Підсумковий тест за II семестр 2021/2022 н.р.

Додано: 23 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 135 разів
24 запитання
Запитання 1

I. Listening

Choose the correct answer

1. Ann turns .... this Saturday

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Запитання 2

2. Ann wants to have a party.....

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at the hotel

at the house

in the garden

Запитання 3

3. Ann is worried about

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Запитання 4

4. Ann wants to have a .......at the party

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a clown

a DJ

a famous blogger

Запитання 5

5. Peter is going to come to help with decorations at ......o'clock

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Запитання 6


Read a text and mark sentenses True or False

I am Ann. I am not crazy about sports, but I think it is very important to keep in good form and stay healthy. I want to become a model, so I take great care about my body. I go jogging every day and I attend fitness room three times a week. When I have time, I also attend classes of aerobics, but they are quite expensive, so I can't go as often as I want.

    My name is Alex. I don’t understand people who think only about sports and physical perfection of their body or watch others doing the same on TV. Such people miss out a lot in their lives. It is much more fun to train brains. In the modern world people do not need muscles, difficult things can be done by machines. I am happy sitting on my sofa with a book or in front of the computer. 

1. Ann wants to be thin.

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Запитання 7

I am Ann. I am not crazy about sports, but I think it is very important to keep in good form and stay healthy. I want to become a model, so I take great care about my body. I go jogging every day and I attend fitness room three times a week. When I have time, I also attend classes of aerobics, but they are quite expensive, so I can't go as often as I want.

    My name is Alex. I don’t understand people who think only about sports and physical perfection of their body or watch others doing the same on TV. Such people miss out a lot in their lives. It is much more fun to train brains. In the modern world people do not need muscles, difficult things can be done by machines. I am happy sitting on my sofa with a book or in front of the computer. 

2. Ann does fitness every day

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Запитання 8

I am Ann. I am not crazy about sports, but I think it is very important to keep in good form and stay healthy. I want to become a model, so I take great care about my body. I go jogging every day and I attend fitness room three times a week. When I have time, I also attend classes of aerobics, but they are quite expensive, so I can't go as often as I want.

    My name is Alex. I don’t understand people who think only about sports and physical perfection of their body or watch others doing the same on TV. Such people miss out a lot in their lives. It is much more fun to train brains. In the modern world people do not need muscles, difficult things can be done by machines. I am happy sitting on my sofa with a book or in front of the computer. 

3. The girl often goes to classes of aerobics.

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Запитання 9

I am Ann. I am not crazy about sports, but I think it is very important to keep in good form and stay healthy. I want to become a model, so I take great care about my body. I go jogging every day and I attend fitness room three times a week. When I have time, I also attend classes of aerobics, but they are quite expensive, so I can't go as often as I want.

    My name is Alex. I don’t understand people who think only about sports and physical perfection of their body or watch others doing the same on TV. Such people miss out a lot in their lives. It is much more fun to train brains. In the modern world people do not need muscles, difficult things can be done by machines. I am happy sitting on my sofa with a book or in front of the computer. 

4. Alex doesn't like sport

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Запитання 10

I am Ann. I am not crazy about sports, but I think it is very important to keep in good form and stay healthy. I want to become a model, so I take great care about my body. I go jogging every day and I attend fitness room three times a week. When I have time, I also attend classes of aerobics, but they are quite expensive, so I can't go as often as I want.

    My name is Alex. I don’t understand people who think only about sports and physical perfection of their body or watch others doing the same on TV. Such people miss out a lot in their lives. It is much more fun to train brains. In the modern world people do not need muscles, difficult things can be done by machines. I am happy sitting on my sofa with a book or in front of the computer. 

5. Alex likes reading books

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Запитання 11

I am Ann. I am not crazy about sports, but I think it is very important to keep in good form and stay healthy. I want to become a model, so I take great care about my body. I go jogging every day and I attend fitness room three times a week. When I have time, I also attend classes of aerobics, but they are quite expensive, so I can't go as often as I want.

    My name is Alex. I don’t understand people who think only about sports and physical perfection of their body or watch others doing the same on TV. Such people miss out a lot in their lives. It is much more fun to train brains. In the modern world people do not need muscles, difficult things can be done by machines. I am happy sitting on my sofa with a book or in front of the computer. 

6. Alex thinks that people must make their bodies strong.

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Запитання 12

Use of English

Ben likes mountains. So he often goes......

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Запитання 13

People use a ...... for baseball

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Запитання 14

I like.......swimming

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Запитання 15

In New York all the streets are ......

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Запитання 16

Lubart's castle is a ......building

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Запитання 17

This shop is too.... I don't have much money

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Запитання 18

I usually go shopping at this .......store

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Запитання 19

Inuits travel on dog .....

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Запитання 20

You need a .....to play tennis

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knee pads



Запитання 21

They ..............in Lviv for three years

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have lived

has lived


Запитання 22

........you ever ..........a famous person?

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Has ...saw

Have .....seen

Did ... see

Запитання 23

Everest is ......mountain in the world

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the highest

Запитання 24

Motocross is .....than tennis

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more dangerous


the most comfortable

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