
Додано: 17 вересня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
24 запитання
Запитання 1


You will hear an expert from a radio programme about a woman who has achieved something remarkable at the age of 84. Listen and for questions 1-7 choose the best answer, A, B or C.

1) What did Mrs Schofield learn at school?

варіанти відповідей

She learnt to read but not to write.

She learnt to make a certain article of clothing

She learnt nothing

Запитання 2


Part 1. You will hear an expert from a radio programme about a woman who has achieved something remarkable at the age of 84. Listen and for questions 1-7 choose the best answer, A, B or C.

2) What problems did Mrs Schofield have when she was shopping?

варіанти відповідей

She could only buy cornflakes

She couldn’t read the labels on the packages

She only bought things with pictures on them.

Запитання 3


Part 1. You will hear an expert from a radio programme about a woman who has achieved something remarkable at the age of 84. Listen and for questions 1-7 choose the best answer, A, B or C.

3) What impressed her about what the man in the shop said?

варіанти відповідей

He achieved success through his own efforts.

He had been poor but he became rich

He came to her village and stayed there.

Запитання 4


Part 1. You will hear an expert from a radio programme about a woman who has achieved something remarkable at the age of 84. Listen and for questions 1-7 choose the best answer, A, B or C.

4) What was the experience of going to college like for her?

варіанти відповідей

She didn’t like the amount of homework shе was given.

She lacked motivation

It was one of the hardest things she’s ever done.

Запитання 5


Part 1. You will hear an expert from a radio programme about a woman who has achieved something remarkable at the age of 84. Listen and for questions 1-7 choose the best answer, A, B or C.

5) Mrs Schofield’s plan was to write to

варіанти відповідей

her relations in a number of different countries.

one relation in the USA.

relations with whom she was still in contact.

Запитання 6


Part 1. You will hear an expert from a radio programme about a woman who has achieved something remarkable at the age of 84. Listen and for questions 1-7 choose the best answer, A, B or C.

6) How was she able to find out about local news?

варіанти відповідей

She used to ask her neighbours.

She had the local paper read to her by somebody else.

She used to try to read the local paper

Запитання 7


Part 1. You will hear an expert from a radio programme about a woman who has achieved something remarkable at the age of 84. Listen and for questions 1-7 choose the best answer, A, B or C.

7) What does she want to do now?

варіанти відповідей

She wants to gain the confidence to do anything

She wants to go on a long journey.

She wants to carry on learning

Запитання 8


Read the article about cyber bullying and questions 1-4. Then choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each question.


The dark side of the web

    The Internet has changed the world for the better, but it has also brought many problems with it.The first one was spam — unwanted advertisements. And then there were viruses that could steal information from a user’s computer. There was also the problem of making sure that children didn’t go on adult websites. And now there are Internet trolls — people who write unkind comments on websites for fun.

   Cyber bullying, where children use social websites to say bad things to other children, is a fast-growing problem. In England, for every three children that use the Internet, one child says they have been cyber bullied. And in 2012, five school children killed themselves because of online bullying. The youngest child was only thirteen years old.

  A typical case is Tina, who posted a picture of herself on Facebook. She didn’t believe that cyber bullying could be so bad. At first, she got some bad comments from people she didn’t know. She still thought the photo was okay and didn’t care. But then her good friends started to write bad comments about the photo. That’s what really hurt her. Then people set up a Facebook page saying they hated her. She didn’t read it and asked Facebook to block the new Facebook page.

    English schools are now teaching Internet safety to pupils so they can enjoy the good side of the web. And websites are also doing more to control what people can do when using their sites. Also the British government is blocking some foreign websites from the Internet, and the media are informing parents how to make their computers safer for children to use.

1. What is the latest problem on the Internet? 

варіанти відповідей

People writing very bad comments to other Internet users

Children looking at websites with adult content

People receiving advertisements the don’t want. 

Запитання 9


Read the article about cyber bullying and questions 1-4. Then choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each question.


The dark side of the web

    The Internet has changed the world for the better, but it has also brought many problems with it.The first one was spam — unwanted advertisements. And then there were viruses that could steal information from a user’s computer. There was also the problem of making sure that children didn’t go on adult websites. And now there are Internet trolls — people who write unkind comments on websites for fun.

   Cyber bullying, where children use social websites to say bad things to other children, is a fast-growing problem. In England, for every three children that use the Internet, one child says they have been cyber bullied. And in 2012, five school children killed themselves because of online bullying. The youngest child was only thirteen years old.

  A typical case is Tina, who posted a picture of herself on Facebook. She didn’t believe that cyber bullying could be so bad. At first, she got some bad comments from people she didn’t know. She still thought the photo was okay and didn’t care. But then her good friends started to write bad comments about the photo. That’s what really hurt her. Then people set up a Facebook page saying they hated her. She didn’t read it and asked Facebook to block the new Facebook page.

    English schools are now teaching Internet safety to pupils so they can enjoy the good side of the web. And websites are also doing more to control what people can do when using their sites. Also the British government is blocking some foreign websites from the Internet, and the media are informing parents how to make their computers safer for children to use.

2. What really hurt Tina about cyber bullying?

варіанти відповідей

People put a bad photograph of her on the web.

The people she liked started writing bad comments

Users she didn’t know wrote bad comments about her photo. 

She read bad things about herself on a different website. 

Запитання 10


Read the article about cyber bullying and questions 1-4. Then choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each question.


The dark side of the web

    The Internet has changed the world for the better, but it has also brought many problems with it.The first one was spam — unwanted advertisements. And then there were viruses that could steal information from a user’s computer. There was also the problem of making sure that children didn’t go on adult websites. And now there are Internet trolls — people who write unkind comments on websites for fun.

   Cyber bullying, where children use social websites to say bad things to other children, is a fast-growing problem. In England, for every three children that use the Internet, one child says they have been cyber bullied. And in 2012, five school children killed themselves because of online bullying. The youngest child was only thirteen years old.

  A typical case is Tina, who posted a picture of herself on Facebook. She didn’t believe that cyber bullying could be so bad. At first, she got some bad comments from people she didn’t know. She still thought the photo was okay and didn’t care. But then her good friends started to write bad comments about the photo. That’s what really hurt her. Then people set up a Facebook page saying they hated her. She didn’t read it and asked Facebook to block the new Facebook page.

    English schools are now teaching Internet safety to pupils so they can enjoy the good side of the web. And websites are also doing more to control what people can do when using their sites. Also the British government is blocking some foreign websites from the Internet, and the media are informing parents how to make their computers safer for children to use.

3. How many children in England died because of cyber bullying? 

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 11

Read the article about cyber bullying and questions 1-4. Then choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each question.


The dark side of the web

    The Internet has changed the world for the better, but it has also brought many problems with it.The first one was spam — unwanted advertisements. And then there were viruses that could steal information from a user’s computer. There was also the problem of making sure that children didn’t go on adult websites. And now there are Internet trolls — people who write unkind comments on websites for fun.

   Cyber bullying, where children use social websites to say bad things to other children, is a fast-growing problem. In England, for every three children that use the Internet, one child says they have been cyber bullied. And in 2012, five school children killed themselves because of online bullying. The youngest child was only thirteen years old.

  A typical case is Tina, who posted a picture of herself on Facebook. She didn’t believe that cyber bullying could be so bad. At first, she got some bad comments from people she didn’t know. She still thought the photo was okay and didn’t care. But then her good friends started to write bad comments about the photo. That’s what really hurt her. Then people set up a Facebook page saying they hated her. She didn’t read it and asked Facebook to block the new Facebook page.

    English schools are now teaching Internet safety to pupils so they can enjoy the good side of the web. And websites are also doing more to control what people can do when using their sites. Also the British government is blocking some foreign websites from the Internet, and the media are informing parents how to make their computers safer for children to use.

4. Who is helping children to know how to use the Internet more safely? 

варіанти відповідей

The British government

Social websites. 

English schools

The media. 

Запитання 12

Task 2. Read the text. Choose the correct answers (А, В, C, or D) to fill in the gaps (1-12).

From the imagination of the Theodor Geis

On March 2,1904, a boy named Theodor Geisel was born. Theodor's father 1)….... a zoo, and the young boy often went with his father to work. The strange and unusual animals 2)…...a  part of Theodor's imagination.

    Theodor grew up and 3)….. from college in 1925. In 1937, Theodor wrote and illustrated his first 4)...... book. He didn't like the sound of his name. Theodor

thought an author who wrote for children should sound more "scientific", so he took his middle name and 5) ….. the title Dr. Seuss soon became loved 6)…... children around the world.

     Dr. Seuss 7).... a new company to sell his books called Beginner Books. He wrote funny stories like Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now!, and stories that 8)…... lessons (The Lorax).

   Dr. Seuss also worked on movies that 9)…... true stories. Two of these films won

Academy Awards. His cartoon Gerald McBoing-Boing 10)….... an Oscar in 1951.

11)...... in 1984, Dr. Seuss won a special Pulitzer 12). …... for his lifetime of work.

варіанти відповідей

1)  ran          

1) worked   

1) planned   

1) trained

Запитання 13

Read the text. Choose the correct answers (А, В, C, or D) to fill in the gaps (1-12).

From the imagination of the Theodor Geis

On March 2,1904, a boy named Theodor Geisel was born. Theodor's father 1)….... a zoo, and the young boy often went with his father to work. The strange and unusual animals 2)…...a  part of Theodor's imagination.

    Theodor grew up and 3)….. from college in 1925. In 1937, Theodor wrote and illustrated his first 4)...... book. He didn't like the sound of his name. Theodor

thought an author who wrote for children should sound more "scientific", so he took his middle name and 5) ….. the title Dr. Seuss soon became loved 6)…... children around the world.

     Dr. Seuss 7).... a new company to sell his books called Beginner Books. He wrote funny stories like Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now!, and stories that 8)…... lessons (The Lorax).

   Dr. Seuss also worked on movies that 9)…... true stories. Two of these films won

Academy Awards. His cartoon Gerald McBoing-Boing 10)….... an Oscar in 1951.

11)...... in 1984, Dr. Seuss won a special Pulitzer 12). …... for his lifetime of work.


варіанти відповідей

2) belonged     

2) became 

2) got

2) stayed

Запитання 14

From the imagination of the Theodor Geis

On March 2,1904, a boy named Theodor Geisel was born. Theodor's father 1)….... a zoo, and the young boy often went with his father to work. The strange and unusual animals 2)…...a  part of Theodor's imagination.

    Theodor grew up and 3)….. from college in 1925. In 1937, Theodor wrote and illustrated his first 4)...... book. He didn't like the sound of his name. Theodor

thought an author who wrote for children should sound more "scientific", so he took his middle name and 5) ….. the title Dr. Seuss soon became loved 6)…... children around the world.

     Dr. Seuss 7).... a new company to sell his books called Beginner Books. He wrote funny stories like Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now!, and stories that 8)…... lessons (The Lorax).

   Dr. Seuss also worked on movies that 9)…... true stories. Two of these films won

Academy Awards. His cartoon Gerald McBoing-Boing 10)….... an Oscar in 1951.

11)...... in 1984, Dr. Seuss won a special Pulitzer 12). …... for his lifetime of work.

варіанти відповідей

3) graduated  

3) finished  

3) left   

3) went

Запитання 15

From the imagination of the Theodor Geis

On March 2,1904, a boy named Theodor Geisel was born. Theodor's father 1)….... a zoo, and the young boy often went with his father to work. The strange and unusual animals 2)…...a  part of Theodor's imagination.

    Theodor grew up and 3)….. from college in 1925. In 1937, Theodor wrote and illustrated his first 4)...... book. He didn't like the sound of his name. Theodor

thought an author who wrote for children should sound more "scientific", so he took his middle name and 5) ….. the title Dr. Seuss soon became loved 6)…... children around the world.

     Dr. Seuss 7).... a new company to sell his books called Beginner Books. He wrote funny stories like Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now!, and stories that 8)…... lessons (The Lorax).

   Dr. Seuss also worked on movies that 9)…... true stories. Two of these films won

Academy Awards. His cartoon Gerald McBoing-Boing 10)….... an Oscar in 1951.

11)...... in 1984, Dr. Seuss won a special Pulitzer 12). …... for his lifetime of work.

варіанти відповідей

4) сhildrens' 

4) childrens 

4) children

4) children's

Запитання 16

From the imagination of the Theodor Geis

On March 2,1904, a boy named Theodor Geisel was born. Theodor's father 1)….... a zoo, and the young boy often went with his father to work. The strange and unusual animals 2)…...a  part of Theodor's imagination.

    Theodor grew up and 3)….. from college in 1925. In 1937, Theodor wrote and illustrated his first 4)...... book. He didn't like the sound of his name. Theodor

thought an author who wrote for children should sound more "scientific", so he took his middle name and 5) ….. the title Dr. Seuss soon became loved 6)…... children around the world.

     Dr. Seuss 7).... a new company to sell his books called Beginner Books. He wrote funny stories like Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now!, and stories that 8)…... lessons (The Lorax).

   Dr. Seuss also worked on movies that 9)…... true stories. Two of these films won

Academy Awards. His cartoon Gerald McBoing-Boing 10)….... an Oscar in 1951.

11)...... in 1984, Dr. Seuss won a special Pulitzer 12). …... for his lifetime of work

варіанти відповідей

5) gave

5) threw 

5) added

5) called

Запитання 17

From the imagination of the Theodor Geis

On March 2,1904, a boy named Theodor Geisel was born. Theodor's father 1)….... a zoo, and the young boy often went with his father to work. The strange and unusual animals 2)…...a  part of Theodor's imagination.

    Theodor grew up and 3)….. from college in 1925. In 1937, Theodor wrote and illustrated his first 4)...... book. He didn't like the sound of his name. Theodor

thought an author who wrote for children should sound more "scientific", so he took his middle name and 5) ….. the title Dr. Seuss soon became loved 6)…... children around the world.

     Dr. Seuss 7).... a new company to sell his books called Beginner Books. He wrote funny stories like Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now!, and stories that 8)…... lessons (The Lorax).

   Dr. Seuss also worked on movies that 9)…... true stories. Two of these films won

Academy Awards. His cartoon Gerald McBoing-Boing 10)….... an Oscar in 1951.

11)...... in 1984, Dr. Seuss won a special Pulitzer 12). …... for his lifetime of work

варіанти відповідей

6) with 

6) for 

6) -

6) by

Запитання 18

From the imagination of the Theodor Geis

On March 2,1904, a boy named Theodor Geisel was born. Theodor's father 1)….... a zoo, and the young boy often went with his father to work. The strange and unusual animals 2)…...a  part of Theodor's imagination.

    Theodor grew up and 3)….. from college in 1925. In 1937, Theodor wrote and illustrated his first 4)...... book. He didn't like the sound of his name. Theodor

thought an author who wrote for children should sound more "scientific", so he took his middle name and 5) ….. the title Dr. Seuss soon became loved 6)…... children around the world.

     Dr. Seuss 7).... a new company to sell his books called Beginner Books. He wrote funny stories like Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now!, and stories that 8)…... lessons (The Lorax).

   Dr. Seuss also worked on movies that 9)…... true stories. Two of these films won

Academy Awards. His cartoon Gerald McBoing-Boing 10)….... an Oscar in 1951.

11)...... in 1984, Dr. Seuss won a special Pulitzer 12). …... for his lifetime of work.

варіанти відповідей

7) appeared      

7) created

7) found 

7) did

Запитання 19

From the imagination of the Theodor Geis

On March 2,1904, a boy named Theodor Geisel was born. Theodor's father 1)….... a zoo, and the young boy often went with his father to work. The strange and unusual animals 2)…...a  part of Theodor's imagination.

    Theodor grew up and 3)….. from college in 1925. In 1937, Theodor wrote and illustrated his first 4)...... book. He didn't like the sound of his name. Theodor

thought an author who wrote for children should sound more "scientific", so he took his middle name and 5) ….. the title Dr. Seuss soon became loved 6)…... children around the world.

     Dr. Seuss 7).... a new company to sell his books called Beginner Books. He wrote funny stories like Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now!, and stories that 8)…... lessons (The Lorax).

   Dr. Seuss also worked on movies that 9)…... true stories. Two of these films won

Academy Awards. His cartoon Gerald McBoing-Boing 10)….... an Oscar in 1951.

11)...... in 1984, Dr. Seuss won a special Pulitzer 12). …... for his lifetime of work.

варіанти відповідей

8) taught

8) learned

8) educated 

8) showed

Запитання 20

From the imagination of the Theodor Geis

On March 2,1904, a boy named Theodor Geisel was born. Theodor's father 1)….... a zoo, and the young boy often went with his father to work. The strange and unusual animals 2)…...a  part of Theodor's imagination.

    Theodor grew up and 3)….. from college in 1925. In 1937, Theodor wrote and illustrated his first 4)...... book. He didn't like the sound of his name. Theodor

thought an author who wrote for children should sound more "scientific", so he took his middle name and 5) ….. the title Dr. Seuss soon became loved 6)…... children around the world.

     Dr. Seuss 7).... a new company to sell his books called Beginner Books. He wrote funny stories like Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now!, and stories that 8)…... lessons (The Lorax).

   Dr. Seuss also worked on movies that 9)…... true stories. Two of these films won

Academy Awards. His cartoon Gerald McBoing-Boing 10)….... an Oscar in 1951.

11)...... in 1984, Dr. Seuss won a special Pulitzer 12). …... for his lifetime of work

варіанти відповідей

9) spoke 

9) talked 

9) told  

9) said

Запитання 21

From the imagination of the Theodor Geis

On March 2,1904, a boy named Theodor Geisel was born. Theodor's father 1)….... a zoo, and the young boy often went with his father to work. The strange and unusual animals 2)…...a  part of Theodor's imagination.

    Theodor grew up and 3)….. from college in 1925. In 1937, Theodor wrote and illustrated his first 4)...... book. He didn't like the sound of his name. Theodor

thought an author who wrote for children should sound more "scientific", so he took his middle name and 5) ….. the title Dr. Seuss soon became loved 6)…... children around the world.

     Dr. Seuss 7).... a new company to sell his books called Beginner Books. He wrote funny stories like Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now!, and stories that 8)…... lessons (The Lorax).

   Dr. Seuss also worked on movies that 9)…... true stories. Two of these films won

Academy Awards. His cartoon Gerald McBoing-Boing 10)….... an Oscar in 1951.

11)...... in 1984, Dr. Seuss won a special Pulitzer 12). …... for his lifetime of work

варіанти відповідей

10) achieved      

10) won

10) made

10) was

Запитання 22

From the imagination of the Theodor Geis

On March 2,1904, a boy named Theodor Geisel was born. Theodor's father 1)….... a zoo, and the young boy often went with his father to work. The strange and unusual animals 2)…...a  part of Theodor's imagination.

    Theodor grew up and 3)….. from college in 1925. In 1937, Theodor wrote and illustrated his first 4)...... book. He didn't like the sound of his name. Theodor

thought an author who wrote for children should sound more "scientific", so he took his middle name and 5) ….. the title Dr. Seuss soon became loved 6)…... children around the world.

     Dr. Seuss 7).... a new company to sell his books called Beginner Books. He wrote funny stories like Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now!, and stories that 8)…... lessons (The Lorax).

   Dr. Seuss also worked on movies that 9)…... true stories. Two of these films won

Academy Awards. His cartoon Gerald McBoing-Boing 10)….... an Oscar in 1951.

11)...... in 1984, Dr. Seuss won a special Pulitzer 12). …... for his lifetime of work.

варіанти відповідей

11) After all      

11) At the end  

11) Lately

11) Finally

Запитання 23

From the imagination of the Theodor Geis

On March 2,1904, a boy named Theodor Geisel was born. Theodor's father 1)….... a zoo, and the young boy often went with his father to work. The strange and unusual animals 2)…...a  part of Theodor's imagination.

    Theodor grew up and 3)….. from college in 1925. In 1937, Theodor wrote and illustrated his first 4)...... book. He didn't like the sound of his name. Theodor

thought an author who wrote for children should sound more "scientific", so he took his middle name and 5) ….. the title Dr. Seuss soon became loved 6)…... children around the world.

     Dr. Seuss 7).... a new company to sell his books called Beginner Books. He wrote funny stories like Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now!, and stories that 8)…... lessons (The Lorax).

   Dr. Seuss also worked on movies that 9)…... true stories. Two of these films won

Academy Awards. His cartoon Gerald McBoing-Boing 10)….... an Oscar in 1951.

11)...... in 1984, Dr. Seuss won a special Pulitzer 12). …... for his lifetime of work.

варіанти відповідей

12) price

12) award

12) honour    

12) victory

Запитання 24

There are three writing tasks for you to select from. Choose the one that you feel you are most capable to write about. 

(choose one topic, write in your copybooks and send a photo to your teacher)

варіанти відповідей

1. Famous people are often idolised by young people. How do you feel about this? Do you think they are good examples to follow? Why or why not? Do you think that famous people have a responsibility to be good role models? Do you have an idol? What qualities make a good idol?

2. There are many people who claim that they can see into the future. Do you believe this is possible? Would you like to know what your future will be? Why or why not? What would be beneficial about seeing your future? What would be negative about it?

3. In today’s world people are very mobile. They can travel to and live in many different places. Some people choose small towns and villages and others only want to live in a big city. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each location? In your opinion, where is the best place to live and why? Do you think people can live happily in a village if they grew up in a city and vice versa? Why or why not?

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