3 Name the picture where there is water pollution
What is it?
What is it?
What is the weather?
What is the weather?
Which word matches the image?
Which word matches the image?
Which word matches the image?
Which word matches the image?
Which word matches the image?
Which word matches the image?
Which word matches the image?
Venus is (hot)
Jupiter is
Pluto is
Mercury is
Pluto is
Pluto is
Which planet is the nearest to the sun?
Which planet is the furthest from the sun?
Which planet is the most beautiful?
At night you can see lots of ................. in the sky.
Past simple form for 'wake up' is...
Past simple form for 'have' is...
Past simple form for 'go' is...
Past simple form for 'give' is...
Past simple form for 'say' is...
Mary ________________ the violin for me last Sunday.
Ann __________________ at 7 o’clock yesterday.
fly -
feel -
read -
play -
My granny ________ a chocolate cake 2 weeks ago.
Two years ago I was in Turkey and I __________ a real shark.
( negative) I ____________ my homework yesterday, because I was at the birthday party.
(negative) I _____________ you yesterday at school. Where were you yeasterday?
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