Олімпіада 10 клас

Додано: 22 жовтня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
30 запитань
Запитання 1

For the following questions (1 to 15), choose a, b, c or d.

A: "It's really hot in this room." B: "Wait. I _____ the window."

варіанти відповідей

'll open

'm going to open

'm opening


Запитання 2

I _____ the tickets on Friday.

варіанти відповідей

was buying


have bought


Запитання 3

I _____ in this village all my life.

варіанти відповідей


'm living

've lived

was lived

Запитання 4

: "Why are you so dirty?" B: "Because I _____ the basement."

варіанти відповідей


've cleaned

've been cleaning


Запитання 5

The new sofa isn't ____ the old one.

варіанти відповідей

as nice as

as nice than

as nicer than

the nicest as

Запитання 6

I want to watch _____ TV. Have you seen _____ remote?

варіанти відповідей

 the / the

– / the

 the / a

the / –

Запитання 7

We had only one hour, but we _____ the report on time.

варіанти відповідей

 could finish

were able to finish

can finish

were finished

Запитання 8

I'd prefer to do the assignment by _____. I don't like group work.

варіанти відповідей


 my own


me alone

Запитання 9

My Christmas present was very _____. I got a pair of socks.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 10

I went into the room and the computer wasn't there. Somebody _____ it.

варіанти відповідей


was taking

had taken

was taken

Запитання 11

He said to the police that his car _____.

варіанти відповідей


had stolen

was stole

had been stolen

Запитання 12

Tom lives in a mansion. He _____ rich.

варіанти відповідей

must be

should be

can be


Запитання 13

If I _____ she likes me, I'd ask her out. But she doesn't like me.

варіанти відповідей



had known

would know

Запитання 14

Did you remember _____ the door when you left?

варіанти відповідей


to lock



Запитання 15

He opened a restaurant _____ not having a license.

варіанти відповідей

in spite




Запитання 16

Read a text about memorabilia, and for questions 1 to 7, choose the correct answer.

Memorabilia: What’s the thrill?

My friends wonder why I have an extensive collection of other people’s clothes and shoes, old concert programmes and albums at home. They think I want to relive special moments in my childhood. That might be true for some collectors, but I’m not sentimental. You can make a lot of money from things that have a special place in history. Sports equipment like balls and shoes that were used in a great match, props from popular movies, clothes worn by famous people and first editions of books are all valuable, especially if they are signed.

There are a few different ways you can find this sort of memorabilia. First, you can buy it at an auction. It’s expensive, but if you are lucky, it will be worth it because memorabilia can suddenly increase in value, and you could make a lot of money. For example, a baseball signed by Babe Ruth sold for over $77,000. In 2017, just four years later, a similar one sold for $180,000, over twice as much! Imagine if you had enough money to buy that!

I can’t possibly buy that kind of memorabilia, but it is possible to buy part of it. Some companies look for rare items from around the world that they think will increase in value. People can buy a share of the memorabilia and buy and sell their shares over time. That’s a great way to make money without spending a fortune, and for a little while, you can be the part-owner of a piece of history, although you can’t take it home!

If your goal is actually to own memorabilia, you can find some interesting items in second-hand shops. Sometimes, an old collector dies, and their spouse gives away their possessions without realising their value. You could also try to predict who will become famous in the future. Getting some shoes or a ball signed by someone who isn’t famous yet is not too hard. Then you just have to wait until they do something spectacular. Then you have something really valuable! That’s how I got a signed tennis racket from one of the world’s top players!

I have been tricked before, though. I bought a signed record online a few years ago. A few years later, I tried to sell it at an auction house. When I gave it to the auctioneer, he rubbed the signature with his finger. It was smooth, not bumpy, so he knew it wasn’t done with a pen. Someone probably printed it on. That was a pity. I’m also always careful to keep my memorabilia in perfect condition. You can’t just put it in a cupboard and leave it there. I once left some old concert programmes in a cupboard, and the paper curled and changed colour. Now I use special packaging and equipment to make sure the room doesn’t get too hot, cold or damp. It isn’t cheap, but you need it if you are serious about collecting.

Of course, I never know which memorabilia will become valuable and which will not. I had some signed shoes from a great young basketball player, but then he had a bad injury and quit, so those shoes will probably never be worth much. Plus, the value of memorabilia goes up and down. A t-shirt signed by a popular celebrity could be worth a lot now, but its value might have halved in five years’ time when that celeb is no longer famous.

The writer collects memorabilia in order to…

варіанти відповідей

relive special moments of his childhood

 make money.

 relive special moments of his childhood and make money.

Запитання 17

Read a text about memorabilia, and for questions 1 to 7, choose the correct answer.

Memorabilia: What’s the thrill?

My friends wonder why I have an extensive collection of other people’s clothes and shoes, old concert programmes and albums at home. They think I want to relive special moments in my childhood. That might be true for some collectors, but I’m not sentimental. You can make a lot of money from things that have a special place in history. Sports equipment like balls and shoes that were used in a great match, props from popular movies, clothes worn by famous people and first editions of books are all valuable, especially if they are signed.

There are a few different ways you can find this sort of memorabilia. First, you can buy it at an auction. It’s expensive, but if you are lucky, it will be worth it because memorabilia can suddenly increase in value, and you could make a lot of money. For example, a baseball signed by Babe Ruth sold for over $77,000. In 2017, just four years later, a similar one sold for $180,000, over twice as much! Imagine if you had enough money to buy that!

I can’t possibly buy that kind of memorabilia, but it is possible to buy part of it. Some companies look for rare items from around the world that they think will increase in value. People can buy a share of the memorabilia and buy and sell their shares over time. That’s a great way to make money without spending a fortune, and for a little while, you can be the part-owner of a piece of history, although you can’t take it home!

If your goal is actually to own memorabilia, you can find some interesting items in second-hand shops. Sometimes, an old collector dies, and their spouse gives away their possessions without realising their value. You could also try to predict who will become famous in the future. Getting some shoes or a ball signed by someone who isn’t famous yet is not too hard. Then you just have to wait until they do something spectacular. Then you have something really valuable! That’s how I got a signed tennis racket from one of the world’s top players!

I have been tricked before, though. I bought a signed record online a few years ago. A few years later, I tried to sell it at an auction house. When I gave it to the auctioneer, he rubbed the signature with his finger. It was smooth, not bumpy, so he knew it wasn’t done with a pen. Someone probably printed it on. That was a pity. I’m also always careful to keep my memorabilia in perfect condition. You can’t just put it in a cupboard and leave it there. I once left some old concert programmes in a cupboard, and the paper curled and changed colour. Now I use special packaging and equipment to make sure the room doesn’t get too hot, cold or damp. It isn’t cheap, but you need it if you are serious about collecting.

Of course, I never know which memorabilia will become valuable and which will not. I had some signed shoes from a great young basketball player, but then he had a bad injury and quit, so those shoes will probably never be worth much. Plus, the value of memorabilia goes up and down. A t-shirt signed by a popular celebrity could be worth a lot now, but its value might have halved in five years’ time when that celeb is no longer famous.

The writer mentions the ball signed by Babe Ruth as an example of…

варіанти відповідей

 the kind of memorabilia that is no longer popular.

memorabilia which increased considerably in value.

an item of memorabilia that he sold for a profit.

Запитання 18

Read a text about memorabilia, and for questions 1 to 7, choose the correct answer.

Memorabilia: What’s the thrill?

My friends wonder why I have an extensive collection of other people’s clothes and shoes, old concert programmes and albums at home. They think I want to relive special moments in my childhood. That might be true for some collectors, but I’m not sentimental. You can make a lot of money from things that have a special place in history. Sports equipment like balls and shoes that were used in a great match, props from popular movies, clothes worn by famous people and first editions of books are all valuable, especially if they are signed.

There are a few different ways you can find this sort of memorabilia. First, you can buy it at an auction. It’s expensive, but if you are lucky, it will be worth it because memorabilia can suddenly increase in value, and you could make a lot of money. For example, a baseball signed by Babe Ruth sold for over $77,000. In 2017, just four years later, a similar one sold for $180,000, over twice as much! Imagine if you had enough money to buy that!

I can’t possibly buy that kind of memorabilia, but it is possible to buy part of it. Some companies look for rare items from around the world that they think will increase in value. People can buy a share of the memorabilia and buy and sell their shares over time. That’s a great way to make money without spending a fortune, and for a little while, you can be the part-owner of a piece of history, although you can’t take it home!

If your goal is actually to own memorabilia, you can find some interesting items in second-hand shops. Sometimes, an old collector dies, and their spouse gives away their possessions without realising their value. You could also try to predict who will become famous in the future. Getting some shoes or a ball signed by someone who isn’t famous yet is not too hard. Then you just have to wait until they do something spectacular. Then you have something really valuable! That’s how I got a signed tennis racket from one of the world’s top players!

I have been tricked before, though. I bought a signed record online a few years ago. A few years later, I tried to sell it at an auction house. When I gave it to the auctioneer, he rubbed the signature with his finger. It was smooth, not bumpy, so he knew it wasn’t done with a pen. Someone probably printed it on. That was a pity. I’m also always careful to keep my memorabilia in perfect condition. You can’t just put it in a cupboard and leave it there. I once left some old concert programmes in a cupboard, and the paper curled and changed colour. Now I use special packaging and equipment to make sure the room doesn’t get too hot, cold or damp. It isn’t cheap, but you need it if you are serious about collecting.

Of course, I never know which memorabilia will become valuable and which will not. I had some signed shoes from a great young basketball player, but then he had a bad injury and quit, so those shoes will probably never be worth much. Plus, the value of memorabilia goes up and down. A t-shirt signed by a popular celebrity could be worth a lot now, but its value might have halved in five years’ time when that celeb is no longer famous.

The companies that the writer mentions in paragraph 3…

варіанти відповідей

buy any kind of memorabilia from collectors.

share information about the current value of memorabilia.

allow poorer people to partly own valuable items

Запитання 19

Read a text about memorabilia, and for questions 1 to 7, choose the correct answer.

Memorabilia: What’s the thrill?

My friends wonder why I have an extensive collection of other people’s clothes and shoes, old concert programmes and albums at home. They think I want to relive special moments in my childhood. That might be true for some collectors, but I’m not sentimental. You can make a lot of money from things that have a special place in history. Sports equipment like balls and shoes that were used in a great match, props from popular movies, clothes worn by famous people and first editions of books are all valuable, especially if they are signed.

There are a few different ways you can find this sort of memorabilia. First, you can buy it at an auction. It’s expensive, but if you are lucky, it will be worth it because memorabilia can suddenly increase in value, and you could make a lot of money. For example, a baseball signed by Babe Ruth sold for over $77,000. In 2017, just four years later, a similar one sold for $180,000, over twice as much! Imagine if you had enough money to buy that!

I can’t possibly buy that kind of memorabilia, but it is possible to buy part of it. Some companies look for rare items from around the world that they think will increase in value. People can buy a share of the memorabilia and buy and sell their shares over time. That’s a great way to make money without spending a fortune, and for a little while, you can be the part-owner of a piece of history, although you can’t take it home!

If your goal is actually to own memorabilia, you can find some interesting items in second-hand shops. Sometimes, an old collector dies, and their spouse gives away their possessions without realising their value. You could also try to predict who will become famous in the future. Getting some shoes or a ball signed by someone who isn’t famous yet is not too hard. Then you just have to wait until they do something spectacular. Then you have something really valuable! That’s how I got a signed tennis racket from one of the world’s top players!

I have been tricked before, though. I bought a signed record online a few years ago. A few years later, I tried to sell it at an auction house. When I gave it to the auctioneer, he rubbed the signature with his finger. It was smooth, not bumpy, so he knew it wasn’t done with a pen. Someone probably printed it on. That was a pity. I’m also always careful to keep my memorabilia in perfect condition. You can’t just put it in a cupboard and leave it there. I once left some old concert programmes in a cupboard, and the paper curled and changed colour. Now I use special packaging and equipment to make sure the room doesn’t get too hot, cold or damp. It isn’t cheap, but you need it if you are serious about collecting.

Of course, I never know which memorabilia will become valuable and which will not. I had some signed shoes from a great young basketball player, but then he had a bad injury and quit, so those shoes will probably never be worth much. Plus, the value of memorabilia goes up and down. A t-shirt signed by a popular celebrity could be worth a lot now, but its value might have halved in five years’ time when that celeb is no longer famous.

The writer’s signed record was an example of some memorabilia that…

варіанти відповідей

was fake.

decreased in value.

was very rare.

Запитання 20

Read a text about memorabilia, and for questions 1 to 7, choose the correct answer.

Memorabilia: What’s the thrill?

My friends wonder why I have an extensive collection of other people’s clothes and shoes, old concert programmes and albums at home. They think I want to relive special moments in my childhood. That might be true for some collectors, but I’m not sentimental. You can make a lot of money from things that have a special place in history. Sports equipment like balls and shoes that were used in a great match, props from popular movies, clothes worn by famous people and first editions of books are all valuable, especially if they are signed.

There are a few different ways you can find this sort of memorabilia. First, you can buy it at an auction. It’s expensive, but if you are lucky, it will be worth it because memorabilia can suddenly increase in value, and you could make a lot of money. For example, a baseball signed by Babe Ruth sold for over $77,000. In 2017, just four years later, a similar one sold for $180,000, over twice as much! Imagine if you had enough money to buy that!

I can’t possibly buy that kind of memorabilia, but it is possible to buy part of it. Some companies look for rare items from around the world that they think will increase in value. People can buy a share of the memorabilia and buy and sell their shares over time. That’s a great way to make money without spending a fortune, and for a little while, you can be the part-owner of a piece of history, although you can’t take it home!

If your goal is actually to own memorabilia, you can find some interesting items in second-hand shops. Sometimes, an old collector dies, and their spouse gives away their possessions without realising their value. You could also try to predict who will become famous in the future. Getting some shoes or a ball signed by someone who isn’t famous yet is not too hard. Then you just have to wait until they do something spectacular. Then you have something really valuable! That’s how I got a signed tennis racket from one of the world’s top players!

I have been tricked before, though. I bought a signed record online a few years ago. A few years later, I tried to sell it at an auction house. When I gave it to the auctioneer, he rubbed the signature with his finger. It was smooth, not bumpy, so he knew it wasn’t done with a pen. Someone probably printed it on. That was a pity. I’m also always careful to keep my memorabilia in perfect condition. You can’t just put it in a cupboard and leave it there. I once left some old concert programmes in a cupboard, and the paper curled and changed colour. Now I use special packaging and equipment to make sure the room doesn’t get too hot, cold or damp. It isn’t cheap, but you need it if you are serious about collecting.

Of course, I never know which memorabilia will become valuable and which will not. I had some signed shoes from a great young basketball player, but then he had a bad injury and quit, so those shoes will probably never be worth much. Plus, the value of memorabilia goes up and down. A t-shirt signed by a popular celebrity could be worth a lot now, but its value might have halved in five years’ time when that celeb is no longer famous.

The writer recommends that collectors…

варіанти відповідей

keep collections in a cupboard and don’t touch them.

make sure their collection is kept in a dry room.

spend a lot of money on storage equipment.

Запитання 21

The writer mentions signed sports shoes as an example of something that…

варіанти відповідей

will only be valuable for a short time.

will not be as valuable as he predicted

may eventually become valuable.

Запитання 22

Read a text about memorabilia, and for questions 1 to 7, choose the correct answer.

Memorabilia: What’s the thrill?

My friends wonder why I have an extensive collection of other people’s clothes and shoes, old concert programmes and albums at home. They think I want to relive special moments in my childhood. That might be true for some collectors, but I’m not sentimental. You can make a lot of money from things that have a special place in history. Sports equipment like balls and shoes that were used in a great match, props from popular movies, clothes worn by famous people and first editions of books are all valuable, especially if they are signed.

There are a few different ways you can find this sort of memorabilia. First, you can buy it at an auction. It’s expensive, but if you are lucky, it will be worth it because memorabilia can suddenly increase in value, and you could make a lot of money. For example, a baseball signed by Babe Ruth sold for over $77,000. In 2017, just four years later, a similar one sold for $180,000, over twice as much! Imagine if you had enough money to buy that!

I can’t possibly buy that kind of memorabilia, but it is possible to buy part of it. Some companies look for rare items from around the world that they think will increase in value. People can buy a share of the memorabilia and buy and sell their shares over time. That’s a great way to make money without spending a fortune, and for a little while, you can be the part-owner of a piece of history, although you can’t take it home!

If your goal is actually to own memorabilia, you can find some interesting items in second-hand shops. Sometimes, an old collector dies, and their spouse gives away their possessions without realising their value. You could also try to predict who will become famous in the future. Getting some shoes or a ball signed by someone who isn’t famous yet is not too hard. Then you just have to wait until they do something spectacular. Then you have something really valuable! That’s how I got a signed tennis racket from one of the world’s top players!

I have been tricked before, though. I bought a signed record online a few years ago. A few years later, I tried to sell it at an auction house. When I gave it to the auctioneer, he rubbed the signature with his finger. It was smooth, not bumpy, so he knew it wasn’t done with a pen. Someone probably printed it on. That was a pity. I’m also always careful to keep my memorabilia in perfect condition. You can’t just put it in a cupboard and leave it there. I once left some old concert programmes in a cupboard, and the paper curled and changed colour. Now I use special packaging and equipment to make sure the room doesn’t get too hot, cold or damp. It isn’t cheap, but you need it if you are serious about collecting.

Of course, I never know which memorabilia will become valuable and which will not. I had some signed shoes from a great young basketball player, but then he had a bad injury and quit, so those shoes will probably never be worth much. Plus, the value of memorabilia goes up and down. A t-shirt signed by a popular celebrity could be worth a lot now, but its value might have halved in five years’ time when that celeb is no longer famous.

How did the writer get a signed racket from a famous tennis player?

варіанти відповідей

He bought it after the player became famous.

He was given it by the player’s spouse.

He got it from the player before he was famous.

Запитання 23


Watch a video about Saint Patrick’s day, and for questions, choose the correct answer.

According to the video...

варіанти відповідей

 Saint Patrick’s day celebrates Irish people who emigrated

Japan, Russia and Argentina are the countries with more Irish descendants.

around 70 million Irish people have left Ireland over the years.

Запитання 24


Watch a video about Saint Patrick’s day, and for questions, choose the correct answer.

Saint Patrick’s day celebration...

варіанти відповідей

was invented during a war.

was invented over 200 years ago

started in different countries at the same time.

Запитання 25


Watch a video about Saint Patrick’s day, and for questions, choose the correct answer.

One of the secrets of Saint Patrick's success is...

варіанти відповідей

 Irish beer.

 Irish pubs.

Irish popularity

Запитання 26


Watch a video about Saint Patrick’s day, and for questions, choose the correct answer.


варіанти відповідей

invented Irish pubs.

has built a lot of Irish pubs around the world.

has helped people who wanted to open Irish pubs.

Запитання 27


Watch a video about Saint Patrick’s day, and for questions, choose the correct answer.

Ireland’s ministers...

варіанти відповідей

will promote Ireland around the world.

 have travelled to over 50 countries.

are using Saint Patrick to promote Ireland

Запитання 28

I _____ alcohol, but today I _____ my birthday.

варіанти відповідей

'm not often drinking / 'm celebrating

'm not often drinking / celebrate

don't often drink / celebrate

don't often drink / 'm celebrating

Запитання 29

_____ do me a favour, please? I need you to take me to the station.

варіанти відповідей

Are you going to

Will you

Do you


Запитання 30

I don't really like _____ milk. I only like _____ milk that you buy.

варіанти відповідей

 the / –

the / the

– / the

– / –

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