Before having meal we have to ....
After getting up we have to ...
I’d like to buy a new ... for the floor in my bedroom. It is too cold there.
I am cold! Can you turn the ... on?
I can see a modern lamp on the ......
A person who lives the next door is called a .....
A person who shares a rented flat with smb. is called a .....
Their was no I knocked on the door
What are you looking .....? My phone.
I don't like to look little sis
The .....helped me to find a proper flat for renting. I've paid 200 dollars for that
I ....a flat last weekend
I ...... the windows yestersay morning
When I.... to work I ............that I close the door.
He ....for a bus when it ... to rain
Two days ago I friend and we ........ to the theatre
We .........the house before our mum came home.
I Warsaw but now I am here.
She rent a house. And now she lives in the detached house. me? so nice as in my house. It is the best
Has .....been to this cafe?
Can I have of water?
Give me
I have ......time to talk. Good bye!
.....moments later she cried.
Have you got in your new house?
Give me .......advice, help me!
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