Prepare 5 B1 (Units 13-16)

Додано: 19 березня 2024
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
14 запитань
Запитання 1

I’ve always been interested in magazine (1)_____ and what they do to persuade you to buy things. And some of the (2)_____ of models’ faces and hair, for example, really look too good to be true, don’t they? Well, that’s because they probably are! Anyone can buy special (3)_____ that makes photos look better – if they know all the (4)_____ for using it effectively. So, if anyone takes a(n) (5)_____ and isn’t happy with how they look, they can upload the picture onto their computer and (6)_____ their appearance in seconds.

It’s amazing!

варіанти відповідей

1 improve

1 selfie

1 positions

1 results

1 software

1 techniques

1 images

1 adverts

Запитання 2

I’ve always been interested in magazine (1)_____ and what they do to persuade you to buy things. And some of the (2)_____ of models’ faces and hair, for example, really look too good to be true, don’t they? Well, that’s because they probably are! Anyone can buy special (3)_____ that makes photos look better – if they know all the (4)_____ for using it effectively. So, if anyone takes a(n) (5)_____ and isn’t happy with how they look, they can upload the picture onto their computer and (6)_____ their appearance in seconds.

It’s amazing!

варіанти відповідей

2 improve

2 selfie

2 positions

2 results

2 software

2 techniques

2 images

2 adverts

Запитання 3

I’ve always been interested in magazine (1)_____ and what they do to persuade you to buy things. And some of the (2)_____ of models’ faces and hair, for example, really look too good to be true, don’t they? Well, that’s because they probably are! Anyone can buy special (3)_____ that makes photos look better – if they know all the (4)_____ for using it effectively. So, if anyone takes a(n) (5)_____ and isn’t happy with how they look, they can upload the picture onto their computer and (6)_____ their appearance in seconds.

It’s amazing!

варіанти відповідей

3 improve

3 selfie

3 positions

3 results

3 software

3 techniques

3 images

3 adverts

Запитання 4

I’ve always been interested in magazine (1)_____ and what they do to persuade you to buy things. And some of the (2)_____ of models’ faces and hair, for example, really look too good to be true, don’t they? Well, that’s because they probably are! Anyone can buy special (3)_____ that makes photos look better – if they know all the (4)_____ for using it effectively. So, if anyone takes a(n) (5)_____ and isn’t happy with how they look, they can upload the picture onto their computer and (6)_____ their appearance in seconds.

It’s amazing!

варіанти відповідей

4 improve

4 selfie

4 positions

4 results

4 software

4 techniques

4 images

4 adverts

Запитання 5

I’ve always been interested in magazine (1)_____ and what they do to persuade you to buy things. And some of the (2)_____ of models’ faces and hair, for example, really look too good to be true, don’t they? Well, that’s because they probably are! Anyone can buy special (3)_____ that makes photos look better – if they know all the (4)_____ for using it effectively. So, if anyone takes a(n) (5)_____ and isn’t happy with how they look, they can upload the picture onto their computer and (6)_____ their appearance in seconds.

It’s amazing!

варіанти відповідей

5 improve

5 selfie

5 positions

5 results

5 software

5 techniques

5 images

5 adverts

Запитання 6

I’ve always been interested in magazine (1)_____ and what they do to persuade you to buy things. And some of the (2)_____ of models’ faces and hair, for example, really look too good to be true, don’t they? Well, that’s because they probably are! Anyone can buy special (3)_____ that makes photos look better – if they know all the (4)_____ for using it effectively. So, if anyone takes a(n) (5)_____ and isn’t happy with how they look, they can upload the picture onto their computer and (6)_____ their appearance in seconds.

It’s amazing!

варіанти відповідей

6 improve

6 selfie

6 positions

6 results

6 software

6 techniques

6 images

6 adverts

Запитання 7

I was walking through (1)______ city centre recently when I found (2)______ strange old key lying on the pavement. I didn’t know how it had got there and I began to imagine it might unlock (3)______ front door of a big old house – or even (4)______ ancient castle somewhere! I picked up (5)______ key and put it into my pocket, then decided to take it to (6)______ City Museum. There I was introduced to (7)______ expert in historic buildings, who knew exactly where it had come from – and I was given (8)______ reward of €50 for being honest and returning it. So, I was very happy!

варіанти відповідей

1 the

1 a

1 an

Запитання 8

I was walking through (1)______ city centre recently when I found (2)______ strange old key lying on the pavement. I didn’t know how it had got there and I began to imagine it might unlock (3)______ front door of a big old house – or even (4)______ ancient castle somewhere! I picked up (5)______ key and put it into my pocket, then decided to take it to (6)______ City Museum. There I was introduced to (7)______ expert in historic buildings, who knew exactly where it had come from – and I was given (8)______ reward of €50 for being honest and returning it. So, I was very happy!

варіанти відповідей

2 the

2 a

2 an

Запитання 9

I was walking through (1)______ city centre recently when I found (2)______ strange old key lying on the pavement. I didn’t know how it had got there and I began to imagine it might unlock (3)______ front door of a big old house – or even (4)______ ancient castle somewhere! I picked up (5)______ key and put it into my pocket, then decided to take it to (6)______ City Museum. There I was introduced to (7)______ expert in historic buildings, who knew exactly where it had come from – and I was given (8)______ reward of €50 for being honest and returning it. So, I was very happy!

варіанти відповідей

3 the

3 a

3 an

Запитання 10

I was walking through (1)______ city centre recently when I found (2)______ strange old key lying on the pavement. I didn’t know how it had got there and I began to imagine it might unlock (3)______ front door of a big old house – or even (4)______ ancient castle somewhere! I picked up (5)______ key and put it into my pocket, then decided to take it to (6)______ City Museum. There I was introduced to (7)______ expert in historic buildings, who knew exactly where it had come from – and I was given (8)______ reward of €50 for being honest and returning it. So, I was very happy!

варіанти відповідей

4 the

4 a

4 an

Запитання 11

I was walking through (1)______ city centre recently when I found (2)______ strange old key lying on the pavement. I didn’t know how it had got there and I began to imagine it might unlock (3)______ front door of a big old house – or even (4)______ ancient castle somewhere! I picked up (5)______ key and put it into my pocket, then decided to take it to (6)______ City Museum. There I was introduced to (7)______ expert in historic buildings, who knew exactly where it had come from – and I was given (8)______ reward of €50 for being honest and returning it. So, I was very happy!

варіанти відповідей

5 the

5 a

5 an

Запитання 12

I was walking through (1)______ city centre recently when I found (2)______ strange old key lying on the pavement. I didn’t know how it had got there and I began to imagine it might unlock (3)______ front door of a big old house – or even (4)______ ancient castle somewhere! I picked up (5)______ key and put it into my pocket, then decided to take it to (6)______ City Museum. There I was introduced to (7)______ expert in historic buildings, who knew exactly where it had come from – and I was given (8)______ reward of €50 for being honest and returning it. So, I was very happy!

варіанти відповідей

6 the

6 a

6 an

Запитання 13

I was walking through (1)______ city centre recently when I found (2)______ strange old key lying on the pavement. I didn’t know how it had got there and I began to imagine it might unlock (3)______ front door of a big old house – or even (4)______ ancient castle somewhere! I picked up (5)______ key and put it into my pocket, then decided to take it to (6)______ City Museum. There I was introduced to (7)______ expert in historic buildings, who knew exactly where it had come from – and I was given (8)______ reward of €50 for being honest and returning it. So, I was very happy!

варіанти відповідей

7 the

7 a

7 an

Запитання 14

I was walking through (1)______ city centre recently when I found (2)______ strange old key lying on the pavement. I didn’t know how it had got there and I began to imagine it might unlock (3)______ front door of a big old house – or even (4)______ ancient castle somewhere! I picked up (5)______ key and put it into my pocket, then decided to take it to (6)______ City Museum. There I was introduced to (7)______ expert in historic buildings, who knew exactly where it had come from – and I was given (8)______ reward of €50 for being honest and returning it. So, I was very happy!

варіанти відповідей

8 the

8 a

8 an

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