Підсумкове оцінювання

Додано: 16 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 40 разів
58 запитань
Запитання 1

Listening. Inventions and Discoveries.


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created monster

built labyrinth

worked for king

Запитання 2

King was called.....

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Запитання 3

Monster had.......

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terrible body and head

human's body and bull's hands

human's body and bull's head

Запитання 4

Daedalus couldn't leave an island because

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he was afraid of king

he was afraid of monster

king was afraid of giving away labyrinth's secret

Запитання 5

Icarus fell down because....

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the sun was too hot

he didn't listen to his father

wax melted

Запитання 6

Leonardo da Vinci lived from....

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1452 - 1519

1415 - 1509

1462 - 1519

Запитання 7

We could read Leonardo's notes only......

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with the help of translator

with the help of a mirror

on the left

Запитання 8

The flying machine was depicted by Vinci in.....

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Запитання 9

The Wright brothers......

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ran a small car factory

ran a small bycicle factory

ran cars

Запитання 10

The beginning of real history of flying was in ......

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Запитання 11

The first flying lasted for....

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20 seconds

12 seconds

47 seconds

Запитання 12

The new flying record of 59 seconds was set....

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in two days

the same day

the same month

Запитання 13



Mr. Friedman was in a shopping centre in Birmingham the other day when he suddenly felt very hungry. He decided to buy himself a sandwich, but when he took his wallet out he discovered that he only had a    $ 50 note. It was six o’clock in the evening, he was really hungry and nowhere else was open. Then he had a crazy idea! He’d buy some lottery tickets and the sandwich. He never did stupid things like that and in fact he never bought lottery tickets. It was the first time in his life.

Mr. Friedman was a cleaner and his wife was a secretary and they didn’t have much money, so when he got home his wife was very angry. ‘We look after our money,’’ she said, “and you go throw it away on lottery tickets! We’re saving for holidays in Brighton!”

That Saturday they watched the results on TV.

They won millions. It’s going to change their lives.

Mr. Friedman says that it was the luckiest sandwich in the world, and it was the luckiest crazy decision! And Mrs. Friedman has forgiven him for wasting their money. They’re going to go on that holiday, but not to Brighton.

 Mr. Friedman used his … in a shopping centre.

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Запитання 14

Mr. Friedman was in a shopping centre in Birmingham the other day when he suddenly felt very hungry. He decided to buy himself a sandwich, but when he took his wallet out he discovered that he only had a    $ 50 note. It was six o’clock in the evening, he was really hungry and nowhere else was open. Then he had a crazy idea! He’d buy some lottery tickets and the sandwich. He never did stupid things like that and in fact he never bought lottery tickets. It was the first time in his life.

Mr. Friedman was a cleaner and his wife was a secretary and they didn’t have much money, so when he got home his wife was very angry. ‘We look after our money,’’ she said, “and you go throw it away on lottery tickets! We’re saving for holidays in Brighton!”

That Saturday they watched the results on TV.

They won millions. It’s going to change their lives.

Mr. Friedman says that it was the luckiest sandwich in the world, and it was the luckiest crazy decision! And Mrs. Friedman has forgiven him for wasting their money. They’re going to go on that holiday, but not to Brighton.

 That evening Mr. Friedman … .

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 Craved for money

 Desired meal

 Felt discomfort

Neglected meal

Запитання 15

Mr. Friedman was in a shopping centre in Birmingham the other day when he suddenly felt very hungry. He decided to buy himself a sandwich, but when he took his wallet out he discovered that he only had a    $ 50 note. It was six o’clock in the evening, he was really hungry and nowhere else was open. Then he had a crazy idea! He’d buy some lottery tickets and the sandwich. He never did stupid things like that and in fact he never bought lottery tickets. It was the first time in his life.

Mr. Friedman was a cleaner and his wife was a secretary and they didn’t have much money, so when he got home his wife was very angry. ‘We look after our money,’’ she said, “and you go throw it away on lottery tickets! We’re saving for holidays in Brighton!”

That Saturday they watched the results on TV.

They won millions. It’s going to change their lives.

Mr. Friedman says that it was the luckiest sandwich in the world, and it was the luckiest crazy decision! And Mrs. Friedman has forgiven him for wasting their money. They’re going to go on that holiday, but not to Brighton.

 Mrs. Friedman was furious because … .


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 He stole $ 50

She hated her husband

 He misspent some cash

He earned a $ 50 note

Запитання 16

Mr. Friedman was in a shopping centre in Birmingham the other day when he suddenly felt very hungry. He decided to buy himself a sandwich, but when he took his wallet out he discovered that he only had a    $ 50 note. It was six o’clock in the evening, he was really hungry and nowhere else was open. Then he had a crazy idea! He’d buy some lottery tickets and the sandwich. He never did stupid things like that and in fact he never bought lottery tickets. It was the first time in his life.

Mr. Friedman was a cleaner and his wife was a secretary and they didn’t have much money, so when he got home his wife was very angry. ‘We look after our money,’’ she said, “and you go throw it away on lottery tickets! We’re saving for holidays in Brighton!”

That Saturday they watched the results on TV.

They won millions. It’s going to change their lives.

Mr. Friedman says that it was the luckiest sandwich in the world, and it was the luckiest crazy decision! And Mrs. Friedman has forgiven him for wasting their money. They’re going to go on that holiday, but not to Brighton.

 Mrs. Friedman mentioned that they … their money.

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looked for



Запитання 17

Mr. Friedman was in a shopping centre in Birmingham the other day when he suddenly felt very hungry. He decided to buy himself a sandwich, but when he took his wallet out he discovered that he only had a    $ 50 note. It was six o’clock in the evening, he was really hungry and nowhere else was open. Then he had a crazy idea! He’d buy some lottery tickets and the sandwich. He never did stupid things like that and in fact he never bought lottery tickets. It was the first time in his life.

Mr. Friedman was a cleaner and his wife was a secretary and they didn’t have much money, so when he got home his wife was very angry. ‘We look after our money,’’ she said, “and you go throw it away on lottery tickets! We’re saving for holidays in Brighton!”

That Saturday they watched the results on TV.

They won millions. It’s going to change their lives.

Mr. Friedman says that it was the luckiest sandwich in the world, and it was the luckiest crazy decision! And Mrs. Friedman has forgiven him for wasting their money. They’re going to go on that holiday, but not to Brighton.

Mrs. Friedman complained because … .

варіанти відповідей

 She dreamt of a holiday

She was greedy

 Her husband was a gambler

She spoiled a holiday

Запитання 18

Mr. Friedman was in a shopping centre in Birmingham the other day when he suddenly felt very hungry. He decided to buy himself a sandwich, but when he took his wallet out he discovered that he only had a    $ 50 note. It was six o’clock in the evening, he was really hungry and nowhere else was open. Then he had a crazy idea! He’d buy some lottery tickets and the sandwich. He never did stupid things like that and in fact he never bought lottery tickets. It was the first time in his life.

Mr. Friedman was a cleaner and his wife was a secretary and they didn’t have much money, so when he got home his wife was very angry. ‘We look after our money,’’ she said, “and you go throw it away on lottery tickets! We’re saving for holidays in Brighton!”

That Saturday they watched the results on TV.

They won millions. It’s going to change their lives.

Mr. Friedman says that it was the luckiest sandwich in the world, and it was the luckiest crazy decision! And Mrs. Friedman has forgiven him for wasting their money. They’re going to go on that holiday, but not to Brighton.

 Mrs. Friedman showed mercy to her husband for … their money.

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Making bad use of




Запитання 19

 Mr. Friedman decided to buy some lottery tickets instead of food.

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Запитання 20

The lottery tickets cost fifty dollars.

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Запитання 21

The Friedmans were rich enough to have holidays where they wanted

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Запитання 22

 Mrs. Friedman wasn’t pleased with her husband’s deed.

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Запитання 23

 The sandwich bought in the shopping centre brought the family a lot of wealth.

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Запитання 24

After getting their money Mr. and Mrs. Friedman have changed the place of their holiday.

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Запитання 25

Questions aren't on the text!

London Eye was opened......

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to mark London beauty

to see London from the top

to mark the beginning of new millennium

Запитання 26

Choose the right sentence.

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In English parks you can run, walk, cycle

In English parks you can play, walk and fly a kite

In English parks you can run, walk, but can't ride a bike

Запитання 27

In London story of human's culture from its beginning to the present is told in.....

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the Natural History Museum

the British Museum

the Royal Museums Greenwich

Запитання 28

"Great Britain" refers to England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

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Запитання 29

England shares it's borders with Wales in the west and Scotland to the north.

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Запитання 30

The capital of Wales is ...

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Запитання 31

Wales is known for its ...

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 mechanical engineering

fish industry

dairy industry

sheep industry

Запитання 32

What is the symbol of Wales?

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Запитання 33

This man is from...

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Northern Ireland

Запитання 34

Which country has a blue and white flag?

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Запитання 35


A __ studies the structure of substances, what happens when they are mixed with each other.

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Запитання 36

When was the bridge __? 

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Запитання 37

 Pierre and Marie Curie __ radiation in 1900.

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Запитання 38

Materials that are no longer needed and thrown away are __.

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Запитання 39

Who __ the steam engine?

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Запитання 40

consist ___ several parts

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Запитання 41

visit the countryside ___ holidays

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Запитання 42

Yesterday I saw a car ____ was really old.

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Запитання 43

Do you know the name of the man ___ car you crashed into?

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Запитання 44

Tube is the name of London __.

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department store

Запитання 45

If the train ___, we ___.

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 is late, will walk

 lates, will walk

 will be late, walk

Запитання 46

If a notebook ___ too much, I ___ a smaller one.

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will cost, buy

 will cost, will buy

 costs, will buy

Запитання 47

What ___, if the taxi ___?

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do we do, doesn't come

 will we do, doesn't come

 will we do, won't come

 do we do, won't come

Запитання 48

They ___ for her at the railway station at 9 pm tonight.

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are waiting

was waiting


will wait

Запитання 49

I was reading The Correspondent while my sister ___ TV.

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was watching

were watching

is watching

Запитання 50

____ in the aeroplane before?

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Did you fly

Have you flown

Had you flown

Have you flew

Запитання 51

Look at those clouds. It __

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is going to rain

is raining

will rain

Запитання 52

Hurry up! The performance ___ at 6 pm.

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is going to start

is starting

will start

Запитання 53

She joined the project mainly because she was interested in __ money.

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to make



Запитання 54

These magazines ___ by 1 million people every week.

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was read

are read


Запитання 55

We ___ grammar by Mr Sullivan.

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are taught


Запитання 56

The teacher ___ with the boy's work.

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is pleased

will please

Запитання 57

The trees ___ by the wind.

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blow down

 blew down

 were blown down

 is blown down

Запитання 58

The tourist told about the places he.....

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has visited

will visit

had visited

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