OS2 Unit 1

Додано: 26 листопада 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 46 разів
18 запитань
Запитання 1

You can borrow books from a(n) ........... 

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Запитання 2

My mum is a(n) ...........; she keeps records of money for her company

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Запитання 3

We are going to the ........... tonight. There’s a really good play on.


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Запитання 4

A farmer works ........... looking after animals and crops.


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Запитання 5

There are lots of things you can do to make a good first ........... in an interview.


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Запитання 6

It’s important for superheroes to keep their real identity a ........... .

     A mistake         B peace         C secret

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Запитання 7

Kevin is a(n) ........... at the riding school. He teaches classes on Saturdays.


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Запитання 8

Regular ..........., like swimming or cycling, is good for you.


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Запитання 9

Marie-Claude isn't a Canadian.

I ________ she comes from France.

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am believing

Запитання 10

Look! Junko ________ into the water

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is jumping

Запитання 11

Once a week, I ________ to an art class at the college

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am going

Запитання 12

. It ________ quite hard — perhaps we shouldn't go out tonight.

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is snowing

Запитання 13

Karen has very good manners; she is patient/ polite.

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Запитання 14

Damien is quite unsociable/unimaginative; he doesn't like talking to people.

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Запитання 15

Natasha always does the right thing; she’s very hard-working/responsible.

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Запитання 16

Malcolm is too lazy/impatient to tidy his room; it's always a mess.

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Запитання 17

Susan Marks has got a very important job. She is a zoo keeper. She works at a zoo in Texas. There are over 3,500 animals to look after so she works as part of a big team! Susan gets up at 6:00 am and starts work an hour later. Her first task in the morning is to check that the animals are happy and healthy. Her next job is to clean where the animals sleep and give them fresh water. After this, she feeds the animals! The rhinos eat lots of carrots and apples and special biscuits that give them the vitamins they need.

Susan's favourite part of the day is when she gets to play with the animals. Right now she is helping to train a female tiger. Spending time with the tiger helps Susan gain her trust. It's hard work but the tiger is making progress.

At 5:00 pm when the zoo closes, Susan finishes work but her walk on the wild side starts all over again the next day!

Question: Susan takes care of animals - True/ False

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Запитання 18

Susan Marks has got a very important job. She is a zoo keeper. She works at a zoo in Texas. There are over 3,500 animals to look after so she works as part of a big team! Susan gets up at 6:00 am and starts work an hour later. Her first task in the morning is to check that the animals are happy and healthy. Her next job is to clean where the animals sleep and give them fresh water. After this, she feeds the animals! The rhinos eat lots of carrots and apples and special biscuits that give them the vitamins they need.

Susan's favourite part of the day is when she gets to play with the animals. Right now she is helping to train a female tiger. Spending time with the tiger helps Susan gain her trust. It's hard work but the tiger is making progress. 

At 5:00 pm when the zoo closes, Susan finishes work but her walk on the wild side starts all over again the next day!

Question - Rhinos only eat fruit - True/False

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