Підсумкова контрольна побота 6 клас

Додано: 24 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 117 разів
24 запитання
Запитання 1

Choose much, many, little, few, some, any to complete each sentence.

1.We haven't got _____ petrol. We need to stop and get some.

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Запитання 2

Fill in the gaps with few, little, a few, a little.

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'Were there any people at the conference?' 'Yes, a little

'Were there any people at the conference?' 'Yes,a few

'Were there any people at the conference?' 'Yes,few

'Were there any people at the conference?' 'Yes ,little

Запитання 3

Fill in the gaps with a lot of, much, many, how much, how many.

Not   people know his secret.

варіанти відповідей

a lot of



how many

Запитання 4

Choose much, many, little, few, some, any to complete the sentences below.

We spent too− − − − money on our last holiday.


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a lot of

Запитання 5

Choose much, many, little, few, some, any to complete the sentences below.

did  people come to your party?

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Запитання 6

Choose much, many, little, few, some, any to complete the sentences below.

I only speak  English.

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Запитання 7

Choose the correct past simple forms to complete the sentences below.

Where  on holiday last summer?

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do you go

did you went

did you go

were you went

Запитання 8

Choose the correct past simple forms to complete the sentences below.

They   sure of what to do.

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didn′t be


didn`t were


Запитання 9

choose the correct past simple forms to complete the sentences below.

he   ready for the test.

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wasn`t be

didn`t be



Запитання 10

Choose the correct past simple forms to complete these sentences.

We _____ a bus to Chicago last week.

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were took

did took



Запитання 11

Write the past simple forms of the regular verbs in brackets to complete these sentences.

He  (try) to escape.

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Запитання 12

Write the past simple forms of the irregular verbs in brackets to complete these sentences.

I  (forget) to tell you something important.

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Запитання 13

Choose the correct infinitives and gerunds to complete the sentences below.

You promised  − − −−  the children to the cinema.

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to take

to be taken

Запитання 14

Choose the correct infinitives and gerunds to complete the sentences below.

I couldn't −−−−you because I didn't have my phone.

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to phone



to have phoned

Запитання 15

Translate the sentences into English.

Том не був у школі вчора

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Tom didn't be at school yesterday.

Tom wasn't at school yesterday.

Tom was at school yesterday.

Tom went to school yesterday.

Запитання 16

Translate into English.

Багато картин Леонардо да Вінчі не були закінчені, тому що він завжди був зайнятий роблячи іншу роботу.

варіанти відповідей

Many of Leonardo da Vinci's pictures weren't finished because he was always busy doing other work.

Many pictures by Leonardo da Vinci weren't finished because of he was always busy doing other things.

Leonardo da Vinci didn't always finish his pictures because he was always busy doing other work.

Many pictures of Leonardo da Vinci didn't survive because he was always busy doing other work.

Запитання 17

Translate into English.

люди думають,що шоколад є шкідливий для них, але він має деяку користь, тому що він захищає ваше серце понижуючи холестерин.

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People think chocolate is bad for them,but it has some benefits,because it protects your heart lowering cholesterol.

People think chocolate is bad for them,but it has some benefits,because it protects your heart raising cholesterol.

People think chocolate is not very bad for them,but it has some good aspects,because it protects your heart lowering cholesterol.

People think chocolate is dangerous for them,but it has some benefits,because it protects your heart raising cholesterol.

Запитання 18

Translate into English.

Червоне м"ясо таке як телятина може бути частиною здорового харчування включайте червоне мясо в прийоми їжі двічі на тиждень і ви отримаєте достатньо заліза і пртеїнів

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red meat such as beef can be part of healthy eating,include red meat in a meal twice a week and you will get enough iron and protein.

red meat such as pork can be part of healthy eating,include red meat in a meal twice a week and you will get too much iron and protein.

red meat such as beef can be part of healthy eating,contain red meat in a food twice a week and you will get enough iron and protein.

red meat such as pork can be part of healthy eating,include red meat in a food twice a week and you will get too much iron and protein.

Запитання 19

translate into English.

візьміть декілька яблук почистьте їх поріжте на дрібні скибки посипте цукром та покладіть в кипляче масло в пательню.

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Take some apples ,peel them and slice,sprinkle them with sugar and put them to the boiling butter into the frying pan.

Take some apples ,peel them and chop,sprinkle them with sugar and put it to the hot butter into the frying pan.

Take some apples ,peel them and chop,simmer them with sugar and throw it to the hot butter into the frying pan.

Take some apples ,peel them and slice,stir them with sugar and throw it to the hot butter into the frying pan.

Запитання 20

Make up the sentence using Past Simple tense

We / to clean / the flat / last Saturday.

варіанти відповідей

we cleaned the flat last Saturday

we did clean the flat last Saturday

we was cleaned the flat last Saturday

we were cleaned the flat last Saturday

Запитання 21

Make up a sentence in the Past Simple Tense:

Sally / not/ to speak/ to her aunt/ yesterday.

варіанти відповідей

Sally did not speak to her aunt yesterday.

Sally did not spoke to her aunt yesterday.

Sally was not spoke to her aunt yesterday.

Sally was not speaking to her aunt yesterday.

Запитання 22

Make up a sentence in the Past Simple Tense:

Ann / to win / the competition / last month?

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 Ann win the competition last month.

 Ann won the competition last month.

Did Ann win the competition last month?

 Do Ann win the competition last month?

Запитання 23

Make up a sentence in the Past Simple Tense:

I / not / to buy / milk / yesterday.


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 I shall not buy milk yesterday.

 I did not buy milk yesterday.

 I do not buy milk yesterday.

 I not buyed milk yesterday.

Запитання 24

Make up a sentence in the Past Simple Tense:

You / to like / the film/ last Sunday?

варіанти відповідей

 You were liked the film last Sunday.

Did you were liked the film last Sunday?

 were you liked the film last Sunday?

 Did you like the film last Sunday?

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