Professional skills. Reading.

Додано: 4 грудня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 187 разів
10 запитань
Запитання 1

A__________ person always does what they promised or were asked to do.

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Запитання 2

During the interview I often ask the candidates to describe their ________ skills to see whether they understand their personality and can be a great addition to our team.

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Запитання 3

I have to be very _________ to details in my work and do everything carefully.

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Запитання 4

In my opinion, every employee has to be an __________ in their field then the company will succeed quickly.

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Запитання 5

If you’re an IT programmer and want to achieve success, you have to develop such hard skills as:

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being helpful and attentive to details; speaking foreign languages;

speaking foreign languages, being good at Maths and knowing programming languages

being creative, polite and responsible

knowing programming languages, being sociable and punctual

Запитання 6

Read the text and answer the questions

This is Anton Ptushkin. He is a famous Ukrainian travel blogger and a TV-host who visited Japan, Switzerland, Bali, Canada, Australia, Sweden, and many other countries. It’s hard to count how many countries he has been to. Ptushkin is an experienced traveler. Anton has more than 3.6 million subscribers on his YouTube channel. The channel is still growing day by day. It’s one of the most popular travel channels in Ukraine. By the way, Ptushkin also has a channel in English. It’s called Anton Somewhere. Don’t forget to check it out!

The most interesting thing is that he generates ideas for videos, films, and edits them by himself. It seems that teamwork is not something that he needs. For sure, Anton has great filmmaking skills. He is extremely talented. One of his travel vlogs to Dubai has gained more than 17 million views! Undoubtedly, it’s a successful video. It shows that Anton is a real expert in his job. Anton’s vlogs are usually pretty long. They are around 45 minutes which is a lot longer than most of the YouTube videos.

While traveling, it’s important to be punctual. Because you don’t want to miss your flight, do you? What’s more, a traveler has to be attentive to details. Firstly, you have to be attentive in order not to lose anything. Anton once lost his really expensive camera! Keep an eye on your belongings. Secondly, you might notice some little things that not everyone can see. Like hidden attractions, narrow streets, and local restaurants.

Anton creates informative videos. He tells about the country’s traditions, typical lifestyle, and attractions. Not to mention that the atmosphere in his vlogs is unreal: beautiful landscapes, breathtaking views, never-ending horizons. Also, he makes short interviews with people who live there. They are called locals. Ptushkin’s interviewing skills are absolutely amazing. He is really good at communication with people. Most of the time, locals are helpful, friendly and polite. They can recommend you where to go, what to see, where to eat etc.

1. Anton Ptushkin is a … .

варіанти відповідей

wildlife reporter

TV-host and travel blogger


Запитання 7

Read the text and answer the questions

This is Anton Ptushkin. He is a famous Ukrainian travel blogger and a TV-host who visited Japan, Switzerland, Bali, Canada, Australia, Sweden, and many other countries. It’s hard to count how many countries he has been to. Ptushkin is an experienced traveler. Anton has more than 3.6 million subscribers on his YouTube channel. The channel is still growing day by day. It’s one of the most popular travel channels in Ukraine. By the way, Ptushkin also has a channel in English. It’s called Anton Somewhere. Don’t forget to check it out!

The most interesting thing is that he generates ideas for videos, films, and edits them by himself. It seems that teamwork is not something that he needs. For sure, Anton has great filmmaking skills. He is extremely talented. One of his travel vlogs to Dubai has gained more than 17 million views! Undoubtedly, it’s a successful video. It shows that Anton is a real expert in his job. Anton’s vlogs are usually pretty long. They are around 45 minutes which is a lot longer than most of the YouTube videos.

While traveling, it’s important to be punctual. Because you don’t want to miss your flight, do you? What’s more, a traveler has to be attentive to details. Firstly, you have to be attentive in order not to lose anything. Anton once lost his really expensive camera! Keep an eye on your belongings. Secondly, you might notice some little things that not everyone can see. Like hidden attractions, narrow streets, and local restaurants.

Anton creates informative videos. He tells about the country’s traditions, typical lifestyle, and attractions. Not to mention that the atmosphere in his vlogs is unreal: beautiful landscapes, breathtaking views, never-ending horizons. Also, he makes short interviews with people who live there. They are called locals. Ptushkin’s interviewing skills are absolutely amazing. He is really good at communication with people. Most of the time, locals are helpful, friendly and polite. They can recommend you where to go, what to see, where to eat etc.

Choose the country that Anton didn’t make a vlog about. 

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Запитання 8

Read the text and answer the questions

This is Anton Ptushkin. He is a famous Ukrainian travel blogger and a TV-host who visited Japan, Switzerland, Bali, Canada, Australia, Sweden, and many other countries. It’s hard to count how many countries he has been to. Ptushkin is an experienced traveler. Anton has more than 3.6 million subscribers on his YouTube channel. The channel is still growing day by day. It’s one of the most popular travel channels in Ukraine. By the way, Ptushkin also has a channel in English. It’s called Anton Somewhere. Don’t forget to check it out!

The most interesting thing is that he generates ideas for videos, films, and edits them by himself. It seems that teamwork is not something that he needs. For sure, Anton has great filmmaking skills. He is extremely talented. One of his travel vlogs to Dubai has gained more than 17 million views! Undoubtedly, it’s a successful video. It shows that Anton is a real expert in his job. Anton’s vlogs are usually pretty long. They are around 45 minutes which is a lot longer than most of the YouTube videos.

While traveling, it’s important to be punctual. Because you don’t want to miss your flight, do you? What’s more, a traveler has to be attentive to details. Firstly, you have to be attentive in order not to lose anything. Anton once lost his really expensive camera! Keep an eye on your belongings. Secondly, you might notice some little things that not everyone can see. Like hidden attractions, narrow streets, and local restaurants.

Anton creates informative videos. He tells about the country’s traditions, typical lifestyle, and attractions. Not to mention that the atmosphere in his vlogs is unreal: beautiful landscapes, breathtaking views, never-ending horizons. Also, he makes short interviews with people who live there. They are called locals. Ptushkin’s interviewing skills are absolutely amazing. He is really good at communication with people. Most of the time, locals are helpful, friendly and polite. They can recommend you where to go, what to see, where to eat etc.

To become a travel blogger you DON‘T have to … .

варіанти відповідей

work in a team

have great filmmaking skills

be good at communication

Запитання 9

Read the text and answer the questions

This is Anton Ptushkin. He is a famous Ukrainian travel blogger and a TV-host who visited Japan, Switzerland, Bali, Canada, Australia, Sweden, and many other countries. It’s hard to count how many countries he has been to. Ptushkin is an experienced traveler. Anton has more than 3.6 million subscribers on his YouTube channel. The channel is still growing day by day. It’s one of the most popular travel channels in Ukraine. By the way, Ptushkin also has a channel in English. It’s called Anton Somewhere. Don’t forget to check it out!

The most interesting thing is that he generates ideas for videos, films, and edits them by himself. It seems that teamwork is not something that he needs. For sure, Anton has great filmmaking skills. He is extremely talented. One of his travel vlogs to Dubai has gained more than 17 million views! Undoubtedly, it’s a successful video. It shows that Anton is a real expert in his job. Anton’s vlogs are usually pretty long. They are around 45 minutes which is a lot longer than most of the YouTube videos.

While traveling, it’s important to be punctual. Because you don’t want to miss your flight, do you? What’s more, a traveler has to be attentive to details. Firstly, you have to be attentive in order not to lose anything. Anton once lost his really expensive camera! Keep an eye on your belongings. Secondly, you might notice some little things that not everyone can see. Like hidden attractions, narrow streets, and local restaurants.

Anton creates informative videos. He tells about the country’s traditions, typical lifestyle, and attractions. Not to mention that the atmosphere in his vlogs is unreal: beautiful landscapes, breathtaking views, never-ending horizons. Also, he makes short interviews with people who live there. They are called locals. Ptushkin’s interviewing skills are absolutely amazing. He is really good at communication with people. Most of the time, locals are helpful, friendly and polite. They can recommend you where to go, what to see, where to eat etc.

Anton’s most popular video is about … .

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Запитання 10

Read the text and answer the questions

This is Anton Ptushkin. He is a famous Ukrainian travel blogger and a TV-host who visited Japan, Switzerland, Bali, Canada, Australia, Sweden, and many other countries. It’s hard to count how many countries he has been to. Ptushkin is an experienced traveler. Anton has more than 3.6 million subscribers on his YouTube channel. The channel is still growing day by day. It’s one of the most popular travel channels in Ukraine. By the way, Ptushkin also has a channel in English. It’s called Anton Somewhere. Don’t forget to check it out!

The most interesting thing is that he generates ideas for videos, films, and edits them by himself. It seems that teamwork is not something that he needs. For sure, Anton has great filmmaking skills. He is extremely talented. One of his travel vlogs to Dubai has gained more than 17 million views! Undoubtedly, it’s a successful video. It shows that Anton is a real expert in his job. Anton’s vlogs are usually pretty long. They are around 45 minutes which is a lot longer than most of the YouTube videos.

While traveling, it’s important to be punctual. Because you don’t want to miss your flight, do you? What’s more, a traveler has to be attentive to details. Firstly, you have to be attentive in order not to lose anything. Anton once lost his really expensive camera! Keep an eye on your belongings. Secondly, you might notice some little things that not everyone can see. Like hidden attractions, narrow streets, and local restaurants.

Anton creates informative videos. He tells about the country’s traditions, typical lifestyle, and attractions. Not to mention that the atmosphere in his vlogs is unreal: beautiful landscapes, breathtaking views, never-ending horizons. Also, he makes short interviews with people who live there. They are called locals. Ptushkin’s interviewing skills are absolutely amazing. He is really good at communication with people. Most of the time, locals are helpful, friendly and polite. They can recommend you where to go, what to see, where to eat etc.

Choose something that Anton DOESN’T do in his videos. Anton doesn’t … .

варіанти відповідей

make short interviews with the local

try all of the national dishes

show beautiful landscapes

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