Next Move 2 Unit 7 Future Simple/First Conditional

Додано: 11 квітня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 158 разів
22 запитання
Запитання 1

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of will and the verbs.

carry     get     go     never / be     not / like     not / win     pass     tell     watch

1) ‘I forgot to tell Jane about the party.’ ‘Don’t worry. I _____her.’

2) ‘Oh no! We haven’t got any milk.’ ‘I _____ to the supermarket for you.’

3) You’re a fast runner, but you ____ the race.

варіанти відповідей

1) won't be; 2) will get; 3) will pass

1) will carry; 2) will get; 3) will pass

1) will tell; 2) will go; 3) won't win

1) will watch; 2) will get; 3) won't like

Запитання 2

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of will and the verbs.

carry     get     go     never / be     not / like     not / win     pass     tell     watch

1) ‘  _____ (Jenna) all her exams?’ ‘Yes, she’s a good student.’

2)     Her new film is fantastic. Lots of people ______ it.

3)     She can sing, but she isn’t very good. She _____ famous.

варіанти відповідей

1) Will Jenna pass; 2) will watch; 3) won't be

1) Will Jenna go; 2) will get; 3) won't like

1) Will Jenna pass; 2) will get; 3) won't be

1) Will Jenna tell; 2) will carry; 3) won't like

Запитання 3

3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of will and the verbs.

carry     get     go     never / be     not / like     not / win     pass     tell     watch

1)      ‘These boxes are heavy.’ ‘I _____ them for you.’

2)      ‘They’re going to a rock concert.’ ‘They _____ it. They don’t like rock music.’

3)      When  ______ (Ann and John) married? 

варіанти відповідей

1) will get; 2) won't win; 3) will Anna and John go

1) will tell; 2) won't like; 3) will Anna and John get

1) will carry; 2) will never be; 3) will Anna and John go

1) will carry; 2) won't like; 3) will Anna and John get

Запитання 4

4 Complete the first conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs.

1)    If you ___(pass) your exams, I _____ (buy) you an MP3 player. 

2)    If they ____(not practise) every day, they ______ (not be) famous singers.

3)    If she ______ (get) good marks in the exam, she ______ (study) 

варіанти відповідей

1) passes / will buy; 2) doesn't practise / won't be; 3) gets / will study

1) pass / will buy; 2) don't practise / won't be; 3) gets / will study

1) will pass / buy; 2) won't practise / aren't; 3) will get / study

1) will pass / buy; 2) don't practise / won't be; 3) will get / studies

Запитання 5

5 Complete the first conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs.

1)   If you ______ (run) fast, you ______ (win) the race. 

2)   If they  ______ (drop) litter, the school ____ (be) very dirty.

3)  If he ______(come) here early, we _____ (watch) TV together. 

варіанти відповідей

1) will run / win; 2) drop / will be; 3) comes / will watch

1) run / will win; 2) drop / is; 3) comes / will watch

1) run / will win; 2) drop / will be; 3) comes / will watch

1) run / will win; 2) drop / will be; 3) comes / will watches

Запитання 6

6 Complete the first conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs.

1)   If you _____(not finish) your homework, I ______ (be) angry with you.

2)   If it  _____ (rain), we _____ (not go) swimming.

3) We _____(go) to the park if it _____(be) funny.

варіанти відповідей

1) don't finish / will be; 2) rains / won't go; 3) will go / is

1) won't finish / am; 2) rains / won't go; 3) go / will be

1) don't finish / will be; 2) will rain / don't go; 3) will go / is

1) won't finish / be; 2) rains / won't go; 3) go / will be

Запитання 7

7. Complete the sentences with the words from the topic "Music".

1)   I listened to a new ____ with lots of good songs last night.

2)   She’s a great ____ , and she writes fantastic music.

3)    I ______ this song from the internet.

4)    Adele and Beyoncé are my favourite _____            .

варіанти відповідей

1) playlist; 2) singer; 3) release; 4) charts

1) chart ; 2) concert; 3) track; 4) playlist

1) playlist; 2) composer; 3) track; 4) singers

1) album; 2) composer; 3) downloaded; 4) singers

Запитання 8

8. Complete the sentences with the words from the topic "Music".

1)  That song is number one in the pop ______ .

2)  This radio ______ has some good music programmes.

3)  People love this song. It’s going to be a ______ .

4)  Can I look at the ______ on your MP3 player?

варіанти відповідей

1) singers; 2) concert; 3) album; 4) release

1) release; 2) station; 3) track; 4) playlist

1) charts; 2) concert; 3) track; 4) playlist

1) charts; 2) station; 3) hit; 4) playlist

Запитання 9

9. Complete the sentences with the words from the topic "Music".

1)   Did you go to the rock ____ last night?

2)   Which _____ do you like on this CD: the first or the second?

3)  ‘What’s that song?’ ‘It’s the new CD _____ by Rihanna.’

4)   We listen to _____ music on the computer.

варіанти відповідей

1) station; 2) hit; 3) track; 4) techno

1) concert; 2) track; 3) release; 4) digital

1) chart; 2) playlist; 3) hit; 4) techno

1) concert; 2) track; 3) playlist; 4) classical

Запитання 10

10. Look at the picture and complete the dialogue.

A      I play the keyboard.

B      No, you don’t. You play the______

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 11

11. Look at the picture and complete the dialogue.

A     She plays the violin.

B     No, she doesn’t. She plays the _____ . 

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 12

12. Look at the picture and complete the dialogue.

A     They play the piano.

B     No, they don’t. They play the ________ . 

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 13

13. Look at the picture and complete the dialogue.

A     Joe plays the saxophone.

B     No, he doesn’t. He plays the ______

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 14

14. Look at the picture and complete the dialogue.

A        You play the guitar.

B        No, I don’t. I play the _______. 

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 15

15. Look at the picture and complete the dialogue.

A        I play the drums.

B        No, you don’t. You play the ______

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 16

16. Read the text and complete with types of music. Remember: the continuation of the text is in the next exercise!!

Henry loves music and he listens to 1 te ____ all the time. He doesn’t like

2 p_____   music. His sister Emma likes it and she likes listening to the songs in the charts. Henry’s brother Charles loves 3 h_____  m_____  , but Henry thinks it’s too loud. 

варіанти відповідей

1) television; 2) punk; 3) historical music

1) technical; 2) public; 3) hard music

1) technical; 2) pop; 3) hard music

1) techno; 2) pop; 3) heavy metal

Запитання 17

17. Read the text and complete with types of music. Remember: the continuation of the text is in the next exercise!!

His mum likes 4 h______ h_______ , and Jay-Z is her favourite singer. His dad’s favourite music is 5 re______, and he’s a big fan of Bob Marley. 

варіанти відповідей

4) heavy hop; 5) rap

4) hip hop; 5) rap

4) hip hop; 5) reggae

4) historical hit; 5) reggae

Запитання 18

18. Read the text and complete with types of music.

Henry’s cousins, Bob and Julia, are American, but they don’t like 6 co_____ . They like 7 cl_______ music. Julia says she wants to sing in an opera one day!

варіанти відповідей

6) cowboys; 7) clip

6) cowboys; 7) classical

6) country; 7) classical

6) country; 7) clip

Запитання 19

19. Complete the dialogues. Sometimes there is more than one possible answer.

A      I’m playing the guitar in a concert this evening, and I’m really 1 ______ . B          2 _______ you some  water?

A          3 _______ , but can I have  some hot milk? 

варіанти відповідей

1) nervous; 2) Can I get; 3) Thanks

1) exhited; 2) Can I help; 3) No

1) amazing; 2) Can I give; 3) Yes, please

1) great; 2) Can I help; 3) Thanks

Запитання 20

20. Complete the dialogues. Sometimes there is more than one possible answer.

A      I’m going to a party, but I haven’t got any nice clothes.

B          1 _____ wear my blue dress?

A          2 _____ . It’s beautiful.  

варіанти відповідей

1) Can I get; 2) Great

1) Do you like; 2) Please

1) Would you like; 2) Thanks

1) Do you want to; 2) Please

Запитання 21

21. Complete the dialogues. Sometimes there is more than one possible answer.

A      I have an exam tomorrow.

B      1  ________help? 

A      2 ________, but can you make me some coffee? 

варіанти відповідей

1) Do you; 2) Yes

1) Would I ; 3) No

1) Do you; 2) No

1) Can I ; 2) No

Запитання 22

22. Complete the dialogues. Sometimes there is more than one possible answer.

A      I’m going to start a band.

B     1______ for it! You’ll be  great!

C     2_______sure!  3______ luck!

варіанти відповідей

1) Go; 2) For; 3) Good

1) all right; 2) Go; 3) For sure

1) For; 2) Go; 3) That's

1) Go; 2) All right; 3) Good

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