Nature and Environment

Додано: 9 березня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 27 разів
20 запитань
Запитання 1

The house ... two years ago.

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was build

was built

were built

is built

Запитання 2

The first mobile phones ....... in the USA.

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are produced

were produced

will be produced


Запитання 3

Choose the correct answer

The staff the manager tomorrow morning.

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is instructed

will be instructed

are instructed

will be to instructed

Запитання 4

Choose the correct sentences

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Was the equipment delivered by the end of the working day yesterday?

The equipment was delivered by the end of the working day yesterday?

Were the equipment delivered by the end of the working day yesterday?

The equipment wasn't delivered by the end of the working day yesterday.

Was the equipment deliver by the end of the working day yesterday?

Запитання 5

Every person produces about 650 tons of garbage _______.

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during his/her lifetime

every year

every 10 years

Запитання 6

1. Choose only one correct answer.

Nowadays everyone should take care about the ... .

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Запитання 7

1. Choose only one correct answer.

A lot of people will be thirsty if there isn’t enough ... .

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Запитання 8

2. Translate the words.

a surface - ... , pollution - ...

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вигляд, полювати

сумне обличчя, популяція

поверхня, забруднення

Запитання 9

2. Translate the words.

endangered - ... , to spill - ...

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зникаючий, розливати

в небезпеці, сипати

застрахований, розпилювати

Запитання 10

3. Open the brackets and write a sentence in First Conditional.

If it ... (rain), I ... (stay) at my friend`s home.

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If it will rains, I will stay at my friend`s home.

If it rains, I will stay at my friend`s home.

If it will rain, I stay at my friend`s home.

Запитання 11

3. Open the brackets and write a sentence in First Conditional.

If you ... (study), you ... (pass) the exam.

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If you study, you will pass the exam.

If you study, you pass the exam.

If you will study, you pass the exam.

Запитання 12

4. Read the information and choose Agree or Disagree.

It is important to recycle old paper.

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Запитання 13

4. Read the information and choose Agree or Disagree.

Not very many species are in danger of becoming extinct.

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Запитання 14

We have so many of them, like air, sea, and land pollution, holes in the ozone layer and so on.

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environmental problems

nuclear testing

animals in danger



Запитання 15

"there are many endangered species" means that a lot of animals and plants will....

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Move to another area

Grow in number

Запитання 16

Animals ,which live in the jungle and forest , are in danger because...

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people build towns there

trees grow very fast

biggr animals eat them

people are cutting down trees

Запитання 17

Many species of animals die out as a result of _____________ because people destroy their natural habitats and some rare animals can live only in a certain place.

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plastic pollution

Запитання 18

Water pollution

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 the accumulation of plastic objects in the environment

a problem of harmful gases in the air

a problem when bad chemicals pollute rivers, lakes, seas and oceans

a problem when too many people live on Earth

Запитання 19 our planet.

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Запитання 20

We should __________ old paper in order to save woods and forests on the planet.

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