2. Готуємося до ЗНО. Повторюємо: Past Simple

Додано: 11 липня 2019
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 1031 раз
8 запитань
Запитання 1

- When ___ you get up yesterday?

- I ____ at 8 o`clock yesterday.

варіанти відповідей

do, get up

do, got up

did, get up

did, got up

Запитання 2

- When ___ you born?

- I ___ born on the third of November.

варіанти відповідей

was, was

were, were

was, were

were, was

Запитання 3

- When ___ he ___ to bed yesterday?

- It ___ very late. He ____ to bed almost at midnight.

варіанти відповідей

- When does he went to bed yesterday?

- It was very late. He goes to bed almost at midnight.

- When did he go to bed yesterday?

- It was very late. He went to bed almost at midnight.

- When did he go to bed yesterday?

- It was very late. He goes to bed almost at midnight.

- When did he went to bed yesterday?

- It was very late. He went to bed almost at midnight.

Запитання 4

- How old ___ you last year?

- I ___ 16 years old last year.

- ___ you 17 now?

- Yes, I ___.

варіанти відповідей

- How old were you last year?

- I was 16 years old last year.

- Are you 17 now?

- Yes, I am.

- How old was you last year?

- I were 16 years old last year.

- Was you 17 now?

- Yes, I were.

- How old were you last year?

- I was 16 years old last year.

- Were you 17 now?

- Yes, I am.

- How old were you last year?

- I was 16 years old last year.

- Were you 17 now?

- Yes, I was.

Запитання 5

- What ___ the weather like yesterday?

- The weather ____ wonderful!

варіанти відповідей

did, did

did, was

was, did

was, was

Запитання 6

When my sister ___ 4 years old, she _____ milk.

варіанти відповідей

When my sister was 4 years old, she didn`t likes milk.

When my sister was 4 years old, she doesn`t liked milk.

When my sister was 4 years old, she didn`t like milk.

When my sister was 4 years old, she wasn`t like milk.

Запитання 7

- ___ you do morning exercises when you ___ 6 years old?

- No, I ____.

варіанти відповідей

- Did you do morning exercises when you was 6 years old?

- No, I didn`t.

- Did you do morning exercises when you were 6 years old?

- No, I didn`t.

- Did you do morning exercises when you were 6 years old?

- No, I wasn`t.

- Did you do morning exercises when you were 6 years old?

- No, I did.

Запитання 8

- What ___ you ___ for lunch?

- I ___ a sandwich, two apples and a banana.And what ___ you ___?

- I ___ a bar of chocolate and ____ a can of cola.

варіанти відповідей

- What did you have for lunch?

- I had a sandwich, two apples and a banana.And what did you ate?

- I ate a bar of chocolate and drank a can of cola.

- What did you had for lunch?

- I had a sandwich, two apples and a banana.And what did you ate?

- I ate a bar of chocolate and drank a can of cola.

- What did you have for lunch?

- I had a sandwich, two apples and a banana.And what did you eat?

- I ate a bar of chocolate and drank a can of cola.

- What did you have for lunch?

- I had a sandwich, two apples and a banana.And what did you eat?

- I eated a bar of chocolate and drinked a can of cola.

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