People in your life

Read the texts and do the tasks

Додано: 11 листопада 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 71 раз
10 запитань
Запитання 1

Most Disney stories tell us about great love, but there is another kind of relationship lessons we can learn from their films – how to be a friend. Here are the most prominent examples of true friendship.

1.Most films of Disney..

варіанти відповідей

1.tell us about true friends

2. tell us about love

3.teach us to sing

Запитання 2

Mowgli and Baloo. The wild boy adores his bear friend so much that even imitates his behaviour scratching his back on trees. Looking at them you feel like floating carelessly through the jungle. Too-oo-oooh!


варіанти відповідей

1. hates his bear friend

2. adores his bear friend

3.imitates his bear friend behaviour

Запитання 3

Dumbo and Timothy Mouse. It is so important to have somebody who believes in you even more than you do. Timothy persuades Dumbo that he can fly and Dumbo is there for him at the moment of need when he saves them both Timothy and his dropped father just by being a good friend.

3.It is important ...

варіанти відповідей

1. that somebody believes in you

2.that somebody saves you

3.that somebody loves you

Запитання 4

Timon and Pumbaa. Besides giving us one of the best Disney songs, they also teach us a precious lesson. These two accept each other exactly as they are and put up with one another’s nasty habits. These two have a friendship for the ages. That is why it is almost impossible to imagine them without each other. Hakuna Matata!

4.The two friends accept each other nasty habits

варіанти відповідей


2. False

Запитання 5

Rapunzel and Pascal. When you’re best friends, words become unnecessary. There is no better proof of this than Rapunzel and Pascal. Let’s look at the facts: They kept each other company for years while locked up in Rapunzel’s tower, they both are constantly watching each other’s backs, and never complain when losing in their lively games of hide-and-seek. Pascal also bravely follows Rapunzel away from the tower as she searches for her true destiny.

5.They ...

варіанти відповідей

1. never complained, when loosing in games

2.never lived in the tower

3.never leave each other

Запитання 6

Aladdin and Genie. They are such good friends that they wear matching outfits, and Genie is such a good friend to both of them that he performs lively song and dance routines, saves their lives, and offers some pretty great advice. It’s true that they have never had a friend like Genie, and it’s also true that the rest of us have never seen a friendship like this one.

6 Alladin and Genie were...

варіанти відповідей

1. good friends even to wear the same clothes

2.good friends to sing the same songs

3. not very good friends

Запитання 7

Woody and Buzz. Just look at them. We imagine that a sheriff and a space ranger have little in common except for a healthy respect for the law and, you know, being toys. Buzz and Woody’s great ability to forget about their differences and become the best of friends is inspirational in so many ways, the biggest thing is that it reminds us that our best friends can sometimes come from the places we least expect. There is nobody who can come between these two best buds.

7.They were..

варіанти відповідей

1. from different places friends

3.very boring buds

Запитання 8

Ariel and Flounder. We’ve all envied Ariel and wanted to have a Flounder of our own, and many of us still do. When your parents don’t seem to understand you or when the world seems unfriendly and confusing, it’s good to have a listening gill and a fin to cry on whenever you need it. And to know that there is not a big, but a brave fish who will stop at nothing to help you.

8.Flounder was..

варіанти відповідей

1.unfriendly and confusing

2.was attentive and supporting

3.was not ready to help

Запитання 9

Winnie the Pooh and… all, all, all. One of them’s a kind old bear. One of them’s a shy tiny pig. Together they form the most lovely, supportive friendship we could imagine. Neither of them expects anything from the other, and both are happy to just exist together as they are.

A bear and a pig...

варіанти відповідей

1. are not friends at all

2.are lovely and suppoertive friends

3.are selfish guys

Запитання 10

Although some may have chosen Pooh Bear and Christopher Robin, and others may have thought about Roo and his buddy Tigger. It feels like the whole Winnie the Pooh crew deserves to make the Disney Favourite Friends list. Their personalities complement each other perfectly, and without each other, they wouldn’t be nearly so wonderful. 

9.The Pooh Bear crew..

варіанти відповідей

1. deserves to be friend to everybody the best friend to Rapunzel not tidy

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