Past Tenses Revision

Додано: 20 березня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 229 разів
27 запитань
Запитання 1

Match each tense form with the situation(s) of its use

Past Simple

варіанти відповідей

для дії в минулому, яка почалася до події в минулому та тривала до або після неї. Для минулої події використовуємо Past Simple

для завершених дій та ситуацій

для вираження дії, що відбулася до минулої події. В реченнях з when + Past Simple, щоб показати, що одна з подій відбулася раніше

для незакінченої дії, яка відбувалася у зазначений час у минулому

Запитання 2

Match each tense form with the situation(s) of its use

Past Continuous

варіанти відповідей

для дії в минулому, яка почалася до події в минулому та тривала до або після неї. Для минулої події використовуємо Past Simple

для завершених дій та ситуацій

для вираження дії, що відбулася до минулої події. В реченнях з when + Past Simple, щоб показати, що одна з подій відбулася раніше

для незакінченої дії, яка відбувалася у зазначений час у минулому

Запитання 3

Match each tense form with the situation(s) of its use

Past Perfect

варіанти відповідей

для дії в минулому, яка почалася до події в минулому та тривала до або після неї. Для минулої події використовуємо Past Simple

для завершених дій та ситуацій

для вираження дії, що відбулася до минулої події. В реченнях з when + Past Simple, щоб показати, що одна з подій відбулася раніше

для незакінченої дії, яка відбувалася у зазначений час у минулому

Запитання 4

Put the verb in brackets using Past Simple or Past Continuous form to complete the sentences

They (to wait) for her when she finally (to arrive).

варіанти відповідей

They were waiting for her when she finally arrived.

They were waiting for her when she finally was arriving.

They waited for her when she finally was arriving.

They waited for her when she finally arrived.

Запитання 5

Put the verb in brackets using Past Simple or Past Continuous form to complete the sentences

I (to see) Carol at the party. She (to wear) a beautiful dress.

варіанти відповідей

I saw Carol at the party. She was wearing a beautiful dress.

I saw Carol at the party. She wore a beautiful dress.

I was seeing Carol at the party. She was wearing a beautiful dress.

I was seeing Carol at the party. She wore a beautiful dress.

Запитання 6

Put the verb in brackets using Past Simple or Past Continuous form to complete the sentences

When she (to get) a steady job, they (to buy) a better house.

варіанти відповідей

When she got a steady job, they bought a better house.

When she was getting a steady job, they bought a better house.

When she was getting a steady job, they was buying a better house.

When she got a steady job, they was buying a better house.

Запитання 7

Put the verb in brackets using Past Simple or Past Continuous form to complete the sentences

I (to read) the Economist, while my sister (to watch) BBC1.

варіанти відповідей

I was reading the Economist, while my sister was watching BBC1.

I read the Economist, while my sister watched BBC1.

I read the Economist, while my sister was watching BBC1.

I was reading the Economist, while my sister watched BBC1.

Запитання 8

He (to burn) his hand when he (to cook) dinner.

варіанти відповідей

He burnt his hand when he was cooking dinner.

He was burning his hand when he cooked dinner.

He was burning his hand when he was cooking dinner.

He burnt his hand when he cooked dinner.

Запитання 9

Put the verb in brackets using Past Simple or Past Continuous form to complete the sentences

When I (to arrive), the lecture had already started and the professor (to write) on the overhead projector.

варіанти відповідей

When I arrived, the lecture had already started and the professor was writing on the overhead projector.

When I arrived, the lecture had already started and the professor wrote on the overhead projector.

When I was arriving, the lecture had already started and the professor was writing on the overhead projector.

When I was arriving, the lecture had already started and the professor wrote on the overhead projector.

Запитання 10

Put the verb in brackets using Past Simple or Past Continuous form to complete the sentences

I (to write) a letter when the lights (to go) out.

варіанти відповідей

I was writing a letter when the lights went out.

I was writing a letter when the lights was going out.

I wrote a letter when the lights went out.

I wrote a letter when the lights was going out.

Запитання 11

Put the verb in brackets using Past Simple or Past Continuous form to complete the sentences

I (to share) a flat with him when we (to be) students. He always (to complain) about my untideness.

варіанти відповідей

I shared a flat with him when we were students. He was always complaining about my untideness.

I shared a flat with him when we were students. He always complained about my untideness.

I shared a flat with him when we were students. He always complained about my untideness.

I was sharing a flat with him when we were students. He was always complaining about my untideness.

Запитання 12

Put the verb in brackets using Past Simple or Past Continuous form to complete the sentences

He suddenly (to realise) that he (to travel) in a wrong direction.

варіанти відповідей

He suddenly realised that he was travelling in a wrong direction.

He suddenly was realising that he was travelling in a wrong direction.

He suddenly realised that he travelled in a wrong direction.

He suddenly was realising that he travelled in a wrong direction.

Запитання 13

Put the verb in brackets using Past Simple or Past Continuous form to complete the sentences

You (to look) very busy when I (to see) you last night. What you (to do)?

варіанти відповідей

You looked very busy when I saw you last night. What were you doing?

You were looking very busy when I saw you last night. What did you do?

You looked very busy when I was seeing you last night. What were you doing?

You were looking very busy when I was seeing you last night. What were you doing?

Запитання 14

Put the verb in brackets using Past Simple or Past Perfect form to complete the sentences

I (to want) to see you yesterday.

варіанти відповідей

I wanted to see you yesterday.

I was wanting to see you yesterday.

I had wanted to see you yesterday.

Запитання 15

Put the verb in brackets using Past Simple or Past Perfect form to complete the sentences

He (to tell) me that he (to see) me the day before yesterday.

варіанти відповідей

He told me that he had seen me the day before yesterday.

He had told me thay he saw me the day before yesterday.

He told me that he saw me the day before yesterday.

He had told me that he had seen me the day before yesterday.

Запитання 16

Put the verb in brackets using Past Simple or Past Perfect form to complete the sentences

There (to be) a strong wind last week.

варіанти відповідей

There was a strong wind last week.

There were a strong wind last week.

There had been a strong wind last week.

Запитання 17

Put the verb in brackets using Past Simple or Past Perfect form to complete the sentences

Pete (to find) the toy which he (to lose).

варіанти відповідей

Pete found the toy which he had lost.

Pete found the toy which he lost.

Pete had found the toy which he lost.

Pete had found the toy which he had lost.

Запитання 18

Put the verb in brackets using Past Simple or Past Perfect form to complete the sentences

When I (to run) a mile, I (to be) very tired.

варіанти відповідей

When I had run a mile, I was very tired.

When I had run a mile, I had been very tired.

When I ran a mile, I was very tired.

When I ran a mile, I had been very tired.

Запитання 19

Put the verb in brackets using Past Simple or Past Perfect form to complete the sentences

The tourist (to speak) about places he (to visit).

варіанти відповідей

The tourist spoke about places he had visited.

The tourist spoke about places he visited.

The tourist had spoken about places he visited.

The tourist had spoken about places he had visited.

Запитання 20

Put the verb in brackets using Past Simple or Past Perfect form to complete the sentences

After he (to check) up his students papers he (to go) to bed.

варіанти відповідей

After he had checked up his students papers he went to bed.

After he had checked up his students papers he had gone to bed.

After he checked up his students papers he went to bed.

After he checked up his students papers he had gone to bed.

Запитання 21

Put the verb in brackets using Past Simple or Past Perfect form to complete the sentences

They (to complete) all the preparations for the trip by 5 o'clock.

варіанти відповідей

They had completed all the preparations for the trip by 5 o'clock.

They were completing all the preparations for the trip by 5 o'clock.

They completed all the preparations for the trip by 5 o'clock.

Запитання 22

Put the verb in brackets using Past Simple or Past Perfect form to complete the sentences

On leaving the hospital the man (to thank) the doctor who (to cure) him of his disease.

варіанти відповідей

On leaving the hospital the man thanked the doctor who had cured him of his disease.

On leaving the hospital the man thanked the doctor who cured him of his disease.

On leaving the hospital the man had thanked the doctor who had cured him of his disease.

On leaving the hospital the man had thanked the doctor who cured him of his disease.

Запитання 23

Put the verb in brackets using Past Simple or Past Perfect form to complete the sentences

In the morning all the passengers (to feel) good after the noght they (to spend) in the comfortable sleeper.

варіанти відповідей

In the morning all the passengers felt good after the noght they had spent in the comfortable sleeper.

In the morning all the passengers felt good after the noght they spent in the comfortable sleeper.

In the morning all the passengers had felt good after the noght they had spent in the comfortable sleeper.

In the morning all the passengers had felt good after the noght they spend in the comfortable sleeper.

Запитання 24

Put the verb in brackets using Past Simple or Past Perfect form to complete the sentences

Last night he (to complete) the experiment which he (to begin) some months ago.

варіанти відповідей

Last night he completed the experiment which he had begun some months ago.

Last night he completed the experiment which he began some months ago.

Last night he had completed the experiment which he began some months ago.

Last night he had completed the experiment which he had begun some months ago.

Запитання 25

Put the verb in brackets using Past Simple or Past Perfect form to complete the sentences

They (to be) friends for some ten years before Mike (to meet) them.

варіанти відповідей

They were friends for some ten years before Mike met them.

They were friends for some ten years before Mike had met them.

They had been friends for some ten years before Mike met them.

They had been friends for some ten years before Mike had met them.

Запитання 26

Put the verb in brackets using Past Simple or Past Perfect form to complete the sentences

He (to find) the girl even more beautiful than he (to expect) her to be.

варіанти відповідей

He found the girl even more beautiful than he had expected her to be.

He found the girl even more beautiful than he expected her to be.

He had found the girl even more beautiful than he expected her to be.

He had found the girl even more beautiful than he had expected her to be.

Запитання 27

Put the verb in brackets using Past Simple or Past Perfect form to complete the sentences

Sam (to forget) that the Stones (to ask) him to dinner a week before.

варіанти відповідей

Sam forgot that the Stones had asked him to dinner a week before.

Sam forgot that the Stones asked him to dinner a week before.

Sam had forgotten that the Stones asked him to dinner a week before.

Sam had forgotten that the Stones had asked him to dinner a week before.

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