Підсумкове оцінювання

Додано: 13 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 24 рази
35 запитань
Запитання 1


The girl and her family are from London

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Запитання 2

London is not big but there are a lot of things to see

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Запитання 3

Harrods is a museum

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Запитання 4

Hamleys is a toy shop

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Запитання 5

Oxford Street and Piccadilly Circus are very long

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Запитання 6

Queen lives in Buckingham palace

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Запитання 7

Piccadilly Circus is in the middle of London

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Запитання 8

The London Eye is a big wheel. It has 135 capsules.

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Запитання 9

Big Ben is the name of the tower

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Запитання 10

ticket is

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Запитання 11


I think that travelling by plane, train, and bus isn't comfortable. You can't change the way of your trip and you can't stop and see the places you like. My father drives a car and i think this is the best means of transport for travelling on business and for pleasure.

Find the correct answer

варіанти відповідей

The best means of transport is car

The best means of transport is plane

The best means of transport is train

Запитання 12

I think that travelling by plane, train, and bus isn't comfortable. You can't change the way of your trip and you can't stop and see the places you like. My father drives a car and I think this is the best means of transport for travelling on business and for pleasure.

варіанти відповідей

 In a car trip you can stop where you want.

 In car trip you cannot see places you like.

Запитання 13

Americans enjoy travelling by car most of all. Families often have two cars and in many states teenagers get driving licences at the age of fourteen. In large cities like New York or Boston public transport is very good. There are buses and the underground. In the countryside Americans use their cars to get around because they often have to drive long distances to get to school or to work. When Americans want to visit their friends or relatives they usually travel by plane. This is because the USA is so large that it may take a lot of time to travel by car or by train.

Most families have more than one car.

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Запитання 14

Americans enjoy travelling by car most of all. Families often have two cars and in many states teenagers get driving licences at the age of fourteen. In large cities like New York or Boston public transport is very good. There are buses and the underground. In the countryside Americans use their cars to get around because they often have to drive long distances to get to school or to work. When Americans want to visit their friends or relatives they usually travel by plane. This is because the USA is so large that it may take a lot of time to travel by car or by train.

People usually travel by car around the USA.

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Запитання 15

Americans enjoy travelling by car most of all. Families often have two cars and in many states teenagers get driving licences at the age of fourteen. In large cities like New York or Boston public transport is very good. There are buses and the underground. In the countryside Americans use their cars to get around because they often have to drive long distances to get to school or to work. When Americans want to visit their friends or relatives they usually travel by plane. This is because the USA is so large that it may take a lot of time to travel by car or by train.

In the countryside Americans don't have to drive long distances.

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Запитання 16

Last year my parents and I traveled to Paris. It is the ______(1) of France. We went there by_____ (2). We arrived in Paris in the ____(3) and stayed at a ____(4) hotel in the centre of the city. We made a ____(5) around Paris. It was absolutely fantastic.

Fill in the gap #1:

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Запитання 17

Last year my parents and I traveled to Paris. It is the ----- of France. We went there by_____ (2). We arrived in Paris in the ____(3) and stayed at a ____(4) hotel in the centre of the city. We made a ____(5) around Paris. It was absolutely fantastic.

Fill in the gap #2:

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Запитання 18

Last year my parents and I traveled to Paris. It is the ______(1) of France. We went there by_____ (2). We arrived in Paris in the ____(3) and stayed at a ____(4) hotel in the centre of the city. We made a ____(5) around Paris. It was absolutely fantastic.

Fill in the gap # 3:

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Запитання 19

Last year my parents and I traveled to Paris. It is the ______(1) of France. We went there by_____ (2). We arrived in Paris in the ____(3) and stayed at a ____(4) hotel in the centre of the city. We made a ____(5) around Paris. It was absolutely fantastic.

Fill in the gap # 4:

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Запитання 20

Last year my parents and I traveled to Paris. It is the ______(1) of France. We went there by_____ (2). We arrived in Paris in the ____(3) and stayed at a ____(4) hotel in the centre of the city. We made a ____(5) around Paris. It was absolutely fantastic

Fill in the gap # 5:

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Запитання 21

They .... a football match now.

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are playing

is playing

Запитання 22

______ the film scary?

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Did be



Запитання 23

My daughter________ the dishes every day.

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is washing



Запитання 24

Ann ...... me an email yesterday.

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doesn't send

didn't send

didn't sent

hasn't sent

Запитання 25

Travelling by bus is .... than travelling on foot.

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the fastest

more fast

Запитання 26

The blue car is __________ the red car. (slow)

варіанти відповідей

The blue car is slower as the red car.

 The blue car is not as slow the red car.

The blue car is as slow as the red car.

Запитання 27

The London Eye is 135 metres high. Big Ben is 96 metres tall.

(Декілька варіантов можливо)

варіанти відповідей

The London Eye is as tall as Big Ben.

Big Ben is not as tall as the London Eye.

The London Eye is not as high as Big Ben.

The London Eye is higher than Big Ben.

Запитання 28

 It is a royal church.

варіанти відповідей

 Westminster Abbey

 Buckingham Palace    

 Tower Bridge

the Tower of London

Запитання 29

 This building was a prison in the past.

варіанти відповідей

 Buckingham Palace

 the Tower of London

 St. Paul's Cathedral

 the National Gallery

Запитання 30

- Excuse me, how can I......... to the cinema?

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Запитання 31

Bірно сформоване питання

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Do your brother often brings presents?

Does your brother often bring presents?

Did your brother brought presents?

Your brother bring presents?

Запитання 32

How can I get to the cinema?

варіанти відповідей

Turn left, go across the road, turn right and you see the cinema

Turn right, go across the road, turn right and you see it

Turn left, go along the road,at the crossroad turn right, go straight to the castle, opposite it there is a cinema

Turn left, go along the road, at the crossroad turn right, go straight, cross the road and you see it

Запитання 33

Long ago monks helped people in.......

варіанти відповідей

Tower of London

St.Sophia's Cathedral

St.Andrew's Church

the Kyiv-Pecherska Lavra

Запитання 34

Go sightseeings - means

варіанти відповідей

go by bus

go to one famous place

see a lot

have a tour to famous places

Запитання 35

Mariyinskiy Park was called so because......

варіанти відповідей

Mariya Oleksandrivna was born there

Mariya Oleksandrivna liked it very much

Mariya Oleksandrivna lived there

Mariya Oleksandrivna gave money for it

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