passive voice

Додано: 22 січня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 431 раз
33 запитання
Запитання 1

choose the right variant of the sentence:

варіанти відповідей

the phone fixed yesterday.

the phone was just fixed

the phone will be fixed by tomorrow.

the phone has just been fixed.

Запитання 2

Find the right translation for the next sentence:

Historical museums are usually visited by many tourists.

варіанти відповідей

багато туристів відвідують історичні музеї.

цей історичний музей відвідує багато туристів.

історичні музеї зазвичай вдвідуються багатьма туристами.

історичний музей відвідує туристів.

Запитання 3

choose the right English translation for the sentence:

будівля нових офісів зараз оброворюється архітекторами.

варіанти відповідей

architects are discussing new offices building now.

new offices building has been discussed by architects now.

the building of new offices are being discussed by architects now.

the building of new offices is being discussed by architects now.

Запитання 4

choose the right variant

варіанти відповідей

the picture was finish by the artist

the picture will finished by the artist

the picture will be finished by the artist

the picture were finished by the artist

Запитання 5

Find the right translation for the next sentence:

a lot of experiments in the field of medicine have been done recently.

варіанти відповідей

науковці зробили багато експериментів нещодавно.

багато медичних експериментів було зроблено нещодавно.

нещодавно багато експериментів було зроблено.

багато експериментів в галузі медицини було нещодавно зроблено.

Запитання 6

choose the right translation for the sentence:

the first cars were mass-produced by Henry Ford.

варіанти відповідей

перші машини були зроблені Генрі Фордом

Генрі Форд випустив першу машину для народа.

перші машини масового виробництва були зроблені Генрі Фордом

перші машини масового виробництва були придбані Генрі Фордом

Запитання 7

Сhoose the right English translation for the sentence:

Механічні годинники були зроблені в 14 столітті.

варіанти відповідей

mechanical clock were made in 14th centure

mechanical clock have been made in the 14 centure.

mechanical clocks were made in the 14th centure.

mechanical clocks were make in the 14th centure.

Запитання 8

choose the right variant for the next sentence:

My question (to answer) yesterday.

варіанти відповідей


was answered

were answered

to be answered

Запитання 9

choose the right variant for the next sentence:

the matter (to discuss) recently.

варіанти відповідей

was discussed

had been biscussed

has been discussed

were discussed

Запитання 10

choose the right variant for the next sentence:

They (to teach) drawing at the lesson now.

варіанти відповідей

were taught

have been taught

are taught

are being taught

Запитання 11

choose the right translation of the sentence;

Whom were the letters wtitten by?

варіанти відповідей

хто написав ці листи?

кому написані ці листи?

ким написані ці листи?

про що написані ці листи?

Запитання 12

choose the right translation of the sentence:

What must be paid attention to?

варіанти відповідей

за що треба заплатити?

що треба заплатити?

на що треба звернути увагу?

ми повинні звернути на це увагу?

Запитання 13

choose the right translation of the sentence:

The belongings are being loaded just now.

варіанти відповідей

речі вже завантажили.

речі зараз вантажать.

речі зараз завантажать.

речі будуть вантажити

Запитання 14

choose sentences in Passive Voice

варіанти відповідей

the room was cleaned and aired

all the articles were read

the letter has just been typed

the room was clean

Запитання 15

choose sentences in Passive Voice

варіанти відповідей

everything was prepared

everything was ready

everybody was allowed to enter

everybody allowed to go home

Запитання 16

choose sentences in Passive Voice

варіанти відповідей

all the passengers were listening to the music

all the passengers were listened to

all the passengers have been listened to

all the passengers listened to music

Запитання 17

what grammar tense is in the sentence:

The child is taken care of.

варіанти відповідей

present simple active

present simple passive

past simple active

past simple passive

Запитання 18

what grammar tense is in the sentence:

All the questions have been answered

варіанти відповідей

present simple active

present simple passive

present perfect passive

present continuous passive

Запитання 19

what grammar tense is in the sentence:

They have recently built a huge plant in the city.

варіанти відповідей

present simple passive

present perfect passive

past simple active

present perfect active

Запитання 20

what grammar tense is in the sentence:

Her dress was washed and ironed.

варіанти відповідей

past perfect passive

past continuous passive

past simple active

past simple passive

Запитання 21

choose the right English translation for the sentence

Її кота щойно знайшли в саду.

варіанти відповідей

Her cat have been found just in the garden.

Her cat has just been found in the garden.

Her cat just found the garden.

Her cats has just been finded in the garden.

Запитання 22

choose the right passive variant for the next sentence:

I will buy a new iPhone tomorrow.

варіанти відповідей

I will be bought tomorrow

A new iPhone will buy tomorrow

A new iPhone will be buy tomorrow

A new iPhone will be bought tomorrow

Запитання 23

choose the right passive variant for the next sentence:

 Somebody accused me of stealing the money.

варіанти відповідей

 I am accused of stealing the money.

 I were accused of stealing the money.

I will be accused of stealing the money.

 I was accused of stealing the money.

Запитання 24

choose the right passive variants for the next sentence:

We will send you your examination results.

варіанти відповідей

You will sent your examination results.

 You will be send your examination results.

 You will be sent your examination results.

Your examination results will be sent to you

Запитання 25

choose the right passive variants for the next sentence:

The storm has damaged a lot of houses

варіанти відповідей

A lot of houses have damaged by the storm.

A lot of houses have been damage by the storm.

 A lot of houses has been damaged by the storm.

 A lot of houses have been damaged by the storm.

Запитання 26

choose the right passive variants for the next sentence:

They are building a new road around the city.

варіанти відповідей

A new road was being built around the city.

A new road was built around the city.

 A new road is being built around the city.

 A new road has being built around the city.

Запитання 27

 choose the right passive variants for the next sentence:

They have changed the date of the meeting.

варіанти відповідей

 The date of the meeting has changed.

The date of the meeting has being changed

The date of the meeting has been changed.

 The date of the meeting has been changing.

Запитання 28

choose the right passive variants for the next sentence:

They have sold their bungalow in the countryside.

варіанти відповідей

Their bungalow in the countryside have been sold by them.

Their bungalow in the countryside has sold by them.

 Their bungalow in the countryside have sold by them.

Their bungalow in the countryside has been sold by them.

Запитання 29

Choose the right variant:

 All the windows of the house _______ last weekend.

варіанти відповідей

are cleaned

was cleaned

were cleaned

have been cleaned

Запитання 30

Choose the right variant:

 Nobody _______________ of the accident last week

варіанти відповідей

is informed

are informed

were informed

was informed

Запитання 31

Choose the right variant:

St. Paul’s Cathedral _______________ by Sir Christopher Wren.

варіанти відповідей

is build

was build

was built

has been built

Запитання 32

Choose the right passive variant:

We are collecting the donations at the moment.

варіанти відповідей

The donations are collecting at the moment

The donations are being collecting at the moment

The donations are being collected at the moment

The donations are been collecting at the moment

Запитання 33

Choose the right passive variant:

Are they talking about the meeting?

варіанти відповідей

Is about the meeting being talked ?

Is the meeting been talked about?

Is the meeting being talking about?

Is the meeting being talked about?

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