Progress test 3A OXT B1

Додано: 23 вересня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 14 разів
10 запитань
Запитання 1

  Circle the correct verb form in each sentence.


варіанти відповідей

My sister was wearing glasses, but now she wears contact lenses.

My sister used to wear glasses, but now she wears contact lenses.

Запитання 2

1    Circle the correct verb form in each sentence.

варіанти відповідей

  I was had lived in the centre for three years before we moved out to the country.

I was living in the centre for three years before we moved out to the country.

Запитання 3

1    Circle the correct verb form in each sentence.

варіанти відповідей

     1    You look so bored, what had you expected to see and do here?

     1    You look so bored, what did you expect to see and do here?

Запитання 4

     1    Someone / Anyone saw Peter jogging along the river.

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Запитання 5

     1    There’s anything / nothing interesting on at the cinema.

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Запитання 6

I haven’t seen Jim everywhere / anywhere

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Запитання 7


On 3 July 2003, a thirty-five-year-old Englishman called Doug Bruce walked into a police station in Coney Island, New York, and told the police that he did not know his own name. He had woken up a few minutes earlier on an underground train, with a headache and a hurt hand and shoulder. At that moment, he had no idea where he was going, where he had been, or who he was.

Doug went to a police station because he had nowhere else to go. He was wearing a T-shirt, shorts and sandals and he had a backpack with a few things in it: a Spanish textbook, a bunch of keys and a map of New York. The police were puzzled. ‘We’d never had anything like this before,’ says Lieutenant Pete Pena. They sent Doug to Coney Island Hospital. On his name tag, the nurse wrote ‘Unknown white male’.

The doctors were surprised at how strong his memory loss was. Although Doug could form sentences, he remembered nothing about his own past and seemed to know little about the world. One specialist at the hospital, Dr Leonid Voroybyev, admitted that he’d only ever seen such a serious case ‘in the movies and in my textbooks’.

The hospital would not let Doug go until they knew who he was. In the end, hospital staff found a phone number inside the textbook in Doug’s backpack. It belonged to an ex-girlfriend’s mother, but when staff contacted her, she had no idea who he was. However, when Doug spoke to the daughter, Nadine, she recognised his voice at once. ‘Is that you, Doug?’ she asked. ‘I don’t know,’ came the reply. Nadine went to the hospital, told the doctors who Doug was, and took him home.

‘Home’ was a very attractive apartment in downtown Manhattan, which he shared with two dogs and three parrots. Doug discovered that he had previously lived in Paris, where he had made a lot of money working in the banking industry.

Now that Doug knew who he was, he had to deal with other challenges. He was worried about meeting his family and friends because he thought they would seem like strangers to him. However, when he met his sisters, they told him that he had changed. Before the accident, he had been very friendly and sociable, but rarely showed his feelings. According to them, he had become much more relaxed and wasn’t scared to let people know how he was feeling. And indeed, to Doug, it felt like his life had started all over again as he tasted strawberries, saw snow fall and watched fireworks explode for what seemed like the first time.

     1    Doug Bruce was a rich American.  ___

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Запитання 8

     1    Doug had been learning a foreign language.  ___

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Запитання 9

The police found the situation rather confusing.  ___

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Запитання 10

     1    The doctors decided to study similar cases in textbooks.  ___

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