Олімпіада 10 клас (2024-2025 н.р.)

Додано: 17 жовтня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
30 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the texts below and match choices A-H to the texts 1-6. There are two choices you don't need to use. 

Old-fashioned ways of keeping time

1. Sundial

As the sun moves across the sky, shadows change direction and length, a simple sundial can measure the length of a day. It was quickly noticed that the length of the day varies at different times of the year. Another discovery was that sundial had to be specially made for different latitudes because the Sun's altitude in the sky decrease at higher latitude, producing longer shadows than at lower latitudes.

Which time-tracking device ..........?

варіанти відповідей

A depended on the quality of the material and in the wind

B had to be specially made for a specific area

C could measure time only during the night

D signalled the time to everyone who lived nearby

E used different colours to signal the time

F also has architectural value

G was used to tell how long a certain event should be

H was already used a couple thousand years ago in a number of Arabic countries

Запитання 2

2. Obelisk

Obelisk aren't just impressive monuments, they also have long shadows that are perfect for timekeeping. In Paris, you can still see an obelisk being used as a sundial: The Luxor Obelisk in the centre of the Place de la Concorde aligns its shadow with points on the pavement to show pedestrians the time.

Which time-tracking device ..........?

варіанти відповідей

A depended on the quality of the material and in the wind

B had to be specially made for a specific area

C could measure time only during the night

D signalled the time to everyone who lived nearby

E used different colours to signal the time

F also has architectural value

G was used to tell how long a certain event should be

H was already used a couple thousand years ago in a number of Arabic countries 

Запитання 3

3. Water clock

A sundial becomes rather useless after sunset, so another ancient timekeeping device appeared. The water clock dates back to at least 1500 BC, basically it's a device that uses the reliable flow of water to represent the passing of time. Water clocks appear throughout the ancient world, from Egypt to Greece to the Arabic world and became quite incredible in their complicated designs.

Which time-tracking device ..........?

варіанти відповідей

A depended on the quality of the material and in the wind

B had to be specially made for a specific area

C could measure time only during the night

D signalled the time to everyone who lived nearby

E used different colours to signal the time

F also has architectural value

G was used to tell how long a certain event should be

H was already used a couple thousand years ago in a number of Arabic countries 

Запитання 4

4 Church bells

Before every household had a clock, communities could keep track of time by listening for the local church bells. The word clock actually comes from clocca - Latin for bell - as many of the church clocks that began to built in the 14th century involved striking bells. If you live near a church that still rings the bell every hour, you're getting the time like a medieval person.

Which time-tracking device ..........?

варіанти відповідей

A depended on the quality of the material and in the wind

B had to be specially made for a specific area

C could measure time only during the night

D signalled the time to everyone who lived nearby

E used different colours to signal the time

F also has architectural value

G was used to tell how long a certain event should be

H was already used a couple thousand years ago in a number of Arabic countries 

Запитання 5

5. Hour glasses or sandglasses

As the technology of glass-blowing developed, somewhere in the 14th century it became possible to make sandglasses. Originally, sunglasses were used as a measure of periods of time, but then sandglasses were adjusted to measure specific periods of time, and to decide the correct duration of university lectures and even periods of torture.

Which time-tracking device ..........?

варіанти відповідей

A depended on the quality of the material and in the wind

B had to be specially made for a specific area

C could measure time only during the night

D signalled the time to everyone who lived nearby

E used different colours to signal the time

F also has architectural value

G was used to tell how long a certain event should be

H was already used a couple thousand years ago in a number of Arabic countries 

Запитання 6

6 Candle clocks

Marked candles were used for telling the time in China from the 6th century. There is a popular story that King Alfred the Great invented the candle clock, but we know they were in use in England from the 10th century. However, the speed of burning depends on air blowing, and the quality of the wax. This is why candles were used to passage of time from one event to another, rather than to tell the time of day.

Which time-tracking device ..........?

варіанти відповідей

A depended on the quality of the material and in the wind

B had to be specially made for a specific area

C could measure time only during the night

D signalled the time to everyone who lived nearby

E used different colours to signal the time

F also has architectural value

G was used to tell how long a certain event should be

H was already used a couple thousand years ago in a number of Arabic countries 

Запитання 7

Read the text below and choose the correct answer.

What is the official language of the US?

Do you know what the official language of the United States is? If you answered English, guess again. Although at the moment English is the most widely spoken language in the nation, Spanish is catching up with over forty million Hispanics speaking their native language at home, at work and in their daily lives.

This brings us to another point: Why does the US, which is considered an English-speaking country, feel obliged to offer services for Spanish speakers and those speaking many other languages, some of which you might not even know about?

Well, let's not forget that since 1776 the US has been - and continues to be - a multilingual nation. Back then, it wasn't uncommon to hear up to 20 different languages spoken in daily life.

Today 322 languages are spoken in the country. So having one official language would limit the rights of individuals who cannot communicate in English, individuals who are paying taxes and who should have the same rights as those who speak English.

Nevertheless, in 1780, John Adams proposed to the Continental Congress that English should be declared the official language of the United States. Debate over the official language has been going on for years, with people on both sides of the fence, but si far a decision has not been made. This doesn't mean that the individual states have not declared an official language because many already have. Twenty-seven states, to be exact, have declared English as their official language.

But, to protect the rights of those speaking any other languages, there is something called Title of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Although twenty-seven states have declared English as their official language, in order to receive federal financial assistance these states still have to follow Title VI, which requires that important materials be available in the language the person speaks if they want to be subsidised by the Federal Government.

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the 2000 Executive Order No. 13166 require that public organisations receiving federal funds must have all vital documents available in every language that their clients speak, every language, not just Spanish. Why? Because the US has never declared an official language and because of this, the Title VI of the Rights Act of 1964 still applies.

1. What is NOT true about the Spanish language in the US?

варіанти відповідей

A Over 40 million people use it.

B Spanish is spoken at home and at work.

C The number if people who speak it is growing.

D It is the most widely spoken language.

Запитання 8

Read the text below and choose the correct answer.

What is the official language of the US?

Do you know what the official language of the United States is? If you answered English, guess again. Although at the moment English is the most widely spoken language in the nation, Spanish is catching up with over forty million Hispanics speaking their native language at home, at work and in their daily lives.

This brings us to another point: Why does the US, which is considered an English-speaking country, feel obliged to offer services for Spanish speakers and those speaking many other languages, some of which you might not even know about?

Well, let's not forget that since 1776 the US has been - and continues to be - a multilingual nation. Back then, it wasn't uncommon to hear up to 20 different languages spoken in daily life.

Today 322 languages are spoken in the country. So having one official language would limit the rights of individuals who cannot communicate in English, individuals who are paying taxes and who should have the same rights as those who speak English.

Nevertheless, in 1780, John Adams proposed to the Continental Congress that English should be declared the official language of the United States. Debate over the official language has been going on for years, with people on both sides of the fence, but si far a decision has not been made. This doesn't mean that the individual states have not declared an official language because many already have. Twenty-seven states, to be exact, have declared English as their official language.

But, to protect the rights of those speaking any other languages, there is something called Title of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Although twenty-seven states have declared English as their official language, in order to receive federal financial assistance these states still have to follow Title VI, which requires that important materials be available in the language the person speaks if they want to be subsidised by the Federal Government.

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the 2000 Executive Order No. 13166 require that public organisations receiving federal funds must have all vital documents available in every language that their clients speak, every language, not just Spanish. Why? Because the US has never declared an official language and because of this, the Title VI of the Rights Act of 1964 still applies.

2. Why isn't there an official language in the US?

варіанти відповідей

A because of the immigrants that might come to the country.

B because every citizen speaks many languages

C to encourage people to pay taxes

D to protect the rights of those whose English is limited

Запитання 9

Read the text below and choose the correct answer.

What is the official language of the US?

Do you know what the official language of the United States is? If you answered English, guess again. Although at the moment English is the most widely spoken language in the nation, Spanish is catching up with over forty million Hispanics speaking their native language at home, at work and in their daily lives.

This brings us to another point: Why does the US, which is considered an English-speaking country, feel obliged to offer services for Spanish speakers and those speaking many other languages, some of which you might not even know about?

Well, let's not forget that since 1776 the US has been - and continues to be - a multilingual nation. Back then, it wasn't uncommon to hear up to 20 different languages spoken in daily life.

Today 322 languages are spoken in the country. So having one official language would limit the rights of individuals who cannot communicate in English, individuals who are paying taxes and who should have the same rights as those who speak English.

Nevertheless, in 1780, John Adams proposed to the Continental Congress that English should be declared the official language of the United States. Debate over the official language has been going on for years, with people on both sides of the fence, but si far a decision has not been made. This doesn't mean that the individual states have not declared an official language because many already have. Twenty-seven states, to be exact, have declared English as their official language.

But, to protect the rights of those speaking any other languages, there is something called Title of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Although twenty-seven states have declared English as their official language, in order to receive federal financial assistance these states still have to follow Title VI, which requires that important materials be available in the language the person speaks if they want to be subsidised by the Federal Government.

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the 2000 Executive Order No. 13166 require that public organisations receiving federal funds must have all vital documents available in every language that their clients speak, every language, not just Spanish. Why? Because the US has never declared an official language and because of this, the Title VI of the Rights Act of 1964 still applies.

3. What language was suggested to be made the official language of the US in the 18th century?

варіанти відповідей

A English

B Spanish

C German

D none

Запитання 10

Read the text below and choose the correct answer.

What is the official language of the US?

Do you know what the official language of the United States is? If you answered English, guess again. Although at the moment English is the most widely spoken language in the nation, Spanish is catching up with over forty million Hispanics speaking their native language at home, at work and in their daily lives.

This brings us to another point: Why does the US, which is considered an English-speaking country, feel obliged to offer services for Spanish speakers and those speaking many other languages, some of which you might not even know about?

Well, let's not forget that since 1776 the US has been - and continues to be - a multilingual nation. Back then, it wasn't uncommon to hear up to 20 different languages spoken in daily life.

Today 322 languages are spoken in the country. So having one official language would limit the rights of individuals who cannot communicate in English, individuals who are paying taxes and who should have the same rights as those who speak English.

Nevertheless, in 1780, John Adams proposed to the Continental Congress that English should be declared the official language of the United States. Debate over the official language has been going on for years, with people on both sides of the fence, but si far a decision has not been made. This doesn't mean that the individual states have not declared an official language because many already have. Twenty-seven states, to be exact, have declared English as their official language.

But, to protect the rights of those speaking any other languages, there is something called Title of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Although twenty-seven states have declared English as their official language, in order to receive federal financial assistance these states still have to follow Title VI, which requires that important materials be available in the language the person speaks if they want to be subsidised by the Federal Government.

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the 2000 Executive Order No. 13166 require that public organisations receiving federal funds must have all vital documents available in every language that their clients speak, every language, not just Spanish. Why? Because the US has never declared an official language and because of this, the Title VI of the Rights Act of 1964 still applies.

4. Where in the US is English the official language?

варіанти відповідей

A in 27 states

B everywhere but for 27 states

C it is not

D everywhere with few exceptions

Запитання 11

Read the text below and choose the correct answer.

What is the official language of the US?

Do you know what the official language of the United States is? If you answered English, guess again. Although at the moment English is the most widely spoken language in the nation, Spanish is catching up with over forty million Hispanics speaking their native language at home, at work and in their daily lives.

This brings us to another point: Why does the US, which is considered an English-speaking country, feel obliged to offer services for Spanish speakers and those speaking many other languages, some of which you might not even know about?

Well, let's not forget that since 1776 the US has been - and continues to be - a multilingual nation. Back then, it wasn't uncommon to hear up to 20 different languages spoken in daily life.

Today 322 languages are spoken in the country. So having one official language would limit the rights of individuals who cannot communicate in English, individuals who are paying taxes and who should have the same rights as those who speak English.

Nevertheless, in 1780, John Adams proposed to the Continental Congress that English should be declared the official language of the United States. Debate over the official language has been going on for years, with people on both sides of the fence, but si far a decision has not been made. This doesn't mean that the individual states have not declared an official language because many already have. Twenty-seven states, to be exact, have declared English as their official language.

But, to protect the rights of those speaking any other languages, there is something called Title of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Although twenty-seven states have declared English as their official language, in order to receive federal financial assistance these states still have to follow Title VI, which requires that important materials be available in the language the person speaks if they want to be subsidised by the Federal Government.

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the 2000 Executive Order No. 13166 require that public organisations receiving federal funds must have all vital documents available in every language that their clients speak, every language, not just Spanish. Why? Because the US has never declared an official language and because of this, the Title VI of the Rights Act of 1964 still applies.

5. What language must all important documents be in?

варіанти відповідей

A English

B any language, just not Spanish

C any language the person speaks

D any official language

Запитання 12

Use of English

Choose the option that fits the gap correctly.

1. We need to find a place where we can ________ our tent.

варіанти відповідей

A take up

B put up

C set up

Запитання 13

2. I went to a __________ in London when I was 5.

варіанти відповідей

A primary school

B middle school

C state school

Запитання 14

3. ______ , but I don't agree.

варіанти відповідей

A I see your point

B That's what you think

C You might think that

Запитання 15

4. I know the person _____ sculptures are on display in the local park.

варіанти відповідей

A whose

B that

C which

Запитання 16

Complete the mini-dialogues by choosing the correct option.

1. A: Could I have my keys back, please?

B: _____

A: Thanks.

варіанти відповідей

A Don't mention it.

B Go ahead, I'll wait.

C Here you are.

Запитання 17

2. A: What's on TV tonight?

B: _____

варіанти відповідей

A Have you got any interesting news for me?

B It's an amazing story. I heard it on the news.

C Nothing interesting. Let's just watch the news.

Запитання 18

3. A: You look great!

B: Thanks. I ________ twice a week.

варіанти відповідей

eat out

B work out

C hang out

Запитання 19

4. A: How about visiting her together?

B: _______

варіанти відповідей

A Sounds fantastic!

B If course, what is it?

C Thanks, I'm OK.

Запитання 20

5. A: I wonder if you could help me.

B: ________

варіанти відповідей

A What would you like me to do?

B The same to you.

C You're welcome.

Запитання 21

Choose the word that correctly fills the gaps in the both sentences.

1. I got up, _______ the bed and took the shower.

The customer was dissatisfied so he ______ a complaint.

варіанти відповідей

A laid

B made

C tidied

Запитання 22

2. I'm not interested _____ anything you have to say.

When does the next train get ____?

варіанти відповідей

A about

B by

C in

Запитання 23

3. I know her phone number by ______.

We found a perfect house in the ______ of New York.

варіанти відповідей

A memory

B centre

C heart

Запитання 24

4. Can you give me a recipe for a traditional British main _______?

Eight students from my class have signed up for an evening History ______.

варіанти відповідей

A course

B meal

C dish

Запитання 25

5. I'm really fed _____ with this weather. It's been raining for two weeks.

Peter, can you tidy ______ your room today?

варіанти відповідей

A at

B out

C up

Запитання 26

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1. The child shared his sweets with all his classmates. He was very _____.

варіанти відповідей

A responsible

B reliable

C cheerful

D generous

Запитання 27

2. Linda is a _____ girl, she rarely speaks at all.

варіанти відповідей

A shy

B outgoing

C rude

D mean

Запитання 28

3. George is very _____, so I know he’ll look after my car.

варіанти відповідей

A responsible

B easygoing

C optimistic

D rude

Запитання 29

4. I was unable to get a refund because I had lost my _____.

варіанти відповідей

A price

B sale

C receipt

D discount

Запитання 30

5. Mark was wearing a _____ around his waist because his trousers were very loose.

варіанти відповідей

A blouse

B tracksuit

C cap

D belt

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