Political System. Photos.

Додано: 10 лютого 2024
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Look at the photo and choose the correct variant.

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Запитання 2

Look at the photo and choose the correct variant.

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Westminster Abbey

The Tower of London

Houses of Parliament

Bukingham Palace

Запитання 3

Look at the photo and choose the correct variant.

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House of Representatives

House of Commons

House of Lords

Запитання 4

Look at the photo and choose the correct variant.

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Oxford Street

the 5th Avenue

Baker Street

10, Downing Street

Запитання 5

Look at the photo and choose the correct variant.

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Charles III

Henry VIII

Henry III

John I

Запитання 6

Look at the photo and choose the correct variant.

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Prime Minister


Lord Chancellor


Запитання 7

Look at the photo and choose the correct variant.

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Buckingham Palace

Windzor Castle

Kensington palace 

Запитання 8

Look at the photo and choose the correct variant.

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Queen Victoria

Queen Elisabeth I

Queen Elisabeth II

Запитання 9

Look at the photo and choose the correct variant.

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Barak Obama

Rishy Sunak

Boris Johnson

David Cameron

Запитання 10

Look at the photo and choose the correct variant.

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Barak Obama

Rishy Sunak

Boris Johnson

David Cameron

Запитання 11

Look at the photo and choose the correct variant.

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House of Commons

House of Lords

Couse of Representatives


Запитання 12

Look at the photo and choose the correct variant.

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St Paul's Cathedral


Houses of Parliament

Bukingham Palace

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