Progress Test 2A (OETB1)

Додано: 28 травня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 41 раз
28 запитань
Запитання 1

Complete the sentences with the correct preposition (in, at or on).

        The children are playing _________ the garden.

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Запитання 2

Complete the sentences with the correct preposition (in, at or on).

                _________ Monday afternoons we meet for a game of football.

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Запитання 3

Complete the sentences with the correct preposition (in, at or on).

                       We always spend Christmas _________ home.

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Запитання 4

Complete the sentences with the correct preposition (in, at or on).

        But _________ Easter we’re usually with my grandparents at the cottage.

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Запитання 5

Complete the sentences with the correct preposition (in, at or on).

        Our school is _________ Keble Street, opposite the hotel.

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Запитання 6

Complete the sentences with the correct preposition (in, at or on).

 Can you find the highest mountain in Britain, Ben Nevis, _________ the map?

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Запитання 7

Complete the sentences with the correct preposition (in, at or on).

    The lesson starts _________ three minutes. Hurry up!

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Запитання 8

Complete the sentences with the correct preposition (in, at or on).

  My older brother Jim is studying engineering _________ a Technical University in Poland.

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Запитання 9

Complete the sentences with the correct preposition (in, at or on).

    _________ the photo, I can see a family of four: mum, dad and two children.

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Запитання 10

Complete the sentences with the correct preposition (in, at or on).

   If you look at the picture very carefully, you will see an animal _________ the right. Is it a cat or a dog? 

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Запитання 11

Complete the sentences with the correct articles (a, an, the or – no article).

         I was at _________ train station when you called me.

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Запитання 12

Complete the sentences with the correct articles (a, an, the or – no article).

          I left work at _________ 6 p.m.

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Запитання 13

Complete the sentences with the correct articles (a, an, the or – no article).

       Yellowstone National Park is in _________ Rocky  Mountains.

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Запитання 14

Complete the sentences with the correct articles (a, an, the or – no article).

         Our new neighbours, _________ Greens, have got a cat and a dog.

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Запитання 15

Complete the sentences with the correct articles (a, an, the or – no article).

           We practise three times _________ week.

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Запитання 16

Complete the sentences with the correct articles (a, an, the or – no article).

    Are you going to _________ beach this afternoon?

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Запитання 17

Complete the sentences with the correct articles (a, an, the or – no article).

   The kids are sitting at _________ table eating breakfast

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Запитання 18

Complete the sentences with the correct articles (a, an, the or – no article).

          Is there _________ post-office near here?

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Запитання 19

Complete the sentences with the correct articles (a, an, the or – no article).

         They went to _________ Canary Islands last summer.

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Запитання 20

Complete the sentences with the correct articles (a, an, the or – no article).

        They’re opening _________ art gallery here.

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Запитання 21

My cousin Alice first met her boyfriend when she was still 1___ her teens. She was invited to a party, 2___ she felt really 3___ at the end of an exam week. She just wanted to stay in bed and watch a good film. She had a shower and 4___ she was searching the web, her phone rang. Her best friend Ella called and told her she was going to the party, too, 5___, Alice got dressed and went. 6___ she arrived at the party, she felt a bit better. She was chatting to friends 7___ she realized there was a tall, 8___ boy looking at her. She didn’t know him and felt a bit nervous and 9___. 10___ the party was over, they found they had a lot in common. They left hand in hand, and next spring they are going to get married!

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Запитання 22

My cousin Alice first met her boyfriend when she was still 1___ her teens. She was invited to a party, 2___ she felt really 3___ at the end of an exam week. She just wanted to stay in bed and watch a good film. She had a shower and 4___ she was searching the web, her phone rang. Her best friend Ella called and told her she was going to the party, too, 5___, Alice got dressed and went. 6___ she arrived at the party, she felt a bit better. She was chatting to friends 7___ she realized there was a tall, 8___ boy looking at her. She didn’t know him and felt a bit nervous and 9___. 10___ the party was over, they found they had a lot in common. They left hand in hand, and next spring they are going to get married!

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2) so 3) pleased

2) but 3) exhausted

2) or 3) miserable

Запитання 23

My cousin Alice first met her boyfriend when she was still 1___ her teens. She was invited to a party, 2___ she felt really 3___ at the end of an exam week. She just wanted to stay in bed and watch a good film. She had a shower and 4___ she was searching the web, her phone rang. Her best friend Ella called and told her she was going to the party, too, 5___, Alice got dressed and went. 6___ she arrived at the party, she felt a bit better. She was chatting to friends 7___ she realized there was a tall, 8___ boy looking at her. She didn’t know him and felt a bit nervous and 9___. 10___ the party was over, they found they had a lot in common. They left hand in hand, and next spring they are going to get married!

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Запитання 24

My cousin Alice first met her boyfriend when she was still 1___ her teens. She was invited to a party, 2___ she felt really 3___ at the end of an exam week. She just wanted to stay in bed and watch a good film. She had a shower and 4___ she was searching the web, her phone rang. Her best friend Ella called and told her she was going to the party, too, 5___, Alice got dressed and went. 6___ she arrived at the party, she felt a bit better. She was chatting to friends 7___ she realized there was a tall, 8___ boy looking at her. She didn’t know him and felt a bit nervous and 9___. 10___ the party was over, they found they had a lot in common. They left hand in hand, and next spring they are going to get married!

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Запитання 25

My cousin Alice first met her boyfriend when she was still 1___ her teens. She was invited to a party, 2___ she felt really 3___ at the end of an exam week. She just wanted to stay in bed and watch a good film. She had a shower and 4___ she was searching the web, her phone rang. Her best friend Ella called and told her she was going to the party, too, 5___, Alice got dressed and went. 6___ she arrived at the party, she felt a bit better. She was chatting to friends 7___ she realized there was a tall, 8___ boy looking at her. She didn’t know him and felt a bit nervous and 9___. 10___ the party was over, they found they had a lot in common. They left hand in hand, and next spring they are going to get married!

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Запитання 26

My cousin Alice first met her boyfriend when she was still 1___ her teens. She was invited to a party, 2___ she felt really 3___ at the end of an exam week. She just wanted to stay in bed and watch a good film. She had a shower and 4___ she was searching the web, her phone rang. Her best friend Ella called and told her she was going to the party, too, 5___, Alice got dressed and went. 6___ she arrived at the party, she felt a bit better. She was chatting to friends 7___ she realized there was a tall, 8___ boy looking at her. She didn’t know him and felt a bit nervous and 9___. 10___ the party was over, they found they had a lot in common. They left hand in hand, and next spring they are going to get married!

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7) until 8) handsome

7) after 8) pretty

7) while 8) clever

Запитання 27

My cousin Alice first met her boyfriend when she was still 1___ her teens. She was invited to a party, 2___ she felt really 3___ at the end of an exam week. She just wanted to stay in bed and watch a good film. She had a shower and 4___ she was searching the web, her phone rang. Her best friend Ella called and told her she was going to the party, too, 5___, Alice got dressed and went. 6___ she arrived at the party, she felt a bit better. She was chatting to friends 7___ she realized there was a tall, 8___ boy looking at her. She didn’t know him and felt a bit nervous and 9___. 10___ the party was over, they found they had a lot in common. They left hand in hand, and next spring they are going to get married!

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Запитання 28

My cousin Alice first met her boyfriend when she was still 1___ her teens. She was invited to a party, 2___ she felt really 3___ at the end of an exam week. She just wanted to stay in bed and watch a good film. She had a shower and 4___ she was searching the web, her phone rang. Her best friend Ella called and told her she was going to the party, too, 5___, Alice got dressed and went. 6___ she arrived at the party, she felt a bit better. She was chatting to friends 7___ she realized there was a tall, 8___ boy looking at her. She didn’t know him and felt a bit nervous and 9___. 10___ the party was over, they found they had a lot in common. They left hand in hand, and next spring they are going to get married!

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