My brother is training to be a ___________ because he wants to help people when they are hurt.
My little sister gets __________on her face when she spends a long time in the sun.
John is a __________ friend and he is always there for me.
Angela is working part-time to ........................ some experience while she is studying.
This job sounds perfect for you. Why don’t you ........................ for it?
We are working late tonight because our boss wants us to ........................ this deadline.
We have to keep our pet python in a tank because it might ........................ its teeth into someone.
The supermarket is giving _______ a free drink when you buy a sandwich.
Big shops often team ________ with charities to raise money.
Brian is very good at his job. He keeps ________ getting pay rises.
What time ........................... (the bus/leave) for the airport?
Julie ........................... (sit) at a different desk today because her computer isn’t working.
Janice______________ (not/work) late tonight.
Trevor ____________ (not/come) to work this week because he’s on holiday.
A: I see you _______________ (have) a new mobile phone.
B: Yes, but I _______________ (have) problems with it at the moment.
A: Your baby brother _____________ (be) adorable!
B: Yes, but today he ______________ (be) really naughty. He keeps drawing on the wall.
My best friend is the most honest / more (honest) person I know.
Emily’s salary is ___________ than Jessie’s.
X: __________________________________
Y: Yes. One thing you can do is lock your things away.
X: If I were you, I’d sit somewhere else.
Y: ..................................................................
X: Well then, you could try talking to the teacher.
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