conditional
If you ... so much noise, I could concentrate.
17. First conditional
If you elect me student body president, I ... ... you with the best parties you have ever seen.
18. First conditional
When you read this email, I ...on a plane to Germany.
19. First conditional
... if I give you the address?
20.First conditional
I'll sort this problem once if I ... back.
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