She is cooking now
They are watering the plants at the moment
We always clear the table
He is loading the dishwasher
They sometimes take out the rubbish
I make the bed every day
I often vacuum my room
Are you ironing a T-shirt at the moment?
Do you put away clothes ?
Does she load a washing machine every month?
Find the mistake ❌
Find the mistake
Find the mistake
Find a mistake
Translate the word - usually
Translate the word - now
Translate the phrase - every day
Find the right ✔︎ translation: usually - often - always
She _____ (write) the letter now
They _____ (read) a book at the moment
I ____ (set) the table now
I ____ (walk) my dog every day
She ______ (run) twice a week
Formation of the Present Simple
Formation of the Present Continuous
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