Past Simple. Full Blast 1

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Додано: 13 квітня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Копія з тесту: Past Simple. Full Blast 1
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Find the past form of the irregular verb "go"

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 2

Complete with was, wasn`t, were or weren`t.

Where _________________ you last night?

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 3

Two years ago I … my old aunt in a small old town.

варіанти відповідей




didn`t visited

Запитання 4

One day my aunt asked me: " … the flowers in the garden yesterday?"

варіанти відповідей

Did you water

You watered

Did you watered

You did water

Запитання 5

It .... like any other day.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 6

I had quite an exciting evening. It started like any other day. I got home from school and did my homework. Then I wanted to play football, but Mum needed help with the cooking, Dad asked me to clean the garage and Lisa asked me to find some information on the Internet for her project. I was so bored! I just wanted to play football.

Then something incredible happened...

A Blackout!

No electricity! No cooking!. No cleaning! No computer! Yippee! So, I went outside and played football in the street with my friends all evening.

It was a brilliant match!

Answer the question:

What was Diana`s evening like?

варіанти відповідей

It was boring.

It wasn`t exciting.

It was exciting.

It was nice.

Запитання 7

I had quite an exciting evening. It started like any other day. I got home from school and did my homework. Then I wanted to play football, but Mum needed help with the cooking, Dad asked me to clean the garage and Lisa asked me to find some information on the Internet for her project. I was so bored! I just wanted to play football.

Then something incredible happened...

A Blackout!

No electricity! No cooking!. No cleaning! No computer! Yippee! So, I went outside and played football in the street with my friends all evening.

It was a brilliant match!

Answer the question:

What did she do after she got home from school?

варіанти відповідей

She listened to the music.

She watered the flowers.

She played chess.

She did her homework.

Запитання 8

I had quite an exciting evening. It started like any other day. I got home from school and did my homework. Then I wanted to play football, but Mum needed help with the cooking, Dad asked me to clean the garage and Lisa asked me to find some information on the Internet for her project. I was so bored! I just wanted to play football.

Then something incredible happened...

A Blackout!

No electricity! No cooking!. No cleaning! No computer! Yippee! So, I went outside and played football in the street with my friends all evening.

It was a brilliant match!

Answer the question:

What did she want to do after her homework?

варіанти відповідей

She wanted to sleep.

She wanted to play football.

She wanted to read.

She wanted to help her Mum.

Запитання 9

I had quite an exciting evening. It started like any other day. I got home from school and did my homework. Then I wanted to play football, but Mum needed help with the cooking, Dad asked me to clean the garage and Lisa asked me to find some information on the Internet for her project. I was so bored! I just wanted to play football.

Then something incredible happened...

A Blackout!

No electricity! No cooking!. No cleaning! No computer! Yippee! So, I went outside and played football in the street with my friends all evening.

It was a brilliant match!

Answer the question:

Who needed help with the cooking?

варіанти відповідей

Her aunt

Her dad

Her mum

Her sister

Запитання 10

I had quite an exciting evening. It started like any other day. I got home from school and did my homework. Then I wanted to play football, but Mum needed help with the cooking, Dad asked me to clean the garage and Lisa asked me to find some information on the Internet for her project. I was so bored! I just wanted to play football.

Then something incredible happened...

A Blackout!

No electricity! No cooking!. No cleaning! No computer! Yippee! So, I went outside and played football in the street with my friends all evening.

It was a brilliant match!

Answer the question:

Who asked her to clean the garage?

варіанти відповідей

Her uncle

Her mum

Her friends

Her dad

Запитання 11

I had quite an exciting evening. It started like any other day. I got home from school and did my homework. Then I wanted to play football, but Mum needed help with the cooking, Dad asked me to clean the garage and Lisa asked me to find some information on the Internet for her project. I was so bored! I just wanted to play football.

Then something incredible happened...

A Blackout!

No electricity! No cooking!. No cleaning! No computer! Yippee! So, I went outside and played football in the street with my friends all evening.

It was a brilliant match!

Answer the question:

What did she do istead of cooking and cleaning the garage?

варіанти відповідей

She went outside and played football with friends all evening.

She played football with her sister.

She found some information on the Internet for her sister`s project.

She listened to the radio.

Запитання 12

I had quite an exciting evening. It started like any other day. I got home from school and did my homework. Then I wanted to play football, but Mum needed help with the cooking, Dad asked me to clean the garage and Lisa asked me to find some information on the Internet for her project. I was so bored! I just wanted to play football.

Then something incredible happened...

A Blackout!

No electricity! No cooking!. No cleaning! No computer! Yippee! So, I went outside and played football in the street with my friends all evening.

It was a brilliant match!

Answer the question:

What did Lisa stop doing because of the blackout?

варіанти відповідей

She stopped working on her poject.

She stopped helping her mum with the cooking.

She stopped playing football in the street with her sister.

She stopped cleaning the garage.

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